EXAM 4 Study Guide Sleep II Sleep Stages o Stage 1 Beginning of sleep cycle Theta waves present Brief roughly 5 10 minutes o Stage 2 Sleep spindles random bursts of brain activity K complex high amplitude wave followed by a small slower wave Occurs in about 20 minutes Stage 3 slow wave sleep Stage 4 also slow wave sleep Delta waves become present transition from light sleep into deep sleep Dominates first half of night along with stage 4 Deep sleep Bed wetting and sleep walking are most likely to occur in this stage Roughly 30 minutes long Dominates first half of night along with stage 3 REM rapid eye movements Beta waves present Paradoxical sleep active dreaming and non active muscles Length of REM grows as sleep cycle is repeated As we age REM sleep duration decreases Dominates second half of night Heart rate breathing blood pressure and temperature decrease with each stage Sequence of Sleep 1 2 3 4 3 2 REM 2 1 repeat Hypnagogic hallucinations vivid sensations ex Falling in dream and waking up due to feeling Myoclonic jerks startled suddenly involuntary muscle movements ex Twitching Insomnia inadequate or abnormal sleep Caused by psychiatric disorders physical problems and environmental influences Primarily effects females elderly and shift workers o o o o o o o o Reproductive Behaviors Sex steroid hormones Androgen testosterone T DHT Estrogen estradiol E Progestin progesterone P Organizational sensitive stages of development permanent Activational anytime of life temporary o Effects Sex Determination o Male XY SRY gene Sex Determining Region of Y Chromosome Determines levels of circulating testosterone tells gonads to trigger development of testes which produce and release testerone and leads to development of penis and scrotum Default aka no SRY gene female development pattern low testosterone levels lead to formation of gonads which lead to development of ovaries o Female XX when things go wrong o Male Feminized Demasculinized If androgen receptors are blocked due to drug use marijuana alcohol cocaine etc then it causes reproductive development to become demasculinized and more feminine If individual lacks androgen testosterone receptors then development takes female route female masculinized Hormones and their effects Alters brain activity regions which alters the responses to specific stimuli Testosterone levels correlate positively with sexual arousal peaks between 15 25 Bell shaped trend of testosterone levels Follicle stimulating hormone FSH is released by the anterior pituitary nurtures ovum and releases estrogen Periovulatory Phase Estrogen and Testosterone levels are high Becomes more sexually responsive find erotica more pleasant arousing and begin to prefer masculine men o Female o o Males o Females Hypothalamus Differences Preoptic area o o Men have more cells in this area than women Men have greater cross sectional area than women Suprachiasmatic Nucleus Males nucleus is shaped like a sphere Females nucleus is elongated Oxytocin o o o o Pituitary hormone Stimulates uterus causing contraction during delivery Stimulates release of milk by mammary gland Aids in formation of maternal behavior pair bonds mother and infant Vasopressin Important in paternal behavior o o High levels of vasopressin more monogamous o low levels of vasopressin more promiscuous Variations in Sexual Behavior Mating Behaving o Number of partners o Partner preference Males usually have more sexual partners than women Men tend to focus on age aging Women tend to focus on income earning potential Health intelligence honesty physical attractiveness important to both sexes o Psychological components Sexual infidelity vs emotional infidelity Sex differences vs Gender differences Sex differences XX vs XY o o Gender differences how we identify ourselves sexually Intersexes intermediate anatomy between male and female o GENETIC XX occurs when SRY gene is translocated XY occurs due to SRY gene mutation Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia CAH o o o o o Limitation of adrenal gland to produce Cortisol from birth XY no problems XX masculinization of external genitals occurs diagnosed at birth and can be treated through hypercortisone STILL female usually STILL heterosexual Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome XY male with the gender appearance of a female caused by a lack of testosterone receptor however androgen levels remain normal At birth appears to be female when puberty begins formation of breasts and widening of hips occurs but NO MENSTRUAL CYCLE DHT Deficiency o XY normal testosterone levels accompanied by low levels of DHT appearance is female female genitalia while behaviors is usually seen as tomboyish o During puberty high levels of testosterone bring about the development of male genitalia and gender identity is usually reassigned Sexual Orientation Differences o Brain anatomy homosexual brain is shifted towards the opposite sex in some BUT not all ways Hemisphere size Amagdyla Male right left Female homosexual male right left Homosexual female intermediate Male right left Female homosexual male right left Homosexual female intermediate o o Bone length heterosexual homosexual Behavior Heterosexual females and homosexual males are known to use landmarks when giving directions Pre pulse inhibitions Male Female Homosexual female shifted towards heterosexual male Prenatal influences of sexual orientation o Hormone levels during critical period o Mother s immune system Protein reaction is the proposed hypothesis not relevant for females Stress or alcohol male female and male sex behavior Stress and alcohol male decreased male sex behavior Stress endorphins antagonizes T effects elevates corticosterone decrease T o Stress on mother o Brain anatomy Homosexual male female direction Homosexual female male direction INAH 3 Male 2x greater than female Homosexual male similar to heterosexual female Group mental disorders an underlying problem primarily affects a person s persistent emotional state mood Mood Disorders Major Depression o o o Emotional depressed mood little pleasure from anything Somatic changes in weight sleep energy and psychomotor abilities Cognitive feels worthless thoughts of death no happiness indecisive Atypical Depression Increased appetite weight gain hypersomnia o o Many partners frequent breakups o Changes in appetite energy and sleep not a severe as major depression Dysthymia Bipolar Disorder Bipolar I full manic episodes Bipolar II milder manic episodes hypomania o o o Mania symptoms
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