CHAPTER ONE IN CLASS LECTURE NOTES SUMMARY Slides 1 4 Slides 5 8 Functional Describe WHY a behavior evolved as it did Physiological Relate behavior to activity of brain organs Ontogenetic Relate behavior to development of animal Evolutionary Relate behavior to the evolutionary history of animal Neurons Main unit of NS Communication approx 85 billion in CNS Glia Structural Functional support for neurons Cell Membrane phospholipid bilayer Seperates cell environment Nucleus chromosomes genes DNA Mitochondria Aerobic energy metabolism other metablolic activities Ribosomes attached to rough endoplasmic reticulum Protein Synthesis Endoplasmic Reticulum Thin Tubes Transports proteins Golgi Apparatus Packages and modifies proteins GENES portion of DNA Composed of chromosomes Codes for a specific protein In EVERY cell In flurnce everything including behavior Slides 9 12 Protein some structure some catalyze reactions DNA is a self replicating molecule RNA is a copy of one strand of the DNA DNA is transcribed by messenger mRNA mRNA is translated in ribosomes GENES Homozygous identical genes on 2 chromosomes XX Heterozygous UN identical genes on 2 chromosomes XY Dominant shows effect over recesive Recessive only shows if no dominant exists Slides 13 16 2 Types of Genes Autosomal all genes except sex linked genes Sex linked genes genes on sex chromosomes FEMALE XX MALE XY Females contribute 1 X chromosome Male contributes either X OR Y determining sex of child Recombination new combination of genes making unique offspring Mutation change in a gene that is rare random and independent Slides 17 20 Neurons Main unit of NS Communication approx 85 billion in CNS Glia Structural Functional support for neurons Neuron STRUCTURE Dendrite Soma Axon Hillock Axon w myelin sheath Presynaptic Ter minals Muscle Fibers Dendrites info receiving branches Extended from soma Slides21 24 Dendritic Spines outgrowths that increase dentrite surface area Soma Cell body Organizes integrates signals Protein synthesis major metabolic functions of neuron Axon Conducts information to target Only one PER soma Presynaptic Axon Terminals from axon to muscle fiber Represents output of neuron Slides 25 28 GLIAL CELLS Astrocytes star shaped in CNS Chemical transmitters Regulates ion concentrations Controls blood flow Gives glucose to neurons Oligodendrocytes Produces myelin Only in CNS MYELIN Insulates axons Increases speed of neural impulses Slides 29 33 MORE GLIAL CELLS Schwann Cells wraps myelin around 1 part of axon Radial Glial during CNS development Helps guides neurons dendrites axons Microglia generated in response to injury infection disease Blood Brain Barrier keeps certain molecules out of brain Protects Semi permeable Circumventricular Organs Weak absent B BB Monitors substances in circulation CHAPTER 1 The Major Issues BOOK OUTLINE SUMMARY KEYTERMS CH 1 OUTLINE Four types of Questions about behavior Physiological Ontological Evolutionary Functional Each question answers question in different ways to form a big picture understanding Brain is organized posterior to anterior Lateral to ventral Mind Body relationship how tied are the brain and conscienceness Dualism Mind and Body exist separately This goes against science Monoism Mind and Body are the same Materialism Mentalism and Identity positions are various explanations of monoism No one has found why brain activity is related to mental experience at all Gregor Mendel showed inheritance occurred through genes Gene is portion of chromosome composed of DNA DNA is template for RNA both made of amino acids proteins Genes are either sex linked or autosomal not sex linked Behavior variations reflect both enviorment and heredity Heritability is Estimated by examining monozygotic and dizygotic twins Genes directly alter brain activity but enviorment is also critical Evolution Natural Selection occurs from genetic mutations and survival of the fittest Researches study animals because it is often easier and helps us understand the evolution of behavior Many ethical moral issues with this CH 1 SUMMARY Biological Psychology is the study physiological evolutionary and developmental mechanisms of be havior and experience Neuroscience includes science relative to behavior but details anatomy and chemistry Biological explanations of behavior don t necessarily assume purpose or function Philosophers and scientists address brain body and mind body relationship Opposing views are Dualism and Monoism Materialism states theres no difference between brain and mind Mentalism states ONLY the mind exists Identity nearly same as materialism Mendel discovered genetics which is the study of heredity Traits can be dominant or recessive and af fect a wide variety of things including behavior DNA makes up genes that make up chromosomes Nature and Nurture both contribute There is a constant debate to which contributes more Studys that examine fraternal and identical twins reveal that behavior is a balance between genes environment Evolutionary Psychology focuses on the development of behavior over generations Animal research reveals a lot about the function of behavior changes in response to the enviorment but is ethically objectable CH 1 KEY TERMS Artificial selection change in the frequencies of various genes in a population because of a breeder s selection of desired individuals for mating purposes Autosomal gene gene on any of the chromosomes other than the sex chromosomes X and Y study of the physiological evolutionary and developmental mechanisms of behavior and experience Chromosome strand of DNA bearing the genes double stranded chemical that composes the chromosomes it serves as a template for the synthesis of RNA Dizygotic twins fraternal nonidentical twins Dominant gene gene that shows a strong eff ect in either the homozygous or heterozygous condition any proteins that catalyze biological reactions change in the frequencies of various genes in a population over generations understanding in terms of the evolutionary history of a species field that deals with how behaviors have evolved Fitness number of copies of one s genes that endure in later generations understanding why a structure or behavior evolved as it did Biological psychol ogy Deoxyribonucleic acid DNA Enzymes Evolution Evolutionary expla nation Evolutionary psy chology Functional explana tion Gene unit of heredity that maintains its structural identity from one generation to another Hard problem philosophical question of
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