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Brain Behavior Test 1 Lecture 1 Biological Psychology the study of physiological evolutionary and developmental mechanisms of behavior and experience A strong emphasis is placed upon brain functioning The Brain o 100 billion neurons nerve cells o a quadrillion synapses connections o uses 20 of your body s energy o weighs about 3 lbs o center of all experience and behavior tells you everything you know how to do ex how to go to the bathroom Biological Approach to Behavior o Brain functioning at a more microscopic level Neuron and glia activity produce a large wealth of behavior and experience o Your brain filters your experiences into things that you need and don t need How we study Behavioral Biology o Cognitive models testing o Computer models o Molecular biology o Scanning and imagin o Postmortem studies o Family studies o Human and medical studies o Animal models testing most popular Majority of studies are done after someone dies Behavior What is behavior How someone acts how you function in any given environment o It is adaptive o It is produced by the interaction between the environment and the animal s nervous system plans for the nervous system are in the animal s DNA Heritable Behavior o What behavioral traits have heritable components Intelligence Sexual orientation Personality Facial expressions Aggression Addictive tendencies ex Alcoholism Mental disorders ex schizophrenia Feeding behavior Genetics and Behavior o Genes and environment interact to shape human behavior o Example Family members have similar face mannerisms because their muscles in their face are built the same Inherited DNA o Genes are stored as DNA from mom and from dad o Mendel s law of inheritance govern what traits we have we get one gene copy from each parent Genetics o Genes are aligned along chromosomes strands of genes and come in pairs o A gene is a portion of a chromosome and is composed of deoxyribonucleic acid DNA o Order of DNA bases determines gene function o DNA is transcribed to RNA o RNA is translated to protein o Proteins are the workhorses of the cell o Proteins determine the development of the body by Forming part of the structure of the body Serving as enzymes biological catalysts that regulate chemical reactions in the body Genes aa o Homozygous identical pair of genes on the two chromosomes ex AA o Heterozygous unmatched pair of genes on the two chromosomes ex Aa o Genes are either dominant recessive or intermediate Ex eye color taste etc o The dominant gene is expressed in either the homozygous or heterozygous condition o Recessive gene will only show its effect in the homozygous condition o Types of genes Autosomal genes all other genes except for sex linked genes Sex linked genes genes located on the sex chromosome o In mammals sex chromosomes are designated X Y Females two X chromosomes XX Human X chromosomes have genes for approximately 1500 proteins Males one of each chromosome XY Human Y chromosome has genes for 27 proteins o The X chromosome is bigger therefore sex linked genes are often referred to as X linked genes ex red green color deficiency Sex linked Genes Sex limited Genes o Genes that are present in both sexes but are more apparent and have effect on mainly one sex ex chest hair breast size etc o Males and females develop differently according to the differences in exposures to different factors ex hormones o Sometimes the expression of a gene is contingent upon exposure to those factors if the factor is not present then the gene s trait will not be expressed Epigenetics o A field that is concerned with changes in gene expression without the modification of the DNA sequence o Some genes are only active at a certain point in life certain time of day etc o Changes in gene expression are central to learning and memory o Epigenetic differences are a likely explanation for differences between monozygotic identical twins o What you do at any moment affects you now and produces epigenetic effects that alter gene expressions for a longer period of time o Experiences alter the activity of genes o HLG Rats example Rats moms lick and groom their young Some are good moms HLG and some are bad LLG If you take the pup of a LLG and give it to a HLG she will grow up to be HLG But if you block epigenetic regulation then the pup will still end up LLG Therefore licking and grooming behavior is epigenetically regulated Heredity and Environment component o Almost all behaviors have both a genetic component and an environmental o Researchers study monozygotic from one egg and fraternal from two eggs twins to infer contributions of heredity and environment o Researchers also study adopted children and their resemblance to their biological parents to infer hereditary influences o How do we tell if traits are inherited Transgenic mutant animals see how gene changes affect traits and subsequent behavior Study traits with no gene target Twin siblings studies these tell us how much of the trait is Family studies see what traits run in families Twin Study heritable o Traits like personality and intelligence run in families but families often share values so upbringing is also similar o Identical twins identical genes o Fraternal twins share 50 of their DNA different genes same prenatal environment o Nurture doesn t have a role if the twins were brought up in a different environment but still share the same traits o Prenatal environment still plays a role Monozygotic identical twins share a blood supply and are exposed to the same conditions in utero Heredity and Environment o Genes do not directly produce behaviors genes produce proteins that increase the probability that a behavior will develop under certain circumstances Multiplier Effect o small initial differences in behavior may be self reinforcing o this is a type of positive feedback mechanism o this can make us overestimate heritability ex temper tantrums STUDY QUESTIONS 1 Why is it important for genes to regulate behavior It is important for genes to regulate behavior because they are the center of all experience and behavior and when combining with environment genes are the reason you know how to do everything that you do such as going to the bathroom 2 In genetics what are transcription and translation Transcription is the process of making a RNA copy of a gene sequence Translation is the process of translating the sequence of a messenger RNA molecule to a sequence of amino acids during protein synthesis 3 What are dominant and

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