Prejudice learning objectives 1 What are the ABC s of social psychology What are their corresponding terms in the prejudice literature and what do those terms mean Affect Prejudice negative feeling toward an individual based solely on his or her membership in a particular group Behavioral Discrimination unequal treatment of different people based on the groups or categories to which they belong 2 Cognitive Stereotypes beliefs that associate groups of people with certain traits Is racial prejudice disappearing Why or why not What form is prejudice taking in today s society Does this also apply to gender prejudice No it is just becoming more difficult to understand The new form is Aversive racism simultaneously holding egalitarian values and negatives feelings toward minorities Yes this also apply to gender 3 What are the differences between implicit and explicit prejudice How easy is it to alter or change each of these types of prejudices What does each of these predict Implicit automatic prejudice gut responses that are biased and uncontrollable eg Standing further apart from a group you are biased against Explicit conscience prejudice voiced attitudes against a group Can be overt traditional or cover subtle modern They both can be changed it is easier to change explicit ideas 4 Explain how the following social sources influence prejudice social inequalities authoritarian personality religion conformity and institutions Social inequalities unequal opportunities which is discrimination Authoritarian personality Rigid adherence to norms generalized hostility and intolerance for different groups Religion shows you one image of god and your people and not others Not presenting others is a form of prejudice Conformity matching attitudes and beliefs with others to fit in this is how stereotype Institutions social institutions can reinforce biased beliefs 5 How does frustration influence prejudice Where can this frustration stem from Frustration stems from aggression and people take out their frustrations out on other especially those who already have negative feeling towards 6 How does our social identity influence our prejudice What is the main difference between out group and in group members Do we judge out group members differently than in group members If so how Out group members people who belong to a different group or category than we In group members people who belong to the same group or category as we do We treat those who are similar to us better than those outside our group 7 What is internal motivation to respond without prejudice IMS What is external motivation to respond without prejudice EMS What are the differences between these two constructs How can motivations to avoid prejudice influence actual prejudiced responses Internal morally wrong do External avoid social disapproval Internal motivation believe prejudice is wrong and work to reduce any form of it while external motivation work to reduce detectable prejudice 8 How does categorization influence prejudice When are we most likely to use categories for information How do we usually view out group members and what is the usual result of this view The natural tendency of humans to sort objects into groups We are most likely to categorize people race age gender religion sexual orientation judge them prejudice stereotypes We view out group members as outsiders that are different from us We also think that all the out group members are similar to one another The result of this is being prejudice because we lack exposure to out groups and 9 What is the contact hypothesis Under what conditions does contact help to reduce Groups don t get much contact with each other Result ignorance reliance on Under certain conditions regular interaction can reduce prejudice 10 How does seeing a distinctive individual influence your reaction Do people notice when they are distinctive If so how do they react Do distinctive events have the same influence as a distinctive individual You are more likely to remember them and the event People do notice and try to change their behavior 11 What is the group serving bias How does it influence prejudice Preferential treatment toward one own group member similar people You will not treat other groups as well as you do with your group 12 Recall the Hafer 2000 article and the other information you learned during the Attitudes chapter regarding belief in a just world How can this belief influence prejudice against various groups This will influence prejudice because others will say a certain group of people must have done something bad and is in returning only getting what they put into the world 13 Are stereotypes easy to change How can they affect our interpretation of others If we can t interpret individuals to fit our original stereotypes what is one technique that can be used to salvage the stereotype No because it is easier to prejudge people as a whole than to look at them individually Law of least effort We can make the wrong interpretations of others 14 What is a self fulfilling prophecy How does it feed into discrimination A prediction that ensures by the behavior it generates that it will come true First a person believes that a certain event will happen in the future Second this expectation leads to a new behavior that the person would have not enfaced in without expectation Third the expected event takes place and the prophecy is fulfilled 15 What is stereotype threat How does it influence one s performance and one s identification with that stereotyped domain The fear that one might confirm the stereotypes that others hold Creates anxiety which result in a lower performance 16 What is an exemplar Can there be positive and negative exemplars What did Dasgupta Greenwald 2001 hypothesize regarding exemplars impact on implicit prejudice How did they manipulate their IV and measure implicit prejudice What did they find Why is this important Individuals who are well known by the general public and are thought of as a representative of something Predicted that viewing positive out group exemplars and negative in group members can significantly weaken implicit bias held by man Groups Learning Objectives 1 What is a group What makes a group more like a group i e feel united Two or more people doing or being something together More untied when Groups members feel similar to one another and they share an out group do not like 2 What is deindividuation How does it impact behavior and group
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