Chapter 1 Mission and Method Part 2 Necessity of a Scientific Approach o One s values and beliefs can bias one s conclusions Confirmation Bias the tendency to seek out and favor information that conforms to one s currently held beliefs Motivated vs Unmotivated Distortion Scientific Method o State the problem o Formulate hypothesis o Design study to test the hypothesis o Analyze and interpret data from study o Communicate results Gathering Analyzing and Interpreting Data o Data comes from Labs Online Samples on the street EX Amazon Mechanical Turk getting paid a small amount of money 0 15 to collect data o Types of Data Self Reports Surveys Behavioral Aggressive Outcome Divorce Rates etc Physiological fMRI etc Types of Research Design o Descriptive Beneficial for identifying a problem Does a bias exist Kenzie Institute Putting information out there about people s preferences o Correlational Is there a relationship between these two variables EX The temperature outside and the amount of clothes individuals wear Useful for studying variables that can t be causation 2 o Experimental Provides information about causation Independent Variable IV the variable being MANIPULATED o Random Assignment There is an EQUAL chance of being in either the independent or dependent group Dependent Variable DV the variable that is being MEASURED Deception in Social Psychology o Cover Stories What we tell them In this study we re interested in personality assessments What we didn t tell them We re wanting to know how rejection plays a role on the personality o Confederates Hired by the experimenter Can pretend to be a participant or experimenter Can we have people to laugh at the participant they would do it o Manipulations involving deceptions Ex mood freezing pills This pill freezes your mood for hours you could win the lottery and your mood will NOT change o Debriefing This was the REAL purpose of the study Tell the participants what was going on so they don t walk out thinking something that is NOT true 3 o Generalizability Ideally results from a sample generalize to the population Representative sample Random Selection helps to ensure that you have a representative sample which can make generalization more appropriate Population Sample Statistical Reasoning o Statistical Significance A measure of how likely it is that the difference between the groups occurred by chance Generally determined by considering the mean AND the Standard Deviation how much the scores vary around the mean Reliability and Validity o Reliability o Validity Are the measurements consistent Are the measurements measuring what they are supposed to be measuring 4 Self Correction o Peer Review o Replication To get the manuscript published the editor will be able to send it out to other people to review it Doing the experiment again to make sure that it is reliable and that you get the same results and come to the same conclusion if someone else we re to do it 5
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