does it make What research supports this hypothesis 1 What is the James Lange theory of emotion What predictions 1 The James Lange theory of emotion is the theory that the event stimulus comes first then physiological reaction in SNS finally feeling and emotion 2 Predictions i Paralyzed people feel less emotion ii People with weak or absent automatic response feel 1 No less emotion 1 Yes emotion 1 Yes iii Enhancing physical responses should increase 3 Research to support it is the smile pen experiment 2 Are emotional expressions learned or innate Emotional expressions are innate unlearned and biologically determined 3 What is the role of imitation in understanding emotions Imitation of facial expressions seems to be innate and communicates that you know how someone feels and makes you feel their emotions a bit as well 4 What are some brain areas involved in emotion What are some examples of the right hemisphere being more responsive to emotional stimuli Brain areas involved in emotion are o The limbic system Traditionally thought of as emotion center but the amygdala especially o Cortex Strong response to all emotions Different emotions seen all over especially in frontal and temporal lobes Sometimes different emotions activate different regions Some cells respond mainly to pleasant pictures others to unpleasant pictures o Insular Cortex Lights up especially when experiencing or Also fear recognizing on someone else disgust Examples of the right hemisphere being more responsive to emotional stimuli o Activity in Right amygdala more than left when listening to laughter or crying o Pay more attention to emotional expression on face Right more than left temporal cortex o Damage to right temporal cortex difficulty identifying others emotional states o People with left hemisphere damage outperformed other groups on knowing when people were lying or telling the truth surrounding emotional events but not the emotion itself o Inactivate right hemisphere can remember facts 5 How is the prefrontal cortex involved in emotion What is the general interaction b t the prefrontal cortex the amygdala How is serotonin involved i ii active when 1 The prefrontal cortex cingulate gyrus and amygdala are all contemplating a moral decision Generally decisions are based on how they feel and not based on logic Inability to anticipate unpleasantness leads to bad decision making A man with prefrontal damage had no emotion made bad decisions and couldn t predict feeling resulting from outcome 2 The general interaction is the amygdala receives highly processed sensory information from cortex The amygdala could give you an emotion and the prefrontal cortex will tell you not to act on it 3 Serotonin is involved i Non humans ii Humans 1 Less serotonin turnover more aggressive 2 Male monkeys with low serotonin were the most aggressive and most injured with an earlier death 1 Low serotonin turnover in people with history of violent behavior 2 Decreased serotonin turnover increased probability of more convictions for violent crimes 3 Attempted suicide by violent means with people who had low serotonin turnover 6 What types of emotions is the amygdala especially important for What kinds of stimuli activate the amygdala What are some behavioral cognitive consequences of damage to the amygdala Know the experiment about the resident and intruder hamsters and the activation of the amygdala in those hamsters 1 Emotions the amygdala is especially important for i Associating drive with the appropriate target ii Associating the appropriate emotional response with 2 Stimuli that activate the amygdala extra personal objects Judging someones goodness or badness known to be bad i ii When responding to the name of someone widely iii Seeing words that deonote threatening situation iv Looking at frightening photos v Trying to discern complicated emotional stimuli vi Looking at someone else whose expression is fear or anger i i 3 Behavior consequences of damage to the amygdala 4 Hampster experiment Introduce another hampster into a home of another hampster the owner will eventually attack the intruder hampster attacks quicker ii Take out intrude wait put in another intruder home iii During that time increased activity in amygdala 1 Or if stimulate amygdala prime the hampster to attack 7 What do twin studies and adoption studies tell us about the role of heredity in aggressive behavior What about when we look at certain genes like that for MAO 1 Adolescent delinquent behavior dizygotic fraternal monozygotic identical therefore more environmental contribution but adult crimes mono di therefore more genetic contribution i Adults probably have more control over their environment therefore magnifying the influence of genetic contribution 2 MAO breaks down the monoamines 3 MAO a statuse matters a little huge interaction with the i Low MAO a activity and childhood mistreatment environment antisocial behavior 8 What is the potential contribution of 1 smoking while pregnant 2 low serotonin turnover and 3 high testosterone to aggressive behavior Is testosterone working all by itself to alter aggressive behavior Is testosterone important in terms of aggression in males females or both 1 Smoking during pregnancy is correlated with increased likelihood of son to be arrested for violent criminal activities in adolescence and early adulthood turnover 2 People with history of violent behavior have low serotonin 3 High testosterone i Men fight more than women and usually during 15 25 when T is the highest ii Chemical castration in sex offenders causes hetero and homo attacks to disappear along with sex drive 4 Testosterone interacts with other chemicals to alter i Alcohol along with T seems to increase ii Balance of T serotonin decrease impulses and aggressiveness cortisol decrease of which decreases inhibitions is important 5 Important in both behavior 9 Is the role of testosterone due to organizational or activational effects of the hormone 1 Both organizationally and activationally in males and females 10 recognizing the emotion it is expressing What are some aspects of a face that are important in 1 Where they are looking can alter how complicated an emotion is and fear directed at you or anger directed away are hard to discern 11 1 disgust Why that brain region What brain region is important in the expression of Insular cortex because it is also where primary taste cortex is and disgust began as only pertaining to taste Of course our
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