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PSB 2000 Final Exam Study Guide GENETICS What is heritability o Estimates how much variation in a phenotypic trait in a population is due to genetic variation among individuals in that population How do we study heritability o Using biochemical methods identification of certain genes linked to behaviors or disorders What are the problems with studying heritability o In adoption studies Biological children of low IQ or mentally ill parents tend to have similar problems even if raised by great adoptive parents It could be genes but it also could be reflection of a poor prenatal environment o In twin studies MZ twins usually share chorion and blood supply i e more similar prenatal environment compared to DZ twins so could be genetics or could be prenatal environment These studies assume that DZ twins are treated as similarly as MZ twins because assume exact same environment What is a sex linked gene o The genes on the sex chromosomes X and Y Understand the heritability of sex linked genes o Consider a gene on the X chromosome o If a male gets this gene he will display the trait o A female must get it on BOTH of her X chromosomes to display the trait o If a female has it on one of her X chromosomes and not the other she is a carrier What is a sex limited gene o Present in both sexes but has an effect only mostly in one sex What are examples of each sex linked and sex limited o Example of sex linked gene Fragile X syndrome Red green color blindness Duchenne muscular dystrophy Hemophilia o Example of sex limited gene Genes for facial hair male Genes for milk production female Terms to know and understand o DNA A self replicating double stranded molecule that has four base pairs Each strand of DNA is a sequence of nucleotide bases adenine thymine guanine and cytosine attached to a chain of phosphate and deoxyribose Packaged in chromatin o RNA Similar to DNA but It contains the nucleotide base uracil instead on thymine Has a phosphate and ribose backbone instead of a phosphate and deoxyribose backbone o Gene Sequence of DNA information on hereditary characteristics Come in pairs Two genes that control the same trait alleles o Chromosome Threadlike structures in the cell nucleus that contain the genes each chromosome is a DNA molecule Come in pairs Humans standardly have 46 chromosomes 22 pairs of autosomal chromosomes so 44 2 sex chromosomes o XX female o XY male 23 pairs all together o Transcription DNA RNA o Translation RNA protein o Genotypes The traits that you can pass onto offspring through genetic material Homozygous and Heterozygous o Phenotype o Karyotype An observable trait The number and appearance of the chromosomes Possessing two identical genes for a particular trait BB Possessing two different genes for a particular trait Bw A gene that shows a strong effect in the heterozygous or homozygous condition Huntington s disease o Recessive A gene that shows a strong effect only in the homozygous condition so you need identical alleles Attached earlobes o Homozygous or ww o Heterozygous o Dominant CELLS OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM Know the parts of a neuron and their functions o Neuron o Cell body o Cell membrane o Dendrites Cells that are specialized for the reception conduction and transmission of electrochemical signals The metabolic center of the neuron also called the soma The semipermeable membrane that encloses the neuron The short processes emanating from the cell body that receive most of the synaptic contacts from other neurons The cone shaped region at the junction between the axon o Axon hillock and the cell body o Axon The long narrow process that projects from the cell body o Myelin The fatty insulation around many axons o Nodes of Ranvier The gaps between sections of myelin o Buttons axon ending The button like endings of the axon branches that release chemicals into synapses o Synapses The gaps between adjacent neurons across which chemical signals are transmitted Be able to label the parts of a neuron How are sensory neurons and motor neurons different from each other o Sensory neurons o Motor neurons Nerve cells within the nervous system responsible for converting external stimuli from the organism s environment into internal electrical impulses Efferent neurons that originate in the spinal cord and synapse with muscle fibers to facilitate muscle contraction and with muscle spindles to modify proprioceptive sensitivity Glial Cells o Oligodendrocytes Glial cells that are found in the central nervous system Rich in myelin so they form myelin sheaths that increase the speed and efficiency of annual conduction Several myelin segments Cant guide axon regrowth o Schwann cells Glial cells that are found in the peripheral nervous system Similar to Oligodendrocytes One myelin segment Can guide axonal regrowth Smallest glial cell that responds to injury or disease by multiplying engulfing cellular debris and triggering inflammatory responses o Microglia o Astrocytes Largest glial cell that allow the passage of some chemicals from the blood into CNS neurons and in blocking other chemicals GROSS ANATOMY OF THE BRAIN What where is the blood brain barrier from passing into brain tissue o Located in the CNS What is gray matter o The mechanism that keeps certain toxic substances in the blood o Composed largely of cell bodies and unmyelinated interneurons What is white matter o Composed largely of myelinated axons What are the 3 primary divisions of the brain o Forebrain Telencephalon Diencephalon o Midbrain o Hindbrain Mesencephalon Metencephalon Myelencephalon For the following brain structures be able to identify them on a midline section of the brain and know generally what they do o Medulla Crucial in regulating breathing heart rate salivation coughing and sneezing Contains a lot of white matter but also has some cranial nerve nuclei carrying information o Pons o Cerebellum Called the little brain Very important for balance and coordination of well learned movements o Midbrain o Thalamus o Hypothalamus A filter and routing station for the brain Interacts with pituitary glands to influence release of hormones into blood Involved in homeostasis and drive related activities feeding body temperature sexual behavior arousal o Pituitary gland o Corpus callosum Makes and secretes melatonin Largest hemisphere connecting tract Although you couldn t find them on a sagittal section of the brain because they are not midline structures o Hippocampus Located in the medial edge of the

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