Brain and behavior exam 2 study questions Lecture 5 1 What is gray matter White matter In the cross section through the spinal cord the H shaped gray matter in the center of the cord is densely packed with cell bodies and dendrites Many neurons of the spinal cord send axons from the gray matter to the brain or other parts of the spinal cord through the white matter which consists mostly of myelinated axons Grey matter Processes In Central Nervous System consists of cell bodies and dendrites White matter Channels of communication Bundles of axons i e corpus callosum coated with myelin sheath which makes it white 2 Know these planes of section sagittal parasagittal horizontal coronal Sagittal plane a plane that shows brain structures as seen from the side Parasagittal plane Sagittal plane that divides the body into unequal right and left regions Parallael to the sagittal plane Horizontal plane a plane that shows brain structures as seen from above or transverse plane Coronal plane a plane that shows brain structures as seen from the front or frontal plane 3 Know these directional terms medial lateral dorsal ventral proximal distal anterior posterior rostral caudal proximal distal contralateral ipsilateral Medial toward the midline away from the side Lateral toward the side away from the midline Dorsal toward the back away from the ventral stomach side The top of the brain is considered dorsal because it has that position in four legged animals Ventral toward the stomach away from the dorsal back side Proximal located close to the point of origin of attachment ex shoulder proximal to the elbow Distal located more distant from the point of origin or attachment ex hand distal to elbow Posterior toward the rear end Anterior toward the front end Superior above another part Inferior below another part Contralateral On the opposite side of the body one on the left and one on the right Ex right arm and left leg Ipsilateral on the same side of the body two parts on the left or two on the right Ex right arm and right leg Rostral noseward towards the tip of the frontal lobe Caudal tailward Of at or near the tail or the posterior end of the body In the human case towards the bottom of the feet also the tail of the spinal cord and body 4 What are lamina tracts nuclei sulci gyri fissure column nerve ganglia Lamina a row or layer of cell bodies separated from other cell bodies by a layer of axons and dendrites Tract a set of axons within the CNS also known as projection If axons extend from cell bodies in structure A to synapses onto B we say that the fibers project from A to B Nuclei a cluster of neuron cell bodies within the CNS Sulci sulcus a fold or groove that separates one gyrus from another Gyri gyrus a protuberance on the surface of the brain Fissure a long deep sulcus Column a set of cells perpendicular to the surface of the cortex with similar properties Nerve a set of axons in the periphery either from the CNS to a muscle or gland or from a sensory organ to the CNS Ganglia a cluster of neuron cell bodies usually outside the CNS as in the sympathetic nervous system 5 Know the Bell Magendie law and understand how that incorporates the dorsal ventral roots The entering dorsal roots axon bundles carry sensory information and the exiting ventral roots carry motor information towards the muscles and glands 6 What structures comprise the CNS and what structures comprise the PNS CNS brain and spinal cord PNS nerves outside brain and spinal cord somatic and autonomic 7 How is the PNS subdivided Somatic nervous system voluntary Nerves that convey messages from sense organs to CNS and from CNS to muscles and glands Controls voluntary muscles Autonomic involuntary Controls involuntary muscles such as heart intestines and other organs Has some of its cell bodies within the brain or spinal cord and some in clusters along the sides of the spinal cord Decreases digestion and dilates pupils 1 Has sympathetic parasympathetic and enteric NS 8 How do the actions between the sympathetic parasympathetic nervous system differ i e what is stimulated or inhibited Sympathetic nervous system expends energy A network of nerves that prepares the organs for vigorous activity consists of chains of ganglia just to the left and right of the spinal cords central regions thoracic and lumbar regions Axons connect ganglia to spinal cords Prepare organs for fight or flight increasing breathing and heart rate and decreasing digestive activity Sympathetic ganglia closely linked and act in sympathy with each other Parasympathetic conserves energy Facilitates vegetative nonemergency responses Para besides or related to Generally the opposite of sympathetic nervous system ex sympathetic increases heart rate but parasympathetic decreases it Increases digestive activity constricts pupils Parasympathetic ganglia are not arranged in chain and act more independently Also known as craniosacral system Lecture 6 1 What are the 3 primary divisions of the brain and what major structures are in those division The hindbrain the posterior part of the brain Consists of the bottom of brainstem medulla pons and the cerebellum Some motor control reflexes breathing heart rate etc 1 Major structures Medulla vital reflexes drugs damage can be fatal Pons anterior ventral to medulla bridge axons from each half of brain cross to opposite side of spinal cord so left hemisphere controls muscles of right side body Cerebellum large hindbrain structure important for balance and coordination direction of movement and coordinated tasks such as playing an instrument The midbrain in middle of the brain and top of brainstem In adult mammals it is surrounded by the forebrain but more of a prominent structure in animals Has sensory pathways and visual and auditory processing Roof is called tectum 1 Major structures Superior colliculus and inferior colliculus important for sensory processing Inferior for hearing and superior for vision Tegmentum lies under the tectum includes the nuclei for the third and fourth cranial nerves parts of the reticular formation and extensions of the pathways between the forebrain and the spinal cord of hindbrain Substantia nigra gives rise to the dopamine containing pathway that facilitates readiness for movement deteriorates with Parkinson s Disease Periaqueductal gray opiod receptors blocks pain located around cerebral aqueduct The forebrain the most anterior and prominent part of the mammalian brain Consists of 2 cerebral
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