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NEUROANATOMY BRAIN AREAS FUNCTIONS AND THEIR LOCATIONS 2 Types of Cells in the Body neurons glia cells Grey Matter cells White Matter mylenated axons Afferent info into a structure Efferent info away from a structure GLIA Located around neurons DO NOT transfer info over long distances DO exchange chemicals and nutrients with neurons 1 Astrocytes remove waste 2 Oligodendrocytes myelin in CNS 3 Schwann Cells myelin in PNS 4 Microglia repair 5 Radial Glia guides migratioin of neurons CORTEX Corpus Callosum the 2 hemispheres communicate through this 1 Frontal Lobe THINKING b Lobotomy a Prefrontal Cortex executive functions Association Cortex planning foresight working memory connections to and from the prefrontal cortex used for mental illness schizophrenia depression surgical procedure that cuts the 2 Parietal Lobe BODY SENSATIONS sensation a Touch Cortex b Contralateral Neglect damage to right parietal won t feel touch on left side of body 3 Temporal Lobe HEARING a Auditory Cortex comprehension words don t make sense b Wernicke s Aphasia 4 Occipital Lobe SIGHT hearing language damage to this area a Primary Secondary Visual Cortex visual processing b Cortical Blindness damage here DIVISIONS OF THE BRAIN 1 Forebrain hunger thirst arousal relay station a Thalamus b Hypothalamus body temperature sex drive memory Hippocampus c Pituitary Gland d Basal Ganglia e Limbic System makes releases hormones motor control emotion Amygdala 2 Midbrain a Superior Colliculus Inferior Colliculus b c Substantia Nigra movement Mickey Mouse visual processing auditory processing reward addiction 3 Hindbrain a Pons b Medulla c Cerebellum crossing axons breathing heart rate calming balance coordination Craniel Nerves 12 pairs sensory motor control for head face Cerebral Ventricles reservoir for hormones nutrients Cerebrospinal Fluid CSF protective buoyant fluid keeps brain from hitting skull NTS 1 brain region to get taste info OF receptors live in OF epithelium die and replace every month ACTION POTENTIALS Resting Potential ions unequally distributed across membrane of a cell depolarized at 70 mV Action Potential signal that conveys information over distances all or nothing response Synaptic Potential at synapse it is graded Refractory Period after nerve fires while reloads Threshold critical level of depolarization needed to trigger an action potential Voltage Gated AP s on axon open channels when cell reaches certain voltage allows ion in out Ligand Gated synaptic potential at synapse opens when a ligand binds allows ions through Excitatory Synapse less negative Inhibitory Synapse more negative Spatial Summation combine excitatory impulses Temporal Summation combine over time NERVOUS SYSTEMS SENSORY SYSTEMS CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM 1 SENSORY PATHWAYS a Brain b Spinal Cord meningeal covering like the brain looks different at different levels 2 MOTOR PATHWAYS System a Soatic Nervous System voluntary Peripheral Nervous nerves that convey info from sense organs to the CNS and from CNS to muscles b Autonomic Nervous System involuntary controls heart intestines i Sympathetic Nervous System Fight or Flight ii Parasympathetic Nervous System Calming vegetative non emergency functions iii Enteric Nervous System controls gastrointestinal system Dermatomes segments of skin muscle or bone associated with spinal nerves Lateral Hypothalamus eat more Ventromedial Hypothalamus stop eating CELL MEMBRANE Phospholipid Bilayer DRUGS NAc Dopamine Da pleasure releases increased Da Cocaine blocks reuptake of Da serotonine norepinephrine Ritalin blocks Da reuptake gradually Ecstacy MDMA stimulates Serotonin release decrease depression anxiety increase in Oxytocin social attachment increase in Vasoccin need for water Nicotine increases Da release Methadone taken to combat opiod addiction enters blood slowly Cannabinoids increases Da distorts perception Alcohol depressant effects decreases brain activity VISION 1 Photons of light fall on the retina processes photons rods 2 Light hits the photoreceptors red green blue 3 In the PR s rhodopsin has cis shape and that changes to trans shape when struck by light depending on the wavelength 4 Breakdown of opsin causes a chemical cascade affecting conductance of Na channels and turns light int electrochemical signals optic nerve fibers 5 Brain gets an image brightness is determined by increase of activity PARTS OF THE EYE Retina lines the inside of the eyeball process refracted visual images through photoreceptors Photoreceptors lines retina sends info to the brain via optic nerve Pupil opening in iris colored area of eye Iris band of muscles that controls size of pupl Lens bends light passing through the eye Blind Spot lack of PR s on the optic nerve Rods within retina perimeter best in less light Cones within retina center best in bright light 3 types of Ganglion Cells Parvocellular Neurons Magnocellular Neurons Koniocellular Neurons BRAIN REGIONS INVOLVED IN VISIION Cells of the Visual Cortex V1 Primary Visual Cortex feature detectors Inferior Temporal Cortex what pathway location of objects Posterior Parietal Cortex where pathways recognizing objects Hippocampus storage of long term memory V2 Cortex processing visual information Secondary Visual Cortex Cerebral V4 V5 patterns movements Able to see shades of colors Middle Temporal Cortex detects Trichomatic Theory of color vision perceive color sensitive to different ranges of wavelengths Protanopia blindness to red missing long cones congenital disease encoded on X chromosomes Deuteranopia blindness to green medium cones congenital disease mostly men Tritonopia blindness to blue yellow missing short cones inherited not sex linked age alcohol injury back of head Visual Agnosia inability to recognize objects despite normal vision from damaged Inferior Temporal Cortex Prosopagnosia inability to recognize faces shortage of connections in Fusiform Gyrus AUDITORY 1 External Auditory Canal Stimulated hair cells 2 Tympanic Membrane Sound waves vibrations strike the ear drum 3 3 Tiny Bones Auditory ossicles vibrate the footplate of the stapes moves at the oval window 4 Oval Window Movement of the oval window causes the fluid inside the scalia vestibule tympani to move 5 Cochlea Fluid movements against the cochlear duct sets off nerve impulses 6 Hair Cell displacement which are carried to the brain via cochlear nerve AUDITORY PATHWAY WITHIN THE BRAIN 1 Hair cells receptors on sensory neurons 2 Vestibular nerve 8 to the CNS 3 Midbrain medulla

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