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SLEEP We discussed 3 possible functions of sleep in general know those Energy Conservation original purpose species differ in their amount of sleep depending on how much time they devote to hunting how safe they are Restoration GABA is released during sleep sleep deprivation increases GABA in neurons DEPRIVED dizziness bad concentration hand tremors irritability hallucination Low metabolic demands brain can rebuild proteins replenish glycogen Memory learn something then sleep have increased performance brain areas active during learning are active in next sleep short term memory takes out the trash what REM sleep is for We also discussed possible functions of REM sleep know those hypothesis 1 important for memory consolidation removal of useless connections YES bc sleep deprivation can impair learning but only when deprivation occurs in REM sleep REM episodes increase following training return to normal after tasks are mastered NO bc MAOis antidepressants decrease REM but no memory problems in these people Hypothesis 2 Brain development infants have LOTS of REM sleep REM sleep decreases with age so animals born more developed than humans have less REM sleep in infancy What are the different stages of sleep In general what is brain activity like in those stages In what order do humans move thru these stages during a night of sleep What do heart rate breathing blood pressure and temperature do during the different stages of sleep 1 2 3 4 3 2 REM Stage 1 HR breathing brain activity decrease ALPHA RHYTHM Stage 2 brain activity still decreasing see wave forms which serve to protect a person from being awakened by a sudden stimulus SLEEP SPINDLES Stage 3 deep sleep slow wave DELTA WAVE Stage 4 deep sleep thalamus stops relaying sensory info to cortex DELTA WAVE REM high brain activity fast waves muscles relaxed paralyzed HR BP breathing are more variable facial twitching when dreams usually occur are most intense What is paradoxical about REM sleep What neurotransmitters are involved How is it related to dreams There is a lot of brain activity but the body is so relaxed that it s basically paralyzed Related to serotonin acetylcholine Ach stimulates REM sleep antidepressents shorten REM sleep When dreaming what brain areas are very active and which ones are inactive What is the functional consequence of that for example the prefrontal cortex being inactive leads to poor memory and logic in dreams What are PGO waves ACTIVE pons activate some parts of parietal temporal occipital amygdala hence strong emotional content hypothalamus hence motivation drives in dreams INACTIVE v1 or 1 sensory cortex so theres no sensory info to compete with self generated info therefore hallucinations prefrontal cortex PFC memory is weak logic is lacking Know understand some common sleep disorders insomnia narcolepsy sleep apnea periodic limb movement disorder restless leg syndrome REM behavior disorder night terrors sleep walking sleep talking Insomnia inadequate non restoritive sleep causes medical disorders pain psychiatric disorders aging Narcolepsy frequent periods of sleepiness during the day unexpected by emotional event reality cataplexy sudden weakness due to decreased muscle tone triggered hypnagogic hallucinations dreams that are hard to distinguish from sleep paralysis unable to move at sleep onset or waking aging obesity every 20 30 seconds can cause insomnia Sleep Apnea inability to breath while sleeping due to genetics hormones Periodic Limb Movement restless leg syndrome legs kick up to once REM behavior disorder move around vigorously during REM sleep bc no paralysis Night Terrors intense anxiety person awakens screaming in terror usually occur during non REM sleep in children Sleep Walking Talking usually occur during non REM sleep in children recent study shows that SW are mimicking that days activities As we age what changes about overall sleep and the amount of time spent in REM sleep and what happens to the incidence of sleep disorders We spend less time sleeping overall less time in REM sleep Sleep disorders get more common Organizing Activatating effects of hormones Know the 3 classes of sex steroid hormones and their synthesis pathway Know examples of each class ie testosterone is an androgen all hormones start as testosterone and if affected by aromatase turns to estradiol if affected by 5a reductase turns to DHT Released by gonads and to a lesser extent by adrenal glands affect brain genitals other organs Androgens Testosterone DHT higher in men Estrogens Estradiol higher in women Progestins Progesterone higher in women Know the differences between organizational and activational effects of hormones What are some examples of each type of effect in men and in women Organizational occurs mostly during sensitive periods in development well before birth generally permanent determine whether BRAIN BODY will develop male or female characteristics Activational occurs any time in life when a hormone temporarily activates a response physiological or behavioral effects last as long as hormone is present generally temporary includes menstrual cycle in women sexual excitement in men sometimes women What is the chromosomal difference between males and females Male have xy female have xx What is the region of the Y chromosome that is important for male development and how why does that trigger male development What does it mean that the default development pattern is female The SRY gene is turned on if youre a male gonads begin to develop as testes testes secrete anti mullerian hormone to cause regression of mullerian ducts testosterone to promote development of wolffian ducts NO sry gene regression of wolffian ducts development of mullerian ducts female How can a male be feminized demasculinized or a female masculinized things that block androgen activity during a critical period of development can be feminizing demasculinizing castration lack of androgen receptors drugs that black effects of testrostorone marijuana alcohol cocaine haloperidol testostrone during sensitive critical period will masculinize the hypothalamus of genetic females giving them a larger sexuall dimorphic nucleus a female hypothalamus generates cyclic pattern of hormone release causing menstraul cylce masculinized female hypothalamus does not Behavior is also masculinized Understand how hormones affect sexual behavior and know some evidence for those effects in rats and in humans In what pattern do testosterone levels

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