PSB Exam 5 Emotional Behaviors Study online at q uiz let c o m 1ar1fa Cog nition 9 Cortex 1 What are the 3 as pects of an emotional s tate 2 James Lang e Theory 4 Should people with No 3 According to James Lang e what is the order of res pons es to res ult in an emotional feeling weak s keletal res pons es paralyzed feel les s emotion 5 Should people with weak autonomic res pons es pure autonomic failure feel les s emotion 6 Should enhancing Yes s omeone s res pons es increas e emotion Readines s for action A feeling Believes that the autonomic arous al and s keletal actions come before we feel an emotion which chang es our heart rate and prompts other res pons es Event apprais al action emotional feeling Yes They s till feel emotions but not as s trong ly as before Examples Short of breath think s uffocating panic attack panic dis order Make pers on s mile s how them s omething potentially funny think it s funny Exceptions depres s ion is n t cured by s miling s miles aren t neces s ary for the feeling of happines s 7 What are s ome brain Limbic Sys tem areas involved with emotion Cortex Ins ular Cortex 8 Limbic Sys tem Traditionally thoug ht of as emotion center es pecially the amyg dala Strong res pons e to all emotions Different emotions s een all over es p frontal temporal lobes and s ometimes different emotions activate s ame reg ions Some cells res pond mainly to pleas ant pictures others to unpleas ant pictures haven t s een cells s pecific to different types of unpleas antnes s fear vs ang er Lig hts up a lot es pecially when experiencing or recog nizing on s omeone els e dis g us t and or fear Left is BAS behaviorial activation s ys tem People who have more activity in left are more likely to be active in s ociety and outg oing and fun loving A for active Rig ht is BIS behaviorial inhibiting s ys tem More likely to be s ocially withdrawn les s s atis fied with life There is more activity in rig ht amyg dalae than the left when lis tening to laug hter or crying Paying attention to emotional expres s ion on faces us es the rig ht temporal cortex more than the left 10 Ins ular Cortex 11 How does more activity in the left frontal cortex affect a pers on s pers onality 12 How does more activity in the rig ht frontal cortex affect a pers on s pers onality 13 Which hemis phere Rig ht is more res pons ive to emotional s timuli 14 What is the res ult of an inactive rig ht hemis phere You can remember facts s urrounding emotional events but not the emotion its elf Patients s howed difficulty in identifying others emotional s tates 15 What does damag e to the rig ht temporal cortex res ult in 16 What does damag e to the left temporal cortex res ult in 17 What are the functions of emotion Fear es cape Ang er attack Dis g us t avoid Patients outperformed other g roups on knowing when people were lying or telling the truth 18 How is the g ut feeling s een in s nakes s piders and s hocks Subjects are s hown pictures of s nakes or s piders too quick for identification One of thos e picture is followed with an electric s hock They us ually beg in to have s ympathetic res pons e when they are s hown the picture that is followed by s hock They are s ometimes as ked if notice chang e in heart rate or if the s hock was forthcoming If they are g ood at reporting heart rate increas e they are us ually g ood at predicting s hock The prefrontal cortex cing ulate g yrus and cortex We tend to make decis ions on how they feel We can reas on throug h or jus tify them later Inability to anticipate unpleas antnes s leads to bad decis ion making includes lack of autonomic arous al in anticipation of bad outcome On log ic rather than emotion He had no emotion and made bad decis ions He could predict outcomes but couldn t predict the feeling res ulting from the outcome They never learned moral behavior They s tole lied and abus ed without g uilt 19 What parts of the brain are active when contemplating a moral decis ion 2 0 What do we tend to contemplate when making a moral decis ion 2 1 How do people with prefrontal damag e tend to choos e a moral decis ion 2 2 What happened with the man with prefrontal cortex damag e 2 3 What happened with the 2 young adults with prefrontal damag e in infancy 2 4 What is the hams ter in cag e example If you introduce another hams ter intruder the home hams ter eventually attacks If you put in another intruder the home hams ter will attack quicker During that time increas ed activity in amyg dala Or if s timulate amyg dala prime the hams ter to attack 2 5 What do twin s tudies and adoption s tudies tell us about the role of heredity in ag g res s ive behavior Genetics have an influence in violent behavior Adoles cent delinquent behavior occurs equally in dizyg otic fraternal and monozyg otic identical twins therefore there is more of an environmental contribution Adult crimes occur more with monozyg otic than dizyg otic twins therefore there is more of a g enetic contribution It is correlated with increas ed likelihood of the s on to be arres ted for violent criminal activities in adoles cence and early adulthood This effect is es pecially s trong if the mom s moked and had complications during delivery Animal s tudies s how that prenatal nicotine expos ure impairs brain development Animals males fig ht over mates females fig ht to defend their young Humans Men fig ht more than women 15 25 years of ag e is mos t common for male violence That s als o when tes tos terone is at hig hes t level It does not compel violent behavior but it is related to it The amount of s erotonin us ed and replaced Les s s erotonin turnover res ults in more ag g res s ive behavior Is olating male mice for 4 weeks will increas e ag g res s ion and decreas e s erotonin turnover Juveniles have lower s erotonin turnover and are more ag g res s ive Male monkeys in natural environment have the lowes t s erotonin turnover They are the mos t ag g res s ive and mos t injured als o s uffering earlier deaths Female monkeys with low s erotonin turnover als o are …
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