Final Exam Social Psychology the scientific study if how people affect and are affected by others P 05 means that you are 95 sure that it wasn t due to chance Reification error treating abstract concepts as concrete objects Nature the physical world around us including its laws and processes Nurture learn from parents peers society and other experiments Social animals animals that seek connections to others and prefer to live work and play with other members of their species Cultural animal the view that evolution shaped the human psyche so as to enable humans to create and take part in culture a demand characteristics any cues in a study that suggest to participants what the research hypothesis is ABC triad Affect how people feel inside Behavior what people do Cognition what people think about Philosophy the pursuit of knowledge about fundamental matters such as life meaning reality and truth Psychology the study of the human behavior Statistical method Scientific method o Researcher states problem o Formulates testable hypothesis o Designs a study to test hypothesis and collect data o Test is made of hypothesis by confronting it with data o Reports the study to scientific community When did social psychology books first get published Early 1900 s Correlation the relationship or association between two variables o Positive 1 0 Both variables go up Ex Smoke more cigarettes the more likely to get lung cancer o Negative 1 0 One variable goes up and the other down Ex Spend more time on Tv and test grades go down o Neutral 0 No correlation Ex IQ and shoe size 1 0 to 1 0 closer it is to these numbers the stronger it is The closer to 0 What does it mean when we say our study used a confederate o Research assistant pretending to be another participant in a study the weaker it is Three parts of self o Agent Self Executive function enables you to influence other people and exert control over yourself o Public self Interpersonal self How we present ourselves to others o Self knowledge Self awareness Allows you to reflect on yourself Three motivations of self knowledge o Appraisal simple desire to learn the truth about oneself weakest o Self enhancement desire to learn favorable or flattering things about self strongest Social Cognition Social Cognition o Consistency desire to get feedback that confirms what the person already know 2nd Self deception strategies mental tricks people to help them believe things that are false o By dismissing failures and bad feedback Social Comparisons examining the difference between oneself and another person o Upward social comparison comparing yourself to people better than o Downward social comparison comparing yourself to people worse off you than you Terror Management theory o How does self esteem let us avoid our own mortality o We know when will dis this is scary to reduce this feeling our culture has several answers o A meaningful life and eternal afterlife o It was hypothesized that self esteem would reduce the worldview defense produced by mortality salience o The idea is that acts as an anxiety buffer o Focuses on thoughts about people and about social relationships Social Brain theory people think about other people more than any other topic o Brain evolved not only to understand the physical environment but also to increase our capacity o Inner processes serve interpersonal functions o Emotions help us relate to one another Fundamental attribution error the tendency to observe to attribute other peoples behavior to internal dispositional causes and to downplay situational causes o Situation constraints of the social environment Fail to notice o Personality traits attitudes Much greater intent Schemas Knowledge about the world organized into categories Scripts Knowledge about how people behave in certain situations Heuristics mental shortcuts Representativeness Heuristic o We judge the likelihood of an uncertain event based upon its perceived frequency o Coin tosses are random o We believe that random looking outcomes are more likely than orderly outcomes o Lottery ticket results o 7 23 46 59 10 o 1 2 3 4 5 The Availability Heuristic o If something is easy to think of we assume that is more common and more likely to happen o How distinct is your memory for that event o How recently have you experienced it o Did you notice it Anchoring and Adjustment Heuristic o Using an anchor and then insufficiently adjusting your judgment o Ex Car salesman start with a high price tag to try to anchor your judgment of what the car is worth Level of familiarity Level of relevant experiences haggling o Role schema how people act in certain social roles o Group schema stereotype o Person schema what traits and behaviors are common in a certain type or people o Drives a nice car has a big house and plays golf o Wealthy person Out group homogeneity effect tendency to see members within a particular out group as being more alike than they actually are What does prejudices exist o Realistic Conflict Theory Competition over limited resources limited jobs available o The contact Hypothesis Ignorance of other people leads to prejudice o Rationalization for Oppression Social change is typically a struggle Framing effect whether messages stress potential gains or potential losses o Cognitive shortcut o To boost self esteem Ehrlinger 2011 o Look at how far you have to go o Goal focused o So how things are framed can affect our decision making Choices and Actions Michael 1960 tested our capacity to delay gratification o The ability to make immediate sacrifices for later rewards Did a follow up study for 40 years later o Individuals who waited for the marshmallow had o Attained higher levels of education o Had better jobs o Earned more money o Better adjusted Joiners interpersonal theory of suicide o Interpersonal Theory of Suicide o 3 simultaneous factors needed for an individual to die by suicide o Desire for death Perceived burdensomeness People in my life would be better off if I were gone Thwarted Belongings Acquired Capability o Develops overtime through experience or exposure to painful provocative events Self determination theory the theory that people need to feel at least some degree of autonomy and internal motivation o Intrinsic goals Autonomy mastery relatedness etc o Extrinsic goals Money promotion praise etc Social influence and persuasion Normative Influence being liked going a long with the crowd in order to be liked o Public conformity wanting to be a part
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