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Psychobiology Brain and Behavior Midterm Study Guide Understand basic terminology definitions Medial Lateral medial is closer to center lateral is father out Ipsilateral on the same side Contralateral opposite side Anterior rostral cephalic toward the head Posterior caudal toward the tail Proximal distral Dorsal up toward the top Ventral down toward the belly Afferent reaching going to the brain arriving Efferent exiting information Cluster of Cell Bodies Nucleus CNS or Ganglion ganglia PNS Bundle of axons Tract CNS or Nerve PNS Basic Knowledge of different procedures available to study understand brain activity and structures Experimental Ablation destruction of specific brain tissue Histological methods Golgi stains or Nissl stains Microscopy Imaging Structure o CT scan o MRI scan Imaging Activity o EEG o fMRI o PET Scan o Magnetoencephalography MEG o Neurochemical methods Genetic Methods o Twin studies o Adoption studies o Targeted mutations Branches of nervous system Central Nervous System composed of the brain and spinal cord Peripheral Nervous System consists of all the nerve tissue that lies outside of the brain and spinal cord o The Autonomic Nervous System Regulates smooth muslces found in skin blood vessels many organs cardiac muscles and glands Automatically responds to signals from the central nervous system Sympathetic N S becomes activated when a person is excited aroused or in another highly emotional state expenditure of energy Body doesn t know difference between emotional vs physical stressors Parasympathetic N S activated when a person is at rest Responsible for conserving energy increasing stored energy o Somatic Nervous System Carries sensory information from sensory organs and motor information to the skeletal muscles All spinal and cranial nerves Protecting the Nervous System Skull and Vertebrae protect brain and spinal cord respectively Meanings layers of membrane between skull and brain o Dura Mater very tough fibrous layer almost like a plastic Closest to the skill o Pita Mater Very delicate and thin Closest to the brain follows every nook and o Arachnoid Middle layer looks web like Filled with CSF is the shock absorber Latin for hard mother cranny of the brain and serves as cushion Cerebrospinal Fluid CSF and Ventricular System Ventricular system and blood brain barrier cranial and spinal nerves don t need to know individual names fluid CSF is produced Ventricles four interconnected cavities ventricles in the brain where the cerebrospinal o Choroid Plexus a tuft of vessels into the ventricles produces cerebrospinal fluid o CSF circulates through brain via lateral ventricles third ventricle and fourth o Central Canal of Spinal Cord fourth ventricle narrows to become this When CSF reaches bottom of spinal cord flows up along outside of spinal cord in ventricle Arachnoid Layer o CSF absorbed into bloodstream CSF always kept at same level Blood Brain Barrier highly selective permeability barrier that separates the circulating blood from the brain extracellular fluid in CNS o Endothelial Cells form walls of capillaries for BBB with tight junctions o BBB allows only certain things through lipid soluble or really small things and special transporters like glucose or smaller viruses Spinal Nerves bundles of axons that exit and enter the spinal cord in pairs Begin at the junction of ventral and dorsal roots of spinal cord and innervate muscles or sensory o Sensory nerves afferent axons dorsal root ganglia house cell bodies for these receptors nerves o Motor neurons efferent axons travel through ventral aspect of spinal cord o Spinal Nerves are named after the regions of the spinal cord from which they arise and each nerve innervates a specific area of the body which is called a dermatome Cranial Nerves Allow for sensory input from head neck and upper abdomen to brain Allow for motor input from brain to skeletal muscles of head and neck Gain access to brain via holes or formena in the skull 12 total o 1 2 go to forebrain 3 4 arise from midbrain 5 12 enter and exit the hindbrain Major Structures in hindbrain midbrain forebrain Lobes and related functioning be able to label on a picture Midbrain Hindbrain Three major subdivision in brain related to developmental processes Forebrain The Forebrain largest part of human brain produces the most interesting human behaviors such as thinking creating speaking and emotions Divided into diencephalon and telencephalon o Telencephalon contains many structures including limbic system basal ganglia and cortex cortex is largest structure in brain Cerebral Cortex Covered in sulci fissures Gray matter cell boduies vs white matter axons myelin Made up of 4 lobes areas Frontal Lobe anterior to central sulcus Parietal Lobe just posterior of CS Occipital Lobe most posterior area and temporal lobe separated from frontal lobe by sylvian tissue The Frontal Lobe divided into three parts o Motor cortex directs fine motor coordination also called precentral gurus o Premotor cortex located immediately anterior to motor cortex processes information about intended movements and sends that information to the motor cortex also called motor association cortex o Prefrontal cortex contains regions that control executive functions including short term memory working memory decision making and prioritizing behaviors some language Broca s area Parietal Lobe located directly posterior to frontal lobes Consist of the post central gurus or primary somatosensory cortex and the secondary somatosensory cortex Principal function of the parental lobes is to process sensory information coming from the body Occipital Lobe posterior to parietal lobe Principal function is to process visual information coming from eyes Temporal Lobe separated from rest of cerebrum by Slyvain fissure Process taste smell and audition Regulate language comprehension and the recognition of visual objects and faces Wernicke s area associated with language processing Central Sulcus is a general division line that separates rostral front regions associated with movement related activities from caudal back activities related to sensation and perception It is transverse toast bread split Limbic System Contains the hippocampus amygdala septum mammillary bodies together with regions in the midbrain diencephalon and cortex brain Hippocampus responsible for some types of learning and for the creation of permanent or long term memories Fornix bundle of axons connecting hippocampus to other

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