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Study Guide One Unit 1 The Mission and Method Bold Terms Social psychology Branch of psychology that seeks an understanding of how people affect and are affected by others Behaviorism Theoretical approach that seeks to explain behavior in terms of learning principles without reference to inner states thoughts or feelings Freudian psychoanalysis Theoretical approach that seeks to explain behavior by looking at the deep conscious inside the person ABC triad Affect how people feel inside Behavior what people do Cognition Anthropology the study of human culture the shared values beliefs and what people think about practices of a group of people Economics the study of the production distribution and consumption of goods and services and the study of money History the study of past events Political science the study of political organization and institutions especially governments Sociology the study of human societies and the groups that form those societies Psychology the study of human behavior Biological psychology the study of what happens in the brain nervous system and other aspects of the body Clinical psychology branch of psychology that focuses on behavior disorders and other forms of mental illness and how to treat them Cognitive psychology the study of though processes such as how memory works and what people notice Developmental psychology the study of how people change across their lives from and conception and birth to old age and death Personality psychology the branch of psychology that focuses on important Philosophy pursuit of knowledge about fundamental matters such as life death differences between individuals meaning reality and truth Applied research research that focuses on solving particular practical problems Independent variable the variable manipulated by the researcher that is assumed to lead to changes in the dependent variable Dependent variable the variable in a study that represents the result of the events and processes Operational definitions observable operations procedures and measurements that are based on the independent and dependent variables Confederate a research assistant pretending to be another participant in a study Within subjects design an experiment in which each participant is exposed to all levels of the independent variable Between subjects design an experiment in which each participant is exposed to only one level of the independent variable Hypothesis an idea about the possible nature of reality a prediction tested in an experiment Theories unobservable constructs that are linked together in some logical way Experiment a study in which the researcher manipulates an independent variable and randomly assign people to groups Random assignment procedure whereby each study participant has an equal chance of being in each treatment group Quasi experiment a type of study in which the researcher can manipulate an independent variable but cannot use random assignment Internal validity the extent to which changes in the independent variable caused changes in the dependent variable Confounding occurs when the effects of two variable cannot be separated Field experiment an experiment conducted in a real world setting Experimental realism the extent to which study participants get so caught up in the procedures that they forget they are in an experiment Mundane realism the extent to which the setting of an experiment physically resembles the real world External validity the extent to which the findings from a study can be generalized to other people other settings and other time periods Correlational approach a non experimental method in which the researcher merely observes whether variables are associated or related Correlational coefficient the statistical relationship or association between two variables From the lectures What is the definition of social psychology The scientific study of how people think about influence and relate to others A social psychologist tries to understand normal human behavior Personal experience can also help us understand normal human behavior What distinguishes social psychology from personal experience Social psychology applies the scientific method and systematically observes and measures behavior while personal experience does not What were the similarities and differences between Norman Triplett s studies and Max Ringelmann s studies Triplett had children roll up fishing reels alone or when they were competing against someone else He found that children reeled the line in faster when working against other children Ringelmann measured the amount of force exerted when pulling individually and when working with a team when working together people exerted less effort than when working alone How much effort you exert is dependent on whether your own performance can be monitored individually when it isn t you can reply on others and exert less force When it is you will exert greater effort Be able to explain the difference between the focus of psychoanalysis and the focus of behaviorism Have both had an influence on the field today Psychoanalysis studies internal thought processes and effects on behavior and Freud believed sexual desire was a primary motivator Psychoanalysis is the major reason for the cultural perspective as psychologists as quacks and psychology as a soft science Behaviorism focused on overt behaviors that could be observed and there was a greater focus on empirical study of behavior Social psychology today partly relies on behaviorism while also studying inner though processes Know what famous psychologists were associated with psychoanalysis Freud and behaviorism Skinner Explain the basic procedures and findings of the Milgram obedience studies An experimenter tells a teacher to shock a learner for every wrong answer 65 percent of the participants administered the experiment s highest shock At some point every participant questioned the experiment and some said they d refund their pay One only one participant steadfastly refused to administer shocks before the 300 volt level Be able to define and explain what is meant by the cognitive revolution New concept that threw behavioral psychology for a loop focused on internal thought processes asking does the way we think about the world influence the behaviors we enact Explain the basic procedures and findings of the Stanford prison experiments Understand what basic concept the Stanford prison experiments illustrated Zimbardo conducted

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