Study Points Prejudice AS ALWAYS BE ABLE TO APPLY ALL OF THESE CONCEPTS TO YOUR LIFE 1 What are the definitions of prejudice stereotyping and discrimination How do they differ o Prejudice a generalized negative attitude toward members of a group o Stereotyping a generalized belief about members of a group o Discrimination Behaviors directed toward people on the basis of their group membership 2 Are stereotypes always negative Always wrong Always conscious o They are not always negative Women nurturing Asian American intelligent o They are not always conscious Many stereotypes are actually non conscious o They are not always wrong Women do tend to be more nurturing than men o Traditional o Modern School segregation voting rights etc Informal hiring practices social interactions etc More subtle but often just as damaging However many stereotypes are wrong and linked to negative prejudice 3 What is the difference between traditional and modern discrimination 4 What is aversive racism How does that relate to the Frey and Gartner 1986 study and when would we expect to see aversive racism o Aversive racism Alternating positive and negative responses to black people o Frey Gaertner 1986 Examined willingness to help partner working on a scrabble task Always white p s partner was black or white Partner deserving of help undeserving Examines of Ps who gave letters to their partner White Partner Black Partner 100 75 50 25 0 Deserving Undeserving 5 What are benevolent and hostile sexism o Benevolent paternalism seeing women as virtuous and fragile o Hostile angry responses to feminism and female dominance 6 What are the social origins of prejudice How do they help perpetuate it From the text 7 Know the 3 parts of Social Identity Theory How does SIT relate to prejudice o Parts 1 We want to feel good about ourselves 2 Our identity partly comes from groups to which we belong 3 Seeing our group as better than other groups raises self esteem o Strong in group identification strong out group prejudice Ex FSU students who really see themselves as Seminoles are more likely o When self esteem is threatened people derogate out group members After receiving poor grade majority students more likely to derogate to dislike Gators minorities 8 What are the methods and findings of Tajfel Wilkes 1963 categorization study What does this tell us about how people perceive group differences think accentuation and outgroup homogeneity o P s judged line lengths o Accentuation Effect Tendency to exaggerate differences between members of different categories P s also underestimated within category differences o Outgroup homogeneity Effect tendency to perceive more similarity among members of groups we don t belong to than among members of our own group They all look the same 9 What is an illusory correlation o Perceiving a correlation where none exist or over estimation it s magnitude o Caused by distinctiveness 10 Be able to describe the methods and results of Hamilton Gifford s 1976 study on illusory correlations What do they tell us about how we perceive the behavior of others o P s read 39 sentences of someone doing a behavior o P s asked how many pos and neg behaviors performed by each group Overestimated neg behaviors of Group B o P s asked to describe traits of each group Described Group B in more neg terms 11 What is the two stage activation model Devine 1989 o Activation automatic o Application controlled Stereotypes are universally and automatically activated 12 What are the methods and results from Wittenbrink et al 1997 and Gilbert Hixon 1991 both studies What does these studies tell us about the two stage activation model o White P s primed with black or white o Lexical Decision Task is it a word or non word o Words Pos Black stereotype athletic Neg Black stereotype criminal Pos White stereotype intelligent Neg White stereotype boring o Findings Not all stereotypes activated Explicit prejudice correlated with stereotype activation Activation is NOT universal MOTIVATION 13 What is the dual attitude approach o People have explicit and implicit attitudes towards social groups 14 What are the differences between implicit and explicit prejudice What do they predict o Explicit Prejudice Predict over bias policy attitudes o Implicit prejudice often more negative Predict non verbal bias split second decisions 15 What are the potential implications of stereotypes that we discussed in class o Split second implicit biases have very real implications Police responses to criminal suspects o Shoot don t shoot studies people are more likely to mistakenly shot unarmed black man Influenced by stereotype that links black men criminality o Serotypes lead to biased interpretations of people s behavior Identifying weapons Judging the emotions of an infant Judging a defendant as guilty innocent Judging the leader of a group 16 What was Jane Elliott s brown eyes blue eyes study What did it demonstrate about discrimination 17 Know the methods and results of Snyder s 1979 study What are the implications of attributional ambiguity in discrimination o P s told either same movie or diff movie in each cubicle o Same movie 58 sat with disabled person o Diff movie 17 sat with disabled person o Attributional Ambiguity the discriminatory behavior can be explained through a number of different reasons 18 What is stereotype threat What are its implications for performance o Stereotype threat a disruptive concern when facing a negative stereotype that one will be evaluated based on a negative stereotype o Targets of Discrimination o They have immediate effects 19 What is the contact hypothesis o Simply exposing people to members of different groups should reduce prejudice o This generally hasn t worked 20 What all conditions are necessary for prejudice reduction o 1 Outgroup members have traits and abilities challenging negative stereotypes Dasgupta Greenwald 2001 Showed Whites images of liked or disliked Blacks Images of liked Blacks decreased implicit prejudice Implicit prejudice toward Blacks dropped DRAMATICALLY in Plant et al 2009 2008 2009 Shown to be attributed to Barack Obama o 2 Contact is supported by social norms o 3 Groups are of equal status in contact setting o 4 Contact occurs in personal interaction o 5 Groups engage in cooperative activities to achieve a common goal 21 What is needed in order to reduce prejudice according to Devine o Its like breaking a habit o People must first develop the motivation to respond without
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