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Be able to identify the ABCs of prejudice stereotyping and Final Study Guide Stereotyping and Prejudice Pt 1 discrimination o Affective prejudice Feeling o Behavioral discrimination o Cognitive stereotyping Treating Labeling them Know what stereotypes are where they come from and why we form o Stereotyping Assigning traits to individuals based on the group to which they belong Beliefs you have of a person What you think you know of someone based on their o Stereotypes can be positive or negative group membership We tend to hold more negative than positive ones Negative stereotypes also form more easily o Where do they come from We naturally seek to categorize the world Outgroup homogeneity bias Thought process whereby we believe people within our own group are individuals unique but people outside of our groups are all the same Based on the fact that we have less interaction with people outside our group Socialization Experience Can be taught stereotypes different group Exemplars Generalize from experience with someone from a Individuals we take as representatives of a group We assume that all members of a group or category share the behaviors and beliefs of that group or category s exemplars Characteristics o Not elected chosen o We assign them this title o Their visibility exposure leads them to be chosen as an exemplar Examples o Osama Bin Laden muslims o Dalai Llama buddhism o AIG corporation Self fulfilling prophecies Thought process where we have an idea of how a situation will play out based on what you think of a person thing Example Big phone experiment study o 2 subjects a man and a woman the men are shown a fake picture of the woman on the other line not really a picture of them which is either attractive or ugly after conversation the men rate the women on an attractiveness scale o study showed the men liked the attractive women on the other end of the phone more o A third person was added to the experiment and they simply listened to the conversation between the man and woman and rated the woman after No picture given o The third person STILL rated the women paired with an attractive photo more attractive WHY o Self fulfilling prophecy You have an expectation and your expectation changes your behavior which confirms your expectation you originally had In the experiment the men expected a bad conversation with the ugly women so the conversation in turned sucked The third person who heard the conversation picked up on the fact that the conversation sucked and rated the woman as less attractive as a result When the men thought the women were attractive the conversation was great Again the third person picked up on the great conversation and this time rated the woman as more attractive Our behavior influences the other person s behavior therefore confirming the expectation Self fulfilling prophecy works with people we DON T KNOW Expectations Our behavior Other person s behavior Confirms expectation Another example o Expectations Interviewer believes black people are less competent than white people o Our behavior Put less effort into interviewing a black applicant o The other s behavior Perceives awkwardness comes off less self assured and competent o Confirms expectations Interviewer believes the person met their expectations o Why do we form them We seek to categorize the world even people Categorize harmful vs non harmful things Relates back to error management where decisions when we were less evolved could have killed us o Ie Eating poisonous berries o It s important to judge whether the elements of our environment are beneficial or harmful Time is a factor Again relates back to when we had to make quick decisions as lesser evolved beings Had to categorize dangerous things quickly Stereotypes whether about people or not help us make quick Understand what prejudice is and where it comes from o Negative feelings toward members of a group based on stereotypes and preconceptions Usually based on clearly visible characteristics Race gender age religion Examples prejudice against Arabs Japanese Hispanics etc o Implicit Prejudice Prejudice that operates at an unconscious level People may not even be aware of their prejudice Can still affect their behavior even if only subtly Non prejudiced people still know prejudices and stereotypes Know some common targets of prejudice o Women o Minorities o Arabs o Overweight people o Homosexuals Stereotyping and Prejudice Pt 2 Understand how prejudice affects the criminal justice system o Data shows you get off easier for killing a minority than a white person o Black people victimized by homicide much more than white people o People who kill white people make up death penalty defendants o If you re a black person facing a drug possession charge you re 8x more likely to go to jail for drug possession than a white person o Argument of gender discrimination in regards to getting pulled over Idaho Study by police NO significant difference for WHO is pulled over White people Black people Searched 3 6 Arrested 2 1 Police used force 1 2 Searched 9 5 Arrested 4 5 Police used force 4 4 Be able to define stereotype threat o Knowledge of a stereotype can have a negative impact on members of the stereotyped group o Works by reminding someone that a stereotype exists o Standardized Test Study SAT question type test put together white and black subjects two conditions first group were told to bubble in race reminded of race before exam black people did WORSE on exam other group didn t have to bubble in race black people OUTPERFORMED white people Understand the effect of race in the shoot don t shoot experiments o Study Images of black or white faces were shown paired with either a wallet or a gun images were flashed before white and black TCC officers Officers were told it was to be treated as a life death situation so shoot if you see an armed suspect face with a gun Speed matters if wrong you re shot Findings Officers were more likely to make mistake of shooting black face with a wallet This confirms race is indeed a factor as the images of the black face was shot at more This was true for BOTH black AND white officers Theorized socialization was a big factor here o Prejudice implicit prejudices Understand ways that prejudice can be reduced o Contact Hypothesis Based on the idea that prejudice is born of ignorance States that you can reduce prejudice by giving people positive experience with member of another group Think of any movie where 2

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FSU SOP 3004 - Stereotyping and Prejudice

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