Study Guide for Optional Final Exam CELLS OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM Know the parts of a neuron and their functions Be able to label the parts of a neuron How are sensory neurons and motor neurons different from each other Motor neuron The cell body soma lives in the spinal cord The axon is part of a nerve in your body The terminals synapse with muscle fibers Sensory neurons The soma lives just outside of the spinal cord in a dorsal root ganglion Most of its length is an axon It has specialized endings in the skin and its terminals are in the spinal cord What are the functions of oligodendrocytes and schwann cells Are there other types of glial cells Oligodendrocytes myelin in CNS Schwann myelin in PNS GROSS ANATOMY OF THE BRAIN What where is the blood brain barrier Endothelial cells with tight junctions surrounding capillaries and Astrocytes surround endothelial cells It keeps out viruses and bacteria chemicals nutrients and lets thru small uncharged molecules fat soluble molecules vitamin A and D psychotropic drugs and glucose special transport What is gray matter White matter Gray matter is a major component of the central nervous system consisting of neuronal cell bodies neuropil dendrites and unmyelinated axons glial cells astroglia and Oligodendrocytes and capillaries White matter consists mostly of glial cells and myelinated axons that transmit signals from one region of the cerebrum to another and between the cerebrum and lower brain centers What are the 3 primary divisions of the brain Forebrain midbrain hindbrain For the following brain structures be able to identify them on a midline section of the brain and know generally what they do medulla pons cerebellum midbrain thalamus hypothalamus pituitary gland corpus callosum Also know hippocampus and amygdala although you couldn t find them on a sagittal section of the brain because they are not midline structures Medulla controls vital reflexes Pons tracts that carry the sensory signals up into the thalamus Cerebellum Movement Rate range force direction Well learned movements Sensory timing Balance postural control Midbrain sensory processing especially visual and auditory Thalamus Relay station filter for sensory info on its way to cortex involved in many other systems Hypothalamus communicates with pituitary gland to alter hormone release Involved in drive related behaviors and maintenance of homeostasis Pituitary gland endocrine gland attached to hypothatlamus by pituitary stalk makes and releases hormones into bloodstream Corpus callosum Hemispheres communicate mainly via corpus callosum Cranial nerves what is their general function I ll give you this one sensory and motor for face and head know what that means How many are there 12 pairs Most enter exit the ventral surface of the brainstem Sensory and motor for head face Important in neurological exams Some have autonomic component pupil constriction tearing salivating cardiovascular functions We discussed 2 systems the limbic system and the basal ganglia Know the general function s of each Limbic System Several interconnected structures most importantly Amygdala and Hippocampus Basal Ganglia Connections with cortex and thalamus motor control but also memory and emotional expression Be able to locate the lobes of the cortex know what primary sensory cortex is associated with each Also know which lobe contains motor cortex and prefrontal cortex What are ventricles Contain cerebrospinal fluid CSF CSF is made in walls of ventricles by choroid plexus CSF then circulates around the brain CSF finally reabsorbed into blood vessels so continuous turnover Protective Reservoir for hormones nutrients What where are the meninges 3 layers Dura mater Arachnoid Pia mater Stabilize and protect the CNS mechanically CSF within meninges for buoyancy SPINAL CORD AND PNS Know the parts of the spinal cord dorsal horn ventral horn dorsal root ventral root central canal dorsal root ganglion Be able to label them on a figure Know the Bell Magendie law The entering dorsal roots carry sensory information to the brain and exiting ventral roots carry motor information to the muscles and glands Dorsal sensory Ventral motor Generally speaking what is a reflex Involuntary stereotyped response to a sensory input modifiable What structures comprise the CNS and what structures comprise the PNS CNS brain and spinal cord PNS nerves outside brain and spinal cord How is the PNS subdivided What are the distinct roles of the somatic enteric sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems Autonomic NS automatically controls heart intestines other organs Enteric NS Sympathetic NS for vigerous activity Parasympathetic NS vegetative nonemergency responses Somatic NS nerves going from sense organs to CNS and from CNS to muscles and glands Understand the differences between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems in terms of 1 under what circumstances each one is activated and 2 physiological effects Sympathetic NS Axons activate organs for fight or flight Eyes dialate digestion stops heart rate and blood pressure increase adrenaline rush Parasympathetic NS Facilitates vegetative nonemergency functions Para means beside or related to opposite action of sympathetic NS Heart rate and blood pressure are normal digesting rest and digest ACTION POTENTIAL AND RESTING POTENTIAL When the cell is at rest which ions are most highly concentrated inside of the cell and which ones are most highly concentrated outside of the cell Chloride and sodium are the most highly concentrated ions outside the cell Potassium is the most highly concentrated ion inside the cell What is a voltage gated channel Where are they Sodium Channel Structure created from a single long polypeptide four domains I IV that form the pore six transmembrane alpha helices S1 S6 The sodium channel has a pore loop that functions as a selectivity filter making it 12X more selective for NA than K Understand the steps of the action potential and how one leads to the next How is an action potential started and propagated What ion enters first Thru what type of channel does it enter What forces drive it inside Why does that channel close What channel opens next What ion moves thru that What forces drive that ion Etc etc Electrical impulse down an axon Depends on sodium and potassium moving thru channels in the axons membrane Concentration gradient ions flow from areas of high concentration to low concentration Electrical gradient ions flow to areas of
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