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Study Guide for Optional Final 1 When are morning people aka larks most productive at what time of day a Morning people awaken early quickly become productive and become less alert as the day progresses 2 What is the primary Zeitgeber in humans circadian rhythm 3 What is the function of the pinna a The primary Zeitbeger in humans is light Zeitbeger is the stimulus that resets a Outer ear structure of flesh and cartilage that sticks out from each side of the head Located in the outer ear it helps us locate the source of a sound 4 Know the pathway sounds travels from the outer ear to the inner ear a Pinna sound waves external auditory canal tympanic membrane eardrum vibrates connects to Ossicles 3 bones stirrup bones transmit vibrations to oval window transform into stronger vibrations force moves viscous fluid to cochlea auditory receptors hair cells between membranes displaced by vibrations thereby opening ion channels in its membrane hair cells excite auditory nerve AP Auditory Nerve is sent to brainstem 5 What is nerve deafness a AKA inner ear deafness Results from damage to the cochlea the hair cells or the auditory nerve Can occur in any degree and may not be confined to one part of the cochlea in which case someone hears certain frequencies and not others Causes can be inherited or it can develop from a variety of parental problems or early childhood disorders exposure of mother to rubella syphilis or other diseases toxins during pregnancy inadequate oxygen to the brain during birth deficient activity of the thyroid gland certain diseases including multiple sclerosis and meningitis childhood reactions to certain drugs and repeated exposure to loud noises Can usually be corrected with surgery 6 What neurotransmitter s are released in response to mild vs strong pain a Pain axons release two neurotransmitters in the spinal cord Mild pain releases the neurotransmitter glutamate whereas stronger pain releases both glutamate and substance P Mice lacking receptors for substance P react normally to mild pain but react to a severe injury as if it were a mild injury Without substance P they don t detect the increased intensity 7 What is the endopiriform cortex a Taste and smell axons converge onto many of the same cells in an area called the endopiriform cortex This allows taste and smell to combine their influences on food selection 8 Which taste receptors are ionotropic Which are metabotropic a Ionotropic Salty and sour Metabotropic Sweet and bitter 9 What is color synthesia a letters and numbers perceived as colors 10 What is the tympanic membrane a Also known as the eardrum It vibrates at the same frequency as the sound waves that strike it It connects to three tiny bones that transmit the vibrations to the a Dreamlike experiences that the person has trouble distinguishing from realtiy oval window a membrane of the inner ear 11 What are hypnagogic hallucinations often occurs at the onset of sleep I e Falling 12 Schizophrenia involves which neurotransmitters a Dopamine and Glutamate 13 What is the Bell Magendie Law a Observation that the dorsal roots of the spinal cord carry sensory information and that the ventral roots carry motor information toward the muscles and glands 14 What are some functions of the hypothalamus a Fore brain structure near the base of the brain just enter to the thalamus Functions include releasing hormones conveys messages to the pituitary glands also deals with feeding drinking temperature regulation sexual behavior fighting and activity level 15 What is the occipital lobe important for a Posterior section of the cerebral cortex involved important for sight 16 What is apoptosis a Developmental program by which a neuron kills itself at a certain age unless inhibited from doing so by not making contact with an appropriate postsynaptic cell Nerve Growth Factor NGF cancels the program for apoptosis it is the postsynaptic cell s way of telling the axon I ll be your partner Don t Kill yourself 17 How is PKU treated a Consider phenylketonuria PKU a genetic inability to metabolize the amino acid phenylalanine If PKU is not treated phenylalanine accumulates to toxic levels impairing brain development and leaving children mentally retarded restless and irritable Although PKU is a hereditary condition environmental interventions can modify it If a baby has high levels indicating PKU physicians advise the parents to put the baby on a strict low phenylalanine diet to minimize brain damage Our ability to prevent PKU provides particularly strong evidence that heritable does not mean unmodifiable 18 What is the penumbra a When it is too late for tPA to save cells from dying hope remains for cells in the penumbra the region surrounding the immediate damage One idea is to prevent overstimulation by blocking glutamate synapses but the results have been disappointing Physicians use low levels of the drug to avoid serious side effects and usually too little of the drugs reach the affected sites 19 What structures focus light as it enters the eye a The pupil is focused by the lens adjustable and cornea not adjustable which focus light on the retina 20 What is the most common cause of brain damage in young people a The most common form of brain damage in young people is closed head injury a sharp blow to the head resulting from an accident assault or other sudden trauma that does not actually puncture the brain They are common and mild ones produce little or no lasting damage When damage does occur one cause is the rotational forces that drive brain tissue against the inside of the skull Also blood clots that interrupt blood flow to the brain 21 What are sex linked genes a Androgens testosterone and DHT Estrogens Estradiol Progestin s Progesterone 22 What 2 chemicals guide neuron migration a Chemicals known as immunoglobulin s and chemokines guide neuron migration 23 What neurotransmitter does alcohol suppress the release of a IT facilitates response of thGABA receptor It blocks activity of glutamate receptors 24 What type of cells produce myelin in peripheral vs central nervous system a Myelin is the insulating material composed of fats and proteins Glia produce the insulating fatty sheets that accelerate transmission in many vertebrate axons 25 What is the function of microglia a The are very small neurons that remove waste materials and microorganisms from the central nervous system 26 Why is the blood brain barrier BBB important when developing new drugs a The blood brain

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