Why is it important for genes to regulate behavior Brain Behavior Exam 1 Review Chapters 1 5 Transcription Translation Dominant Recessive genes how can twin studies tell us if a behavior or mental train has a genetic cause Why is prenatal environment a confounding factor in twin studies Why is it inaccurate to say that behaviors are caused by genes What are epigenetics What is the Multiplier effect How do epigenetics blur the line between genetics and environment What are the two most common types of cells in the CNS central nervous system Neurons Glial Cells Dendrites Soma Nucleus Axon Axon Terminal What does the cell membrane do How can things cross the cell membrane What are the types of glia Astrocyte Microglia Oligodendrocytes Satellites Schwanns Radial What is the cell membrane Why do neurons have a negative resting potential How can neurons be hyperpolarized and depolarized What role do sodium channels play in depolarization What is an action potential AP Resting Potential Threshold Depolarization Action Potential Repolarization Refractory Period Why does the AP travel in only one direction What is the refractory period How does myelin assist in AP conduction What is saltatory conduction Nodes First event at synapse Second event at synapse Third event at synapse Fourth event at synapse Fifth event at synapse Sixth event at synapse Seventh event at synapse Why do you need to inactivate NTs in the synapse What is the difference between a volatage gated and a ligand gated channel Ligand gated Channels Voltage Gated Channels EPSP s IPSP s What are some differences between neuropeptides and other neurotransmitters Synaptic Pruning Neural Axon Puning What are some similarities differences between human brains and brains of other mammals Grey Matter White Matter What are the 3 primary divisions of the brain Major structures of the Hindbrain Major structures of the Midbrain Major structures of the Forebrain What compromises the Brainstem Medulla Pons Cerebellum Midbrain Thalamus Hypothalamus Pituitary Gland Hippocampus Corpus Callosum Cranial Nerves How many there function i Olfactory oh ii Optic oh iii Oculometer oh iv Trochlear motor to v Trigeminal touch vi Abducent motor and vii Facial feel viii Vestibulocochlear vintage ix Glossopharyngeal green x Vagus velvit xi Accssary ah xii Hypoglossal heaven Limbic System General Function Basal ganglia General Function Motor Cortex location Somatosensory Cortex location Auditory Cortex location Visual Cortex location Prefrontal Cortex location Locate the lobes of the cortex The Binding Problem Ventricles What is in Ventricles Mininges General function Human Brain v Rat Brain Areas of Central Nervous System CNS areas of Peripheral Nervous System PNS What are the areas of the spinal cord Dorsal Horn location Dorsal Root location Ventral Horn location Ventral Root location Central Canal location White Matter location Gray Matter location What fibers come out of the Dorsal Root What fibers come out of the Ventral Root What does the DRG contain Cranial Nerves function SNS function PNS function SNS PNS interaction What are the major effects that the PNS and SNS have on the body systems 3 general divisions of the CNS Brain Behavior Exam 1 Review Chapters 1 5 Evolution If a genetic variable is large than the phenotypic trait is largely determined by genetic factors if not and the environmental variable is large then little phenotypic variation occurs due to genetic sources of variation DNA self replicating molecule is transcribed to RNA copy of one strand of DNA RNA is translated to protein some proteins become part of the body s structure others are enzymes that control the rate of chemical reactions These describe how likely it is for a certain phenotype to pass from parent to an offspring Recessive genes need 2 recessive alles Dominant genes need but 1 dominant alle to figure out roles genes play this looks at how identical twins have something compared to fraternal twins ID twins share the exact same DNA We can figure the likely hood of twins with same DNA identical and twins of fratenal relation same as brother sister Identical twins compared to fraternal twins have identical DNA more similar prenatal envi and more similar prenatal gene environment interactions Thus in theory the similarity is from both the genes identical twins share and their more prenatal environment This casts doubt on relative effects of genes environment on the psycioloical variable and other conditions Genes produce proteins that increase the probability that a behavior will develop under ceertain circumstances a field that is concerned with the changes in gene expression turning genes on and off without the modification of the DNA sequence epigenetic mechanisms seem to allow an organism to respond to the environment through changes in gene expression tendancy for small genetic or peranatal influence to change the environment in a way that magnifies the change Neuron Glial Cells communication transfer stimuli to other cells transmitting nerve impulses jack of all trades or housekeepers they clear out excess debris or materials most abundant cells in the CNS Tree branches Dendrites contact other dendrites thus transfering activity Short branched extension of a nerve cell along which pulses from other cells at synapse are transmitted to the cell body cell body the part of a neuron containin the nucleus but not incorporating the axon dendrites contol center contains the genetic material held inside membrane the long threadlike part of a nerve cell along which impulses action potentials are conducted from the cell body through channels to other cells enlarged club like endings which axons make synaptic contacts with other nerve cells or effector cells 1 provides structure function requiring proteins 2 selectively permeable if ions could flow freely across the membrane the neuron would depolarize Most chemicals cannot cross the membrane but small uncharged particles can cross e g electrolytes water O2 CO2 vitamins hormones drugs astrocyte Microglia Oligodendrocytes Satellites Schwanns Radial provide physical nutritional support digest parts of dead neurons provide insulation to neurons provide physical support to nerves provide insulation to nerves guide migration of neurons a semipermeable membrane surrounding the cytoplasm of a cell The membrane is what separates the cell from the outside world 70 mV the inside is slightly neg and outside is slight posi Moreover due
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