PSB2000 FINAL Q S TO REVIEW 1 of 18 CELLS OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM What is an organelle Which organelle stores DNA an organelle is the distinct internal structure of a cell the nucleus is the DNA storing organelle organelles nucleus cell membrane mitochondria endoplasmic reticulum What are the two main types of cell in the CNS Neurons signaling and glial support Be able to label and know the function of the following dendrites soma nucleus axon hillock axon myelin axon terminal synapse nucleus membrane enclosed where DNA is located dendrites long branchlike projections that get signals from other neurons axon hillock where the decision to activate the neuron is made axon long projection that the neuron s action potential travels down myelin insulates the axon to make action potential faster axon terminal where the axon ends synapse where the pre and post synaptic cells meet soma cell body What does myelin do and what cells form it myelin insulates axons to increase the speed of an action potential glial cells form it What does the cell membrane do How can things cross it What are the three types of glia and what are their functions 1 astroglia provide nutrient support and maintain the blood brain barrier 2 microglia small glial cells that act as the brains immune system 3 ogliodendrocytes special cells that form the myelin sheath around axons What is an action potential substantial depolarization of an axon its a signal What is the blood brain barrier only hydrophobic molecules can pass it it allows molecules into the brain keeps the inside of a cell separate from the outside and controls the movement of molecules in and out of the cell it controls the transport of ions things can cross it with the help of special ion channels NEUROANATOMY What are the meninges and what do they do What is the function of cerebrospinal fluid meninges 3 layers of tissue that protect the CNS cerebrospinal fluid fills the empty spaces n the brain its how food gets into the CNS and waste gets out Where do motor movement signals exit the spinal cord and when do sensory touch signals enter What do the cranial nerves do motor movement signals exit the spinal cord through the ventral root sensory singals enter through the dorsal root cranial nerves nerves that come out of the brain rather than the spine they transmit all sensory information signt sound taste and all of your head movement and face movements are caused by these nerves PSB2000 FINAL Q S TO REVIEW 2 of 18 From the diagram in slide 27 be able to identify the following structures and know a bit about their basic function medulla oblongata pons midbrain cerebellum medulla oblongata sensory and motor signals go through there on the way to and from the brain pons bridge between medulla cerebellum and higher brain reticular formation decussation midbrain brainstem area vision and sound reflexes motor control pain and reward control contains subt nigra cerebellum motor control coordination fine tuning and feedback many ridge like What are the locations and general functions of each of the following brain areas thalamus hypothalamus thalamus brains relay station forebrain area relays info to and from forebrain vision and sound processing emotion and cognition hypothalamus forebrain area controls body s glands instinctual behaviors many nuclei SNS and PNS control What are two diseases specifically associated with the basal ganglia parkinsons and huntington s disease are associated with the basal ganglia it is important for fine control of movement and thinking What does the limbic system do What areas are commonly associated with memory and emotion respectively limbic system major memory and emotion system hippocampus memory amygdala emotion What are the gyri and sulci of the cortex What is their function gyri folds and bumps sulci indentations grooves What are the four main brain lobes What is the basic function of each 1 frontal movement logic personality 2 parietal sensation math visual and auditory processing 3 temporal memory visual and auditory processing sound and language 4 occipital visiual processing How many layers are in the cortex Why it the cortex wrinkled cortex has 6 layers What is the corpus callosum and why is it important white matter line axons transfer between hemispheres using the corpus collosum allows brain funtion to be lateralized ACTION POTENTIAL AND SYNAPSE What is the cell membrane What is it permeable to What is it impermeable to cell membrane surrounds the cell impermeble to charged cells permeable to Is a neuron s resting potential positive or negative How can they be hyperpolarized and depolarized resting potential is negative to become hyperpolarized they must become more negative depolarized become less negative PSB2000 FINAL Q S TO REVIEW 3 of 18 What two forces determine which way an ion wants to move concentration gradient voltage gradident What are the differences between a postsynaptic potential and an action potential postsynaptic potential happens when a neuron detects a neurotransmitter signal What is an EPSP What is an IPSP What ions and channels are involved in each EPSP excitatory postsynaptic potential they polarize the neuron IPSP inhibitory postsynaptic potential they hyper polarize the neuron by make it less likely to fire go from the dendrites across the neuron to the axon hillock What are the two general types of ion channel ligand gated voltage gated axon hillock Where is the decision to fire an AP made How does myelin assist in AP conduction What is saltatory conduction myelin insulates the axon so the action potential goes faster it strengthens the signal saltatory conduction where the action potential jumps from node to node Be able to label the following parts on a diagram and describe their role in synaptic function axon terminal vesicle neurotransmitter synaptic cleft postsynaptic cell membrane protein ion channels synaptic cleft where neurotransmitters are released into axon transmits signals through action potentials synaptic vesicles where neurotransmitters are often stored neurotransmitters transmit info from one neuron to another synapse where presynaptic and postsynaptic cells meet also the junction of an axon and a dendrite axon terminal post synaptic cell membrane protein ion channels What is a synapse What are the steps of the neurotransmitter cycle synapse where presynaptic and postsynaptic cells meet also the junction of an axon and a dendrite vesicle fills with neurotransmitter
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