Test 4 Notes Emotion Continued Facial expressions of emotions Tell people how to move facial muscles produce expression of an So part of emotional experience is related to what body is doing even emotion alterations in Autonomic Nervous System muscles of facial expression you feel the emotions a bit as well And imitation of facial expression seems to be innate Communicates that you know how someone feels and makes Maybe for empathy see an emotional expression imitate it feel it Innate unlearned biologically determined People in different cultures even isolated environments use same Members of isolated tribes still make faces when told stories patterns of movements of facial muscles to express various emotions Blind versus sited children same expressions People who have never seen an angry happy disgusted ect Face still make faces Way of communicating But can be modulated Men tend to not express as much emotion Women tend to increase amount of emotional expression Brain areas involved in emotion Limbic system Cortex Traditionally thought of as emotion Amygdala especially more later center Strong response to all emotions Different emotions seen all over esp frontal temporal lobes and sometimes different emotions activate same regions Some cells respond mainly to pleasant pics others to unpleasant pics haven t seen cells specific to differet types of unpleasantness fear vs anger Important in processing information Insular cortex someone else disgust Lights up a lot especially when experiencing or recognizing on Also fear Yours and others When you get hurt or see someone get hurt the same brain areas light up Lateralization roles of left versus right hemisphere Personality More activity in left frontal cortex happier outgoing fun loving More activity in right hemisphere socially withdrawn less satisfied w life prone to unpleasant emotions Left hemisphere Behavioral Activation System BAS Low autonomic response tendency to approach indicating happiness or anger Right hemisphere Behavioral Inactivation System BIS More activity in right hemisphere less happy with life More activity in left hemisphere more happy and outgoing Right hemisphere more responsive to emotional stimuli Increased attention arousal inhibition of action stimulates fear or disgust Right hemisphere responds more than left hemisphere when task Activity in R amygdala more than L when listen to laughter or Pay attention to emotional expression on face R more than L involved emotion crying temporal cortex That s where facial recognition is Damage to R temporal cortex difficulty identifying others emotional People w L hemisphere damage outperformed other groups on states knowing when people were lying or telling the truth With analytical side out of the way the emotional part tunes into subtle emotional cues that we give off when we tell a lie Inactivate R hemisphere can remember facts surrounding emotional events but not the emotion itself Dexter Morgan doesn t feel the RIGHT emotions Right hemisphere emotion yeah Emotions and Moral Decisions Prefrontal cortex cingulate gyrus and amygdala all active when contemplating a moral decision them justify them later We tend to make decisions based on how they feel reason thru Generally not based on logic Inability to anticipate unpleasantness leads to bad decision making includes lack of autonomic arousal in anticipation of bad outcome Difficulty imagining the possible unpleasant outcomes after a Man w prefrontal cortex damage No emotion made bad decisions particular action when damage to pre frontal cortex could predict outcome couldn t predict feeling resulting from outcome Amygdala Receives highly processed sensory information vision audition olfaction somatosensory from cortex Output to Hypothalamus for autonomic response Controls release of stress hormones as well Prefrontal cortex to control approach and avoidance Midbrain then pons then spinal cord for startle reflex Associates appropriate emotional response with extra personal objects Snake about to strike get scared extra personal objects Rope don t get scared Associates drive with appropriate target Activated when bad Judging someone s goodness or badness When responding even to the name of someone widely known to be very Seeing words that denote threatening situation Judging someone s goodness or badness or when responding even to the name of someone widely known to be very bad or seeing words that denote threatening situation Looking at photos of something frightening or someone looking fearful Trying to discern complicated emotional stimuli Where they are looking can alter how complicated an emotion is Fear directed at you or anger directed away from you are hard to discern Looking at someone else whose expression is fear or anger even if observer isn t conscious of presentation Brief presentation of image Snake or spider shown shock fear of snakes and spiders Cortical blindness Visual cortex in opcital lobe is damaged Eyeballs are fine and working but they aren t consciously aware of vision During fear conditioning Psychopaths Paired pictures of men s faces w a painful stimulus Normal subjects to establish a conditioned emotional response Autonomic signs of emotional conditioning Activation in amygdala insula part of Psychopathic subjects no signs of conditioned prefrontal cortex Birbaumer et al 2005 emotional response little brain activation http archpsyc jamanetwork com article aspx articleid 208744 Attack Hamster in cage Introduce another hamster intruder home hamster eventually attacks Take out intruder wait put in another intruder home hamster attacks quicker During that time increased activity in amygdala Or if stimulate amygdala prime the hamster to attack Does this happen in people Why don t we attack PFC by the amygdala Prefrontal cortex puts the breaks on a knee jerk response initiated Amygdala really ramped up Amygdala ramps up SNS initiates knee jerk responses then PFC stops you Interim summary and preview So the amygdala gives you this knee jerk aggressive reaction to scary or Your prefrontal cortex puts the breaks on that reaction in part by helping Serotonin is excitatory to prefrontal cortex anger provoking stimuli you understand how you would feel after such a response Serotonin synapses and aggressive behaviour non humans Mice less serotonin turnover more aggressive Isolate male mice for 4 weeks increase aggression decrease serotonin turnover amount of serotonin used replaced Isolated male mice
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