Compare and contrast autonomic and somatic branches of PNS as well as parasympathetic and sympathetic branches of ANS o Autonomic vs somatic branches of PNS Compare Contrast They both have afferent sensory nerves and efferent away nerves Somatic nerves that convey info from sense organs to CNS and from CNS to muscles controls conscious voluntary efforts moving body part decision touch motor and sensory controlled by cortex Autonomic automatic control of visceral organs and glands body controls for you digestion heart rate change not voluntary or conscious controlled by hypothalamus comprises parasympathetic and sympathetic systems o Parasympathetic and sympathetic branches of ANS Compare Contrast Both controlled by hypothalamus both originate in CNS at different levels though both use 2 neuron chain with synapse b w the 2 in a ganglion both use acetylcholine in preganglionic cell work together with male sexual function erection is parasympathetic and ejaculation is sympathetic together General The ganglion themselves are in different locations in Sympathetic NS compared to Parasympathetic NS gut motility and heart rate function differ opposite Parasympathetic NS uses acetylcholine in postganglionic cell axons direct organs for rest and digest facilitates vegetative nonemergency functions pupil and bladder functions unopposed Sympathetic NS uses norepinephrine in postganglionic cell axons activate organs for fight or flight immediate energy expenditure sweat glands and limb functions unopposed Know the parts of the spinal cord dorsal horn ventral horn dorsal root ventral root central canal dorsal root ganglion o Dorsal horn one of three posterior back gray columns of spinal cord receives several types of sensory info from body including fine touch proprioception and vibration o Ventral horn front anterior column of one of three gray matter columns in spinal cord contains a motor neurons whose axons exit the cord and travel directly to muscles o Dorsal root main bundle of nerve fibers that branch off the spinal cord and go to other areas of body they carry signals of sensation like feelings of pain and temperature from body to brain o Ventral root type of nerve root that branches off spinal cord exits spinal column and continues on its path to specific areas of the body carries neural signals away from CNS and towards limbs and organs o Central canal cerebrospinal fluid filled space that runs longitudinally through length of entire spinal cord provide tunnels for arteries veins and nerve tissues to supply bone cells o Dorsal root ganglion cluster of nerve cell bodies in a posterior root of a spinal nerve it transmits sensory info from the body s periphery to the spinal cord Know the Bell Magendie law and understand how that incorporates dorsal and ventral horns and roots o Defined the entering dorsal roots carry sensory info to the brain and the exiting ventral roots carry motor info to the muscles and glands essentially it is the separate distinction between the 2 nerve types Dorsal sensory Ventral motor What are dermatomes What disease is associated with them o Defined they are segments of skin associated with a spinal nerve o Shingles herpes zoster Generally speaking what is a reflex Describe the stretch reflex How are reflexes modifiable o Defined a reflex is an involuntary stereotyped response to a sensory o Stretch reflex muscle contraction in response to a stretch input monosynaptic o Modifiable by changes in presynaptic inhibition e g picking up hot item and dropping as automatic response reflex What structures comprise the CNS and what ones the PNS o CNS Brain o PNS Spinal cord Ganglia Sensory neurons nerves Motor neurons nerves How is the PNS subdivided What are the distinct roles of the somatic sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems o Divided into somatic and autonomic nervous systems o Distinct roles see 1st objective bolded parts Examples of how Parasympathetic NS and Sympathetic NS work opposite unopposed and together o See underlined areas in 1st objective Describe the resting membrane potential and its ionic basis o Defined it is the difference in electrical charge between inside and outside of cell o Ionic basis composed of ions specifically sodium and potassium ions these unequal distributions of ions are maintained even though there are ion channels in neural membranes through which ions pass there is substantial pressure called electrostatic pressure from resting membrane potential for sodium ions to enter the resting neurons Explain postsynaptic potentials o Temporary changes in the electric polarizations of the membrane of a neuron their function is to initiate or inhibit action potentials they are caused by presynaptic neurons releasing neurotransmitters from terminal button at end of axon into synaptic cleft Describe the summation of postsynaptic potentials o Temporal transmission of rapid impulses and summing of all EPSP s excitatory postsynaptic potentials o Spatial postsynaptic neuron is stimulated by many different axon terminals at same time Explain how an action potential is normally triggered o When a sufficiently strong neural signal reaches the trigger zone of a neuron essentially depolarization of plasma occurs and brings membrane potential up to threshold Describe how action potentials are conducted along axons o Travels passively along axonal membrane to adjacent voltage activated sodium channels which have yet to open arrival of electrical signals opens these channels thereby allowing sodium ions to rush into the neuron Discuss the structure of synapses o Neurotransmitter molecules are released from specialized sites on buttons into synaptic clefts where they induce EPSPs or IPSPs in other neurons by binding to receptors on their postsynaptic membranes Name and explain the classes of neurotransmitters o General note Most NT s produce either excitation or inhibition not both a few however produce excitation under some conditions and inhibition under others o Types Amino acids General note these are in the vast majority of fast acting directed synapses in CNS they are defined as molecular building blocks of proteins Glutamate most prevalent excitatory NT in mammalian CNS Aspartate Glycine Monoamines o These 1st three are common in proteins we consume Gamma aminobutyric acid GABA o This one is synthesized by a simple modification of the glutamate structure o Most prevalent inhibitory NT but has excitatory effects at some synapses Each is
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