CHAPTER 7 Beliefs Pieces of information about something facts or opinions Attitudes Global evaluations toward some object or issue Dual Attitudes Different evaluations of the same attitude object implicit versus explicit Automatic Attitudes Very fast evaluative gut level responses that people don t think a great deal about Deliberate Attitudes Reflective responses that people think more carefully about Stigma an attribute that is perceived by others as broadly negative Mere Exposure Effect The tendency for people to come to like things simply because they see or encounter them repeatedly Classical Conditioning A type of learning in which through repeated pairings a neutral stimulus comes to evoke a conditioned response Unconditioned Stimulus A stimulus e g meat powder that naturally evokes a particular response salivation Unconditioned Response a naturally occurring response salivation Neutral stimulus A neural stimulus that through repeated pairings with an unconditioned stimulus comes to evoke a conditioned response Conditioned response a response that through repeated pairings is evoked by a formerly neutral stimulus Operant conditioning instrumental conditioning A type of learning in which people are more likely to repeat behaviors that have been rewarded and less likely to repeat behaviors that have been punished Social learning observational learning imitation vicarious learning a type of learning in which people are more likely to imitate behaviors if they have seen others rewarded for performing them and less likely to imitate behaviors if they have seen others punished for performing them Attitude polarization the finding that a peoples attitudes become more extreme as they reflect on them Balance theory P O X theory The idea that relationships among one Person P the Other person O and an attitude object X may be either balanced or unbalanced Cognitive Dissonance theory The theory that inconsistencies produce psychological discomfort leading people to rationalize their behavior or change their attitudes Effort justification The finding that when people suffer or work hard or make sacrifices they will try to convince themselves that it is worthwhile Post Decision Dissonance Cognitive dissonance experienced after making a difficult choice typically reduced by increasing the attractiveness of the chosen alternative and decreasing the attractiveness of rejected alternatives A B problem The problem of inconsistency between attitudes A and behaviors B Accessibility How easily something comes to mind Behavioral Intentions An individuals plans to perform the behavior in question Subjective Norms An individual s perceptions about whether significant others think he or she should or should not perform the behavior in question Perceived Behavioural Control An individual s beliefs about whether he or she can actually perform the behavior in question Belief Perseverance The finding that once beliefs form they are resistant to change even if the information on which they are based is discredited Coping The general term for how people attempt to deal with traumas and go back to functioning effectively in life Assumptive Worlds The view that people live in social worlds based on certain beliefs assumptions about reality Cognitive Coping The idea that beliefs play a central role in helping people cope with and recover from misfortunes Downward Comparison The act of comparing oneself to people who are worse off CHAPTER 8 Normative Influence Going along with the crowd in order to be liked and acepted Autokinetic Effect Illusion caused by very slight movements of the eye that a stationary point of light in a dark room is moving Group Norms The beliefs or behaviors that a group of people accepts as normal Informational Influence Going along with the crowd because you think the crowd knows more than you do Pluralistic Ignorance Looking to others for cues about how to behave while they are looking to you collective misinterpretation Private Acceptance A genuine inner belief that others are right Public Compliance Outwardly going along with the group but maintaining a private inner belief that the group is wrong Foot in the Door Technique Influence technique based on commitment in which one starts with a small request in order to gain eventual compliance with a larger request Low Ball Technique Influence technique based on commitment in which one first gets a person to comply with a seemingly low cost request and only later reveals hidden additional costs Bait and Switch Influence technique based on commitment in which one draws people in with an attractive offer that is unavailable and then switches them to a less attractive offer that is available Labeling Technique Influence technique based on consistency in which one assigns a label to an individual and then requests a favor that is consistent with the label Door in the Face Technique Influence technique based on reciprocity in which one starts with an inflated request and then retreats to a smaller request that appears to be a concession That s not all Technique Influence technique based on reciprocity in which one first makes an inflated request but before the person can answer yes or no sweetens teh deal by offering a discount or bonus Limited Number Technique Influence technique based on scarcity in which one tells people that an item is in short supply Fast Approaching Deadline Technique Influence technique based on scarcity in which one tells people an item or a price is only available for a limited time Pique Technique Influence technique in which one captures people s attention as by making a novel request Disrupt then Reframe Technique Influence technique in which one disrupts critical thinking by introducing an unexpected element then reframes the message in a positive light Persuasion An attempt to change a person s attitude Sleeper Effect The finding that over time people separate the message from the messenger Expertise How much a source knows Trustworthiness Whether a source will honestly tell you what he or she knows Convert Communicators People perceived as credible sources because they are arguing against their own previously held attitudes and behaviors Halo Effect The assumption that because people have one desirable trait e g attractiveness they also possess many other desirable traits e g intelligence Inverted U shape Relationship A relationship that looks like an upside down U when plotted Stealing Thunder Revealing
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