Course Assessment Study Guide 1 Synaptic Transmission This includes the structure and function of neurons and the principles of chemical synaptic transmission e g how neurons send and receive messages Items will assess knowledge of synaptic transmission Parts of a neuron and their functions The branches that stick out of the soma They Soma The cell body Dendrites receive information Long tail that sends information in an electrical signal Axon Vary in lengths The end of an axon hold neurotransmitters Terminal Buttons Fatty protein that is put onto neurons by glial Myelin Sheath cells They insulate temperature Schwann cells make myelin in the PNS and Oligodendrocytes make it in the CNS Principles of chemical synaptic transmission depolarization reach threshold hyperpolarization Excitatory Postsynaptic Potentials Gates open up and a positive ion comes in a little Brings it closer to threshold EPSP graded Excitatory postsynaptic potential trying to Postsynaptic potentials are not All or None they are graded Makes the cell less negative Allow sodium and or calcium into the postsynaptic cell Inhibitory Postsynaptic Potentials Different neurotransmitter bind to a different receptor Negative charged ion goes into the neuron causes Makes the cell less negative Less likely for an active potential to occur Allow chloride into the postsynaptic cell and lead to an Spatial and Temporal Summation Spatial adding together EPSPs that are occurring Each individual synapse is leading to an EPSP Presynaptic cell Neuron sending the impulse Postsynaptic cell neuron receiving the impulse Synaptic cleft presynaptic cell Neurotransmitters vesicles space between the postsynaptic cell and the Chemicals that are released from the simultaneously but are spread apart Parts of a synapse inhibitory potential Receptors Vesicles excite accordingly receives the neurotransmitters and will inhibit or hold neurotransmitters Understand different types of ion channels ligand and voltage gated Where are ligand gated channels located Voltage gated channel On the axon Open when a cell reaches a certain voltage Allows ions into or out of the cell charges voltage of the cells Ligand gated channel At synapses Open or close depending on something binding to them Ligand gated channels are located at the synapse while voltage gated channels are located on the axon nodes of Ranvier http highered mheducation com sites 0072495855 student view0 chapter14 animation transmission across a synapse html What is an excitatory synapse What is an inhibitory synapse For each one what ion enters the cell What does that do to the cell depolarize or hyperpolarize it Does it make an action potential more or less likely Excitatory synapse excitatory neurotransmitter that bonds and leads to an excitatory postsynaptic potential It makes the action potential more likely to occur threshold Inhibitory synapse threshold Allow chloride a negative ion into the postsynaptic cell and leads to an inhibitory postsynaptic potential Causes depolarization getting us closer to Potassium or sodium for excitatory Causes hyperpolarization pulls the cell away from Excitatory closer to action potential Inhibitory further away threshold Know what EPSP and IPSP are How do these differ from an action potential Excitatory Postsynaptic Potentials Gates open up and a positive ion comes in a little depolarization Brings it closer to threshold EPSP graded Excitatory postsynaptic potential trying to reach Postsynaptic potentials are not All or None they are graded Makes the cell less negative Allow sodium and or calcium into the postsynaptic cell Inhibitory Postsynaptic Potentials Different neurotransmitter bind to a different receptor Negative charged ion goes into the neuron causes Makes the cell less negative Less likely for an active potential to occur Allow chloride into the postsynaptic cell and lead to an inhibitory hyperpolarization potential These differ from action potential because they are not all or none Neurotransmitters Various types proteins peptides amino acids glasses etc Synthesized in neuron Larger ones are made in soma smaller ones made in terminal Transported down axon if needed Released from terminal Variety of effects in postsynaptic cell Inhibitory excitatory modulatory Signaling pathways within cells Depends on receptors they act as Action potentials The action potential is the signal that conveys information over distances in the nervous system The action potential is a rapid reversal of the situation at rest for an instant the inside of the membrane becomes positively charge relative to the outside Action potentials are all or none The frequency and pattern of action potentials is the code used by neurons to transfer information from one location to another All of this occurs at the nodes of Ranvier between the segments of myelin Propagation of the action potential depends on 1 Diameter of axon 2 Insulation myelin The wider the axon and the more myelin the faster the conduction velocity Sodium in potassium out Myelin and Saltatory Conduction Saltatory means to leap or to dance The action potential is regenerated at the nodes of ranvier jumping from node to node Synaptic potentials Excitatory Postsynaptic Potentials depolarization reach threshold Gates open up and a positive ion comes in a little Brings it closer to threshold EPSP graded Excitatory postsynaptic potential trying to Postsynaptic potentials are not All or None they are graded Makes the cell less negative Allow sodium and or calcium into the postsynaptic cell Different neurotransmitter bind to a different receptor Negative charged ion goes into the neuron causes Makes the cell less negative Less likely for an active potential to occur Allow chloride into the postsynaptic cell and lead to an hyperpolarization Inhibitory Postsynaptic Potentials inhibitory potential Spatial and Temporal Summation Spatial adding together EPSPs tht are occurring Each individual synapse is leading to an EPSP simultaneously but are spread apart 2 Functional Anatomy of the Central Nervous System CNS Items will assess knowledge of the functional anatomy of the nervous system ie what brain structure does what This includes the functions of different parts of the brain and spinal cord and the major divisions of the Nervous System She never told us Substantia nigra parkinsons disease Brain structures Medulla Reflexes such as heartbeat and breathing Pons Auditory and visual stimuli Descending pain control
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