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Study Points Attitudes and Behavior AS ALWAYS BE ABLE TO APPLY ALL OF THESE CONCEPTS TO YOUR LIFE 1 What are attitudes How are they different from beliefs o Attitudes are a favorable unfavorable indifferent or ambivalent evaluative reaction toward something or someone o Attitudes predict our behavior o If we believe something it will affect our attitude about it as well 2 What were the sources of attitudes covered in class How does each source affect attitude formation o Affect evaluation reaction and if it is favorable or unfavorable o Cognition attitude based on peoples beliefs about the properties of an object or attitude people like information that is easier to process easier to read recipe more likely to make it and also like it o Behavior an attitude based on observations of how one behaves toward an attitude or an object self perception being forced to smile we will think the comic is funnier than if we were forced to frown don t know how we feel until we see how we behave 3 What is the mere exposure effect and what were the methods and findings of the study on it that we discussed in class stimuli o Favorability increases with greater exposure develop pleasant associations with o Chinese character study exposure to novel character and participants picked which character they liked most from the list 4 What is attitude polarization Know the studies methods and results from class about o Attitudes become more extreme by convincing ourselves we are right o With pro or anti and when read a study that is anti they are going to interpret the anti study to be wrong by any possible reason they do not change their views 5 When do attitudes affect behavior Know the studies that demonstrate that attitudes affect this concept behaviors o Classical conditioning eat sushi because you have never had it then you get sick so your attitude about sushi is going to be very negative because you are going to place getting sick with the sushi o Operant positive attitudes toward behaviors that are rewarded if you study and get an A you are more likely to study again o Social learning learn attitudes through observation you see other people having fun so you think you will have fun too o Cornell housing situation temporary vs permanent Both not happy but temporary more likely to act on it because it directly affects them o Looked at how fast people reacted to candidates and if they could quickly recall their attitude it was positive and more likely to vote for them o 3 factors strong specificity and other influences are minimized like to exercise but do not like to kyak attitude does not math behavior because it is not specific 6 What are implicit and explicit attitudes and how do they differ Is it possible to have opposing implicit and explicit attitudes o Implicit cant just ask you it happens automatically more creative on how to measure this o Explicit controlled and conscious 7 How does social desirability affect our ability to measure attitudes 8 What are some ways that we discussed in class that researchers measure attitude driven o behaviors under the radar o Chair positioning if you like the person with the same race you are going to put the chair closer than if they are another race that you do not like o Lost letters if the letter is to an individual or group that you like it will get mailed back If from the nazi party going to get opened and not mailed back o Phone call if a man calls and wants to call his wife then people will help if he wants to call his boyfriend then people will not help 9 What is the Implicit Association Test and how does it work o Reaction times to measure how fast people associate concepts o Harder to associate negative words with a flower but easier to match them with insects 10 When are implicit vs explicit attitudes formed o Explicit is verbal behavior and self reported friendliness o Implicit is non verbal behavior and others report friendliness o Form early in life and implicit being the better predictor of behavior o Explicit which party and what side recent experiences o Implicit what associations do I have with candidates early experiences 11 What is cognitive dissonance and what are the effects of it o Going to need to change my attitude or my behavior to make myself feel better o Easier to change our attitude because you cant take back your behavior o Shoplifting is bad but I accidently stole gum so we should change our attitude to think that it is not that bad and it was just an accident 12 How does insufficient justification affect cognitive dissonance effects and what was the study that demonstrated these effects know methods and results o Attitude is more likely to change if there is insufficient justification for the behavior o Paid 1 dollar or 20 to tell next person that the study is interesting people who didn t lie hated it people who got paid to lie are going to hate it as well but easier to change their attitude towards it since they got paid 1 why did I do that insufficient justification more likely to adjust their attitudes to their actions 20 I did it for the money duh sufficient justification 13 What effect does attitude salience have on attitudes predicting behavior from the book 14 How does the attitudes follow behavior principle relate to morality from the book o Harmful acts shape the self but so do moral acts what we do when no one is o looking o Children with the robot were given a sever punishment and not so severe the deterrent was strong enough to elicit the behavior but mild enough to give them a sense of choice o Doing a favor for someone increases the liking of the person that helped them o 15 What does the book say about comparing cognitive dissonance and self perception theories Be able to differentiate between the two from the book o Self perception when we are unsure of our attitudes we infer them by looking at o Cognitive dissonance tension arises when one is simultaneously aware of two our behavior and the circumstance inconsistent cognitions o Cognitive dissonance theory focuses not on the relative effectiveness of rewards and punishments administered after the act but rather what induces a desired action o Self perception is self observation here I am smoking again I must like smoking o Cognitive self justification I know smoking is bad for me but ive been waiting for this all day and im healthy I wont get sick Study Points Conformity AS ALWAYS BE ABLE TO APPLY ALL OF THESE CONCEPTS TO YOUR LIFE 1 Is conformity a

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FSU SOP 3004 - Study Points- Attitudes and Behavior

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