Brain and Behavior Final Exam Review Hallacinagens over stimulate seratonin ONLY PERSON I NEED TO KNOW IT RAMON Y CAHAL answer on test is false Label lobes label spinal cord section label parts of a neuron focus on cocaine nicotine and alcohol hormones can be neurotransmitters glutamate is excitatory and GABA is inhibitory catacholamines dop epinep norepin COMT specific to catechol 3 vesicle and 5 vesicle stage of brain for mid hind in the 5 vesicle the fore and hindbrain split and the medulla becomes its own resting potential 70 neuron bc im full of aminoacids when it binds it s a ligand tht open up sodium channels both electrical and concentration are trying to drive sodium into the cell concentration is stronger insulate means to help keeps the signal strong SPROUTING NOT ON EXAM Hypothalamus controls pituitary to release hormones Posterior releases oxytocin n vasopressin LH FSH ACTH prolactin GNRH anterior portion 6 Know 3 meninges n ventricles Litt msn is homunculus Study Guide for PSB2000 Sections 06 Exam 1 Vocab Biological Psychology of behavior and experience Emphasis on brain functioning is the study of the physiological evolutionary and developmental mechanisms Microduplication microdeletion part of a chromosome that might appear once might appear twice or not at all Epigenetics a field that is concerned with changes in gene expression without the modification of the DNA sequence Epigenetic differences are a likely explanation for differences between monozygotic identical twins Heritability of a certain trait is specific to a given population Lamarckian evolution The use or disuse of some structure or behavior causes an increase or decrease in that behavior Group selection is a controversial hypothesis that states that altruistic groups survive better than less cooperative ones Kin selection is the favored explanation selection for a gene that benefit s the individual s relatives Chapter 1 Study Hints Understand and be able to answer conceptual or factual questions about the biological explanations of behavior Physiological Ontogenetic Evolutionary Functional Biological explanations of behavior fall into four categories o Physiological relates a behavior to the activity of the brain and other organs o Ontogenetic describes the development of a structure or behavior o Evolutionary reconstructs evolutionary history of a behavior or structure o Functional describes why a structure or behavior evolved as it did The mind brain mind body problem is defined as trying to determine the relationship between the mental mind and the physical brain Know the difference between dualism Descartes and most non scientists and monism most neuroscientists For monism understand what is meant by identity position Dualism by Descartes and rejected by neuroscientists is the belief that there are different kinds of substance that exist independently Defended Monism is the belief that the universe is only comprised of one type of substance o Forms of monism include Materialism everything that exists is physical by nature Mentalism only the mind truly exists Identity position mental processes and some brain processes are the same but described in different terms Every mental experience is a brain activity even though descriptions of thoughts sound very different from descriptions of brain activities Example the same fright you feel when someone threatens you is the same thing as a certain pattern of activity in your brain The mind is brain activity mental activity is what is happening to the brain Know the difference between DNA and RNA and the difference between chromosomes and genes and know the difference between heterozygous different and homozygous same and what that means for dominant vs recessive genes DNA serves as a model for the synthesis of ribonucleic acid RNA RNA is a single strand chemical that can serve as a template model for the synthesis of proteins Proteins serve as enzymes biological catalysts that regulate chemical reactions in the body Sex linked vs sex limited A sex linked gene is on a sex chromosome usually the X chromosome because the Y chromosome is SO MUCH SHORTER A sex limited gene could be on any chromosome chromosomes that are not sex chromosomes are autosomal chromosomes but it is activated by sex hormones and therefore shows its effects only in one sex or the other Autosomal genes all other genes except for sex linked genes Sex linked genes genes located on the sex chromosomes The human Y chromosome has genes for 27 proteins The human X chromosome has genes for approximately 1500 proteins Thus sex linked genes usually refer to X linked genes Example Red green color deficiency Sex limited genes are genes that are present in both sexes but mainly have an effect on one sex Chest hair breast size etc What are some possible complications in estimating hereditary influences in behavior Consider possible consequences of prenatal influences and the multiplier effect Heritable does not mean unmodifiable Phenylketonuria is an example of this How Means to have a genetic inability to metabolize the amino acid phenylalanine impairing brain development and leaving children in mental retardation Physicians can measure phenylalanine levels in the babies bood or urine and if they are high they can instruct the parents to put the baby on a strict low phenylalanine diet to reduce brain damage What is the definition of evolution Realize that this is not the discussing the origin of life but the origin of species which are changed over generations due to artificial and natural selection reproduction of the fittest Evolution is a change over generations in the frequencies of various genes in a population While there may be much disagreement on this topic according to the author what are some reasons to use animals in research and how do most biological scientists feel about it Justification for research considers the amount of benefit gained compared to the amount of distress caused to the animal Minimize harm but increase knowledge better to inflict distress under controlled conditions then to permit ignorance and disease to inflict greater distress Chapter 2 Vocab Golgi Puts finishing touches on newly made proteins Lysosome breakdown of waste products Ramon y Cajal 1852 1934 was the first to demonstrate that the individual cells comprising the nervous system remained separate He showed that they did not grow into each other as previously believed Glia 8 5 10x more glia than neurons
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