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INTRO TO BRAIN AND BEHAVIOR OPTIONAL FINAL EXAM STUDY GUIDE Section 9 GENETICS CHAPTER 1 2 Sex linked genes genes located on the sex chromosomes Sex limited genes present in both sexes but effects mostly one sex ex Facial hair in men breast size in women Heritability variation in a characteristic due to differences in genetics or environment ex Eye color social attitudes Multiplier effect genes increase tendency and magnify from environment ex Tall girl plays basketball because she is tall Evolution change over generations in frequencies of genes in a population Natural selection survival of the fittest strongest genes for survival of a species remains prevalent weaker genes become extinct Epigenetics changes in phenotypes appearance or gene expression caused by environment ex Stress makes somebody fat CELLS OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM CHAPTER 2 1 Two types of cells in the body Neurons and Glia Phospholipid bilayer 2 layers around cell semipermeable Water and oxygen can pass through Cell Membrane Ion Channels protein channels receptors Neurons Motor neuron out to spinal cord INTRO TO BRAIN AND BEHAVIOR OPTIONAL FINAL EXAM STUDY GUIDE Section 9 Sensory Neuron out to Peripheral nervous system PNS Myelin sheath covers and protects the axon Dendrites receive impulses from the axon of another cell Synapse where two cells meet over the synaptic gap located on dendritic spines Glia located around neurons DO NOT transfer info over long distances DO exchange chemicals and nutrients with neurons 5 Types of Glia Astrocytes remove waste Oligodendrocytes myelin in CNS Schwann Cells myelin in PNS Microglia repair Radial Glia guides migration of neurons Blood Brain Barrier BBB Keeps out viruses and bacteria chemicals nutrients Keeps in small uncharged molecules fat soluble molecules glucose Afferent v Efferent Afferent brings info into a structure Efferent carries info away from a structure INTRO TO BRAIN AND BEHAVIOR OPTIONAL FINAL EXAM STUDY GUIDE Section 9 GROSS ANATOMY OF THE BRAIN CHAPTER 4 1 4 2 Gray matter cells White matter myelinated axons Homunculus representation of bodies on cortex much sensation in hands and mouth Cortex Corpus callosum 2 hemispheres communicate via this 1 Frontal Lobe THINKING Pre frontal Cortex executive functions Association cortex planning foresight working memory Lobotomy surgical procedure that cuts the connections to and from the prefrontal cortex used for mental illnesses schizophrenia depression 2 Parietal Lobe BODY SENSATIONS Touch cortex sensation Contralateral neglect damage to right parietal won t feel touch on left side of body 3 Temporal Lobe HEARING Auditory cortex hearing language comprehension Wernicke s Aphasia damage to area words don t make sense INTRO TO BRAIN AND BEHAVIOR OPTIONAL FINAL EXAM STUDY GUIDE Section 9 4 Occipital Lobe SIGHT Primary and secondary visual cortex visual processing Damage to this area cortical blindness Divisions of the Brain 1 Forebrain Thalamus relay station Hypothalamus hunger thirst arousal body temperature sex drive Pituitary gland makes and releases hormones Basal Ganglia motor control Limbic System emotion amygdala and memory hippocampus 2 Midbrain Superior colliculus visual processing Inferior colliculus auditory processing Substantia Nigra important in reward addiction and movement Mickey Mouse 3 Hindbrain Pons crossing axons Medulla breathing heart rate calming Cerebellum balance coordination Cranial Nerves 12 pairs sensory and motor control for head and face ex Salivating pupils Cerebral Ventricles reservoir for hormones nutrients Cerebrospinal fluid CSF protective buoyant fluid keeps brain from hitting skull INTRO TO BRAIN AND BEHAVIOR OPTIONAL FINAL EXAM STUDY GUIDE Section 9 PERIPHERAL NERVOUS SYSTEM SPINAL CORD CHAPTER 4 Somatic Nervous System nerves that convey info from sense organs to CNS and from CNS to muscles Automatic Nervous System controls heart intestines sympathetic NS fight or flight Parasympathetic NS calming vegetative nonemergency functions Enteric NS controls gastrointestinal system Dermatomes segments of skin muscle or bone associated with spinal nerves The Spinal Cord Meningeal covering like brain Looks different at different levels RESTING POTENTIAL AND ACTION POTENTIAL CHAPTER 2 2 Resting Potential Ions are unequally distributed across membrane of a cell Membrane is polarized has a resting potential of 70 mV Action Potential Signal that conveys information over distances in nervous system INTRO TO BRAIN AND BEHAVIOR OPTIONAL FINAL EXAM STUDY GUIDE Section 9 All or none response Refractory period period after nerve fires while it loads up to fire second stimulus Threshold critical level of depolarization that is needed to trigger an action potential SYNAPTIC POTENTIALS NEUROTRANSMITTERS HORMONES CHAPTER 3 1 3 2 Voltage Gated Channel action potentials on the axon open when cell reaches certain threshold voltage allows ions in or out Ligand Gated Channel synaptic potential at synapses open when a ligand binds allows ions through Excitatory synapses less negative Inhibitory synapses more negative Spatial Summation combine excitatory impulses Temporal Summation combine over time Synaptic potential at synapse is graded Action potential down an axon all or none INTRO TO BRAIN AND BEHAVIOR OPTIONAL FINAL EXAM STUDY GUIDE Section 9 Neurotransmitters Dopamine excitatory controls arousal levels Serotonin excitatory mood sleep pain appetite Noradrenaline excitatory arousal heighten mood Acetylcholine excitatory or inhibitory memory GABA inhibitory control anxiety level Enkephalin inhibitory reduces stress painkiller Agonist increases effects of NT Antagonist blocks effects of NT Ionotropic fast short lasting Metabotropic slower long lasting Hormones Steroid hormones derived from cholesterol testes ovaries adrenal glands Protein and peptide hormones amino acid chains brain pituitary organs glands Negative feedback loop checks and balances SYNAPSES DRUGS AND ADDICTION CHAPTER 3 3 NAc and Dopamine DA pleasurable experiences increase DA release Cocaine blocks reuptake of dopamine serotonin norepinephrine Ritalin blocks DA reuptake gradual effect similar to Adderall Ecstasy MDMA stimulates serotonin release decrease in depression and anxiety increase in oxytocin social attachment increase in vasoccin need to drink water Nicotine increases DA release tobacco Opiates relaxed decreases pain heroin morphine Methadone taken to combat opioid addiction enters blood slowly Cannabinoids increase DA distort

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