Learning Objectives Chapter 8 Social Influence and Persuasion Define social influence and describe the four major techniques of social influence reciprocity consistency and commitment scarcity capturing and disrupting attention Social Influence occurs when one s emotions opinions or behaviors are affected by others 1 Reciprocity feeling obligated to repay what others have done for you 2 Consistency and Commitment feeling compelled to act in ways that are consistent with our previous choices 3 Scarcity rare oppurtunities are more valuable than plentiful oppurtunities 4 Capturing and Disrupting Attention Describe and give examples of some of the prominent strategies of social influence Door in the face That s not all Foot in the door Low ball Bait and Switch Labeling Pique Disrupt then reframe Also know what technique each strategy relies on Door in the face large request first then small request likely to turn down large request and then comply with small request only works if larger request seems reasonable and both requests need to be made by same person That s not all begins with request but adds in bonus before you can answer Foot in the door small request first then large request if you can get them to comply with the first request they are more likely to comply with the second even though it is larger Low ball low cost request and then add in additional costs later scumbag technique only works if person complies with first request Bait and switch get person to comply with attractive offer then change to an available less attractive offer Labeling technique give someone a label and then ask them a request that is consistent with that label people will fulfil their labels generally Pique person will be more likely to comply with more specific unusual request Ex ask for 17 cent VS spare change Disrupt then reframe person more likely to comply with request that makes them think of request in different way Ex 3 VS 300 pennies Define obedience and know some factors that influence obedience Obedience deferring to people in positions of authority Factors 1 Proximity to authority figure 2 Prestige Authority of authority figure Describe some ways in which authority is communicated Title clothes and wealth Define conformity conformity following the crowd List and define two reasons why people conform Motivation Normative influence want to be accepted Informational influence think others are right Define persuasion Persuasion process by which a message induces change in beliefs attitudes or behaviors to convince someone to do something Compare and contrast the central and peripheral routes to persuasion Central deep processing thoughtfully to consider info at deep level you need to have motivation and ability leads to persistent attitude change Peripheral shallow processing thoughtlessly Describe some factors that influence people s motivation and ability to persuade Motivation personal relevance need for cognition mood Ability time mental resources List the four elements of persuasion and describe the subsets of each element 1 Communicator expertise trustworthiness physical appeal similarity credibility vs appearance similarity is more persuasive in matters of subjective preference expertise is more persuasive in matters of fact 2 Message reason vs emotion if initial opinion is formed through emotion persuaded by emotion same concept with reason good feeling are more pervasive fear in advertising works for encouraging detection but not for prevention of behaviors or things we see as pleasurable 3 Method of communication personal vs media influence face to face is more persuasive 4 Audience age of audience life cycle older adults don t always show less change generational depends on atmosphere in which you grew up Describe some ways to resist persuasion strengthen personal commitment challenging beliefs developing counterarguments attitude inoculation Studies you should know Burger et al 1999 asking people to work 11 2 on sat control moderate initial request large initial request results control 14 complied moderate request 23 complied large initial 10 door in the face only works if initial larger seems reason and request needs to be made by same person Freedman Fraser 1966 convincing homeowners to put up huge billboard in yard results request alone 17 complied smaller prior request 76 complied Burger Cornelius 2003 run a race for charity and get a free mug conditions control low ball interrupt results control 15 7 complied low ball 39 7 interrupt 14 5 only works if you make an initial commitment Milgram 1963 obedience experiments using shocks Zimbardo 1971 standford prison study people will conform to their roles Asch 1955 line test everyone agrees on wrong answer except you go along with wrong answer even if you know it s wrong conformity Petty Wells Brock 1976 listened to arguments about policy changes argument quality strong vs weak distraction low vs high results argument highest when people listened to strong argument and were not distracted people only rely on argument quality when they are able to do so people don t rely on argument quality when they are distracted probably because they are unable to do so Learning Objectives Chapter 9 Prosocial Behavior Describe the two requirements for an act to be prosocial 1 Intentional 2 Have a benefit to others Explain the differences between prosocial behavior benevolence and pure altruism prosocial behavior any action intended to benefit another regardless of motive benevolence benefits another intentionally for no external reward pure altruism benefits another intentionally for no external reward Define the Bystander Effect and describe the 5 steps of Darley and Latane s Model of Bystander Intervention bystander effect the more people that are around the less likely we are to help Darley and Latane s Model of Bystander Intervention 1 Notice situation 2 Interpret as emergency 3 Assume responsibility 4 Know what to do 5 Judge that costs are outweighed by benefits helping only occurs if all 5 are true Define pluralistic ignorance and to which step of Darley and Latane s Model it corresponds pluralistic ignorance when you think everyone understands or gets what s going on and you don t when really no one knows what s going on corresponds to step 2 interpret as emergency Define diffusion of responsibility and to which step of Darley and Latane s Model it corresponds diffusion of responsibility the more people that around the less we feel
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