Study Guide for Optional Final Exam CELLS OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM Know the parts of a neuron and their functions Be able to label the parts of a neuron Membrane A structure consisting principally of lipid molecules that defines the outer boundaries of a cell and also constitutes many of the cell organelles such as the Golgi apparatus Nucleus A structure in the central region of a cell containing the nucleolus and chromosomes Nucleolus A structure within the nucleus of a cell that produces the ribosomes Neurotransmitter A chemical that is released by a terminal button has excitatory or inhibitory effect on another neuron Mitochondrion An organelle that is responsible for extracting energy from nutrients adenosine triphosphate ATP A molecule of prime importance to cellular energy metabolism its breakdown liberates energy endoplasmic reticulum Parallel layers of membrane found within the cytoplasm of a cell Rough endoplasmic reticulum contains ribosomes and is involved with production of proteins that are secreted by the cell Smooth endoplasmic reticulum is the site of synthesis of lipids and provides channels for the segregation of molecules involved in various cellular processes Golgi apparatus A complex of parallel membranes in the cytoplasm that wraps the products of a secretory cell How are sensory neurons and motor neurons different from each other This is a motor neuron The cell body soma lives in the spinal cord The axon is part of a nerve in your body The terminals synapse with muscle fibers This is a somatosensory touch neuron The soma lives just outside of the spinal cord in a dorsal root ganglion Most of its length is an axon It has specialized endings in the skin and its terminals are in the spinal cord What are the functions of oligodendrocytes and schwann cells Are there other types of glial cells Schwann cells myelin in PNS Oligodendrocytes myelin in CNS Microglia repair remove waste fungi microorganisms Radial glia guide cell axon migration during development after development turn into neurons Astrocytes wrap around terminals of related axons remove waste material provide structural support form dense scars upon injury dilate blood vessels in active regions of brain provide nutrients from blood to neurons Blood brain barrier BBB GROSS ANATOMY OF THE BRAIN What where is the blood brain barrier Endothelial cells w tight junctions surrounding capillaries Astrocytes surround endothelial cells BBB keeps out viruses bacteria chemicals nutrients BBB lets thru small uncharged molecules fat soluble molecules vit A and D psychotropic drugs glucose special transport What is gray matter White matter consists of axons so this is where info is conveyed up to the brain or down from the brain White matter What are the 3 primary divisions of the brain Forebrain thinking perceiving big part of emotion memory drive related behaviors cortex folded stuff structures deep to cortex thalamus hypothalamus hippocampus and amygdala basal ganglia etc Midbrain sensory pathways visual and auditory processing reflexes top portion of brainstem Hindbrain Some motor control reflexes breathing heart rate etc Bottom of brainstem pons medulla and cerebellum For the following brain structures be able to identify them on a midline section of the brain and know generally what they do medulla Controls vital reflexes Damage to medulla can be fatal trauma drugs pons cerebellum Movement Rate range force direction Well learned movements Sensory timing Balance postural control midbrain Reflexive orienting to visual and auditory stimuli Intrinsic descending pain control Substantia nigra Parkinson s disease thalamus Relay station filter for sensory info on its way to cortex Involved in many other systems motor emotional memory etc hypothalamus Communicates with pituitary gland to alter hormone release Involved in drive related behaviors and maintenance of homeostasis feeding drinking temperature regulation sexual behavior fighting arousal activity level sleep wake rhythms pituitary gland Endocrine gland hormone producing Attached to hypothalamus by pituitary stalk Makes and releases hormones into bloodstream corpus callosum how the hemispheres of the brain communicate Hippocampus spatial and declarative memory amygdala emotion Cranial nerves what is their general function How many are there 12 pairs Most enter exit the ventral surface of the brainstem Sensory and motor for head face Important in neurological exams Some have autonomic component pupil constriction tearing salivating cardiovascular functions We discussed 2 systems the limbic system and the basal ganglia Know the general function s of each Basil Ganglia motor functions Input from motor and sensory ctx Output to motor cortices Individual neurons Specific movements cognitive functions drive related behavior and Limbic connections Limbic emotion and memory Be able to locate the lobes of the cortex know what primary sensory cortex is associated with each Also know which lobe contains motor cortex and prefrontal cortex Frontal prefrontal cortex and motor cortex Parietal somatosensory cortex Temporal auditory cortex Occipital vision What are ventricles Contain cerebrospinal fluid CSF What where are the meninges 3 layers Dura mater Arachnoid Pia mater Stabilize protect the CNS Mechanically CSF within meninges b t arachnoid and pia for buoyancy SPINAL CORD AND PNS Know the parts of the spinal cord dorsal horn ventral horn dorsal root ventral root central canal dorsal root ganglion Be able to label them on a figure Know the Bell Magendie law The entering dorsal roots carry sensory information to the brain the exiting ventral roots carry motor information to the muscles and glands In other words Dorsal sensory Ventral motor Generally speaking what is a reflex Involuntary stereotyped response to a sensory input What structures comprise the CNS and what structures comprise the PNS Central nervous system CNS brain spinal cord Peripheral nervous system PNS nerves outside brain and spinal cord How is the PNS subdivided What are the distinct roles of the somatic enteric sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems Understand the differences between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems in terms of 1 under what circumstances each one is activated and 2 physiological effects ACTION POTENTIAL AND RESTING POTENTIAL When the cell is at rest which ions are most highly concentrated inside of the cell and which ones are most highly concentrated outside of
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