Morality Learning Objectives 1 What is morality including the 3 components a psychological state that deems acts as immoral or wrong motivates punishment toward immoral individual can be turned off and on 2 How does morality relate to the selfish impulse vs social conscience evolution favors selfishness morality requires group over oneself 3 Which moral rules discussed in class seem to be universal incest helping those who cannot help themselves 4 What are the indications we have that suggest that we are biologically programmed for morality 5 What is meant by the elephant and the rider metaphor rider conscious thinking brain elephant subconscious emotional brain Wins over rider 6 Is our morality rational start with answer and work backward to come up with plausible explanation people don t use moral reasoning but moral rationalization 7 What is the typical outcome of the trolley moral dilemmas What are the two things that we learn from the trolley moral dilemmas will pull lever but not throw someone off bridge We learn that people will only do act when impersonal and responsibility is not directly felt 8 How does emotion relate to our morality emotions lead us to be moral conscience guilt 9 What are the important emotions for morality and what do they tell us about morality guilt emotion felt with specific instance of wrong doing immorality leaves a taste of disgust in our mouth sympathy prompts the first favor with the expectation of reciprocation anger protects from cheaters motivation punishment gratitude motivates rewards for help 10 How do health vegetarians respond differently to food with meat in it than moral vegetarians Why health vegetarians do not care what others do moral vegetarians try to push beliefs onto others or make them feel bad for their choices because they believe it is morally wrong to eat animals 11 What can studies done on facial expressions tell us about the emotional nature of morality facial features of disgust eating something gross are the same as when we react to an immoral act incest 12 How do people respond when they feel unethical try to physically wash away impurity feel guilty 13 What were the methods and findings of the guilty participant study What does this tell us about guilt and morality those who lied and felt guilty stayed on average an hour to help while those who did not lie and did not feel guilty only stayed about 5 minutes tells us that we feel the need to make up for our wrong and that people feel as long as it evens out it is okay to be immoral 14 What is the moral licensing effect What studies demonstrate this effect What are the two theories to explain moral licensing effects and which is correct moral licensing effect past moral behavior makes people more likely to do immoral things without worrying or feeling immoral monin and miller higher experiment moral credentialing reframes immoral behavior as not a transgression moral credits good deeds establish moral credits that can be withdrawn to purchase the right to do bad deeds both correct 15 What are the 6 moral spheres and what are the explanations for each Harm wrong to harm another person animal but okay to yourself Liberty egalitarianism Fairness karma you get what you put in group loyalty strong group bonds Anything that interferes is bad authority group hierarchy and respect for those above you purity feeling physically or mentally clean and uncorrupted 16 What cultural and political differences have been found for moral foundations japan loyalty hindues jews purity western nations harm and fairness muslims authority democrats harm fairness liberty republicans all proximity interaction physical attractiveness similarity Ch 11 Attraction and Romantic Relationships Learning Objectives 1 What are the 4 things discussed in class that lead to attraction and how do they do so 2 What is the mere exposure effect Does is lead to liking or disliking leads to liking more unless dislike and then can lead to disliking more moreland and beach study of 4 women look the same come to class often or not often more exposure leads to liking more study with three very similar women either attend class every day one time or never One that attended most rated most attractive 3 What factors make people in general more attractive What factors make men specifically attractive Women symmetry averageness masculinity jaw thinner lips thick eyebrows waste to hip youth 4 What are the common sex differences in attractiveness and how are they explained men prioritize attractiveness good genes women prioritize status wealth able to take care of young 5 What factors can alter some of the sex differences in attraction ovulation changes women s preferences when ovulating want an attractive and wealthy partner 6 What is a relationship A close relationship relationship characterized by interdependence When your actions affect your partner close relationship strong frequent and diverse interdependence that lasts over an extended period of time 7 How do we define success in romantic relationships stability satisfaction 8 Know the statistics concerning relationship stability 50 of first marriages end in divorce 75 of second marriages end in divorce marriages typically end between 2 3 years mode 9 What is the trajectory of relationship status over time couples start off moderately happy satisfaction increases peaking at marriage declines after marriage 10 What are the four attachment styles and how do they affect relationships Secure low anxiety and low avoidance Positive toward self and others dismissing avoidance low anxiety and high avoidance Positive toward self and negative towards others fearful avoidant high anxiety and avoidance Negative toward self and others preoccupied anxious ambivalent high anxiety low avoidance Negative toward self positive toward others 11 What are the three factors of the investment model How do they affect relationship satisfaction how happy with partner stability Available alternatives other people who would make better partners Relationship rewards Investment how much have you invested Relationship costs What we think we should get from a relationship 12 Who is a better predictor of relationship length Why outsiders Because people inside the relationship are blinded 13 What did the study on alternatives find about good relationship partners and how did they study this found satisfied partners looked at attractive photos of opposite sex for less time than those who were
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