Study Questions for language located a Wernicke s 1 What are the 2 main regions for language Where are they b Broca s i Left hemisphere ii Temporal lobe behind auditory cortex iii Important for language comprehension i Left hemisphere ii Frontal lobe iii Important for motor production of language spoken written or sign language 2 What is Aphasia a Impairment of language math i Can affect any symbol system language music b Due to brain injury c Mild to severe d Around 1 million people in the US e Can happen to anyone f Can be transient g Speech therapy helps the patient fully utilize remaining kills and learn other means of communication 3 What is Broca s Aphasia a Non fluent aphasia i Caused by damage to Broca s area and surrounding 1 Part of frontal lobe of L cortex near motor area cortex 1 Speak slowly and inarticulately ii Difficulty with motor production of words iii Omit prepositions and conjunctions and have iv Trouble with writing and gestures v Comprehension deficits vi Profound BA involves other nearby brain regions such difficulty understanding them 4 What is Wernicke s Aphrasia as insula a Fluent aphasia b Impaired ability to remember names of objects c d Articulate speech speak smoothly but nonsense e Difficulty finding the right word Impaired language comprehension 5 How is the right hemisphere also involved in language What is prosody a The right hemisphere intonation in language i Specifically in prosody the patterns of stress and 1 Giving meanings to words by how they are b Prosody can convey anger confusion frustration and spoken as well sarcasm by how you say words 1 Produced and understood in the same regions in the right hemisphere that broca s and wernike s areas are found in the left hemisphere 6 In ape language studies what is the difference in what researchers were able to teach chimps and what they were able to teach bonobos a Chimps combinations i Chimps didn t use symbols in new original ii Used symbols to request not descrive iii Produced requests more than they understood iv Only some understanding could answer who what and where questions with some type of answer b Bonobos i Very human like ii 250 human words iii Understand more than they can produce iv Use symbols to name describe v Request items they don t see vi Can use symbols to describe past events vii Original creative requests viii Better than chimps 1 More language potential 2 Method of training 3 Started younger 7 Is there a critical period for learning language What happens if someone has no exposure to language for their infancy and childhood a Yes the younger the better No sharp cut off age though b They never develop much skill at any language Study Questions for Mood Disorders 1 What are the three categories of symptoms for major depressive disorder MDD Understand these types of symptoms a Emotional time b Cognitive c Somatic i Sadness and helplessness for days and weeks at a ii Little pleasure from sex or food or anything i Feel worthless or excessive or inappropriate guilt ii Cant imagine being happy again iii Thoughts of death contemplate suicide iv Lack of concentration increased indeciveness i Low energy ii iii Weight loss or gain iv Psychomotor agitation or retardation Insomnia or hypersomnia 2 Atypical Depression 3 Dysthymia especially sensitive to negative experiences a Responds to positive and negative experiences but b Often have many partners and frequent break ups c Weight gain hypersomnia increased appetite d Respond best to SSRI s with psychotherapy a Mild and persistent chronically miserable b Tend toward the emotional and cognitive symptoms c Sometimes worsen into major depression i Double depression ii Can be brought on by specific life events 4 What does research support regarding estrogen a A role for drop in estrogen as a precipitating factor in depression in some women i Drug induced drop in estrogen and progesterone cause depression in women who already suffered from PPD followed by a withdrawal of that drug inducing drop in estrogen and progesterone ii Used gonadotropin releasing hormone agonist iii Estrogen relieves depression during menopause 5 What is the role of hormones on depression a Stress can elevate cortisol weak immune system and impairment of sleep stage set for depression i Hypothalamus pituitary adrenal cortex cortisol b Females vs males i Equal in boys and girls c Sex hormones ii More common in women than men i Emotional distress after giving birth 6 Types of Antidepressants a Tricyclic s b MAOI s MAO inhibitors c SSRI s i Prevent reuptake of serotonin norepinephrine i Block breakdown of serotonin and catecholamine s i Block reuptake of serotonin 1 Prozac Zoloft d SSNRI S i Serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors 1 Cymbalta Effexor e Tricyclics and SNRIs have the same general effect on receptors but their different chemical structure puts them in different classifications of antidepressants 7 Bipolar disorder a People cycle over various periods of time between b Depression almost always immediately follows a manic c Preventing manic episode tends to prevent depressive depression and some manifestation of mania episode episode 8 How do Bipolar 1 and Bipolar 11 defer a Mainly with regard to the type and severity of the manic episode 9 Symptoms of mania a Restless activity goal directed or psychomotor agitation b Decreased need for sleep enormous surge of energy c Excitement elevated expansive or irritable mood d Laughter e Self confidence inflated self esteem or grandiosity f Rambling speech g Flight of ideas or subjective experience that thoughts are h Loss of inhibitions excessive involvement in pleasurable racing activities that have high potential for painful consequences i Distractibility j Impairments in verbal memory What is lithium and how is it used a Lithium is used to treat bipolar disorder It is considered to be a mood stabilizer It isn t clear exactly how it works to stabilize mood Some think it might stabilize the sensitivity of serotonin receptors 10 depression intellectual impairment b Most effective w mania and then prevents following c No suppression of normal feelings of emotion no d Usually begin to improve w in 1 2 weeks e Low therapeutic index which requires regular blood tests f Nasty side effects i Tremor weight gain excessive thirst urination toxic doses nausea diarrhea incoordination confusion coma g How does it work Not sure i By stabilizing serotonin receptors ii Preventing shifts in sensitivity iii By producing
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