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Know the different organelles and their functions Nucleus structure that contains the chromosomes Mitochondria structure that performs metabolic activities providing energy that the cell requires for all other activities Ribosomes sites at which the cell synthesizes new protein molecules ER network of thin tubes that transports newly synthesized proteins to other locations Understand the structure of the cell membrane A structure that separates the inside of the cell from the outside environment composed of 2 fat molecules Only water oxygen sodium potassium calcium chloride and other important chemicals are able to pass through specific protein channels Know the parts of a neuron and their functions Be able to label the parts of a neuron Dendrite branching fibers that get narrower at their ends Soma cell body contains the nucleus ribosomes mitochondria and other structures found in most cells Axon thin fiber of constant diameter generally longer than dendrites Presynaptic terminal the point at which the axon releases chemicals that cross between one neuron and the next Compare motor neurons sensory neurons How are they different from each other how are they the same Be able to draw each one Which one is multipolar and which one is unipolar Motor Neurons has its soma in the spinal cord Receives excitation from other neurons through its dendrites and conducts impulses along its axon to a muscle Sensory Neurons specialized at one end to be highly sensitive to a particular type of stimulation ex light sound touch Know the different types of glial cells and their functions ESPECIALLY which one puts myelin on axons in the CNS and which one myelinates axons of the PNS Also understand what astrocytes do Astrocytes wrap around the presynaptic terminals of a group of functionally relalted axons They help synchronize the activity of the axons allowing them to send messages in waves Remove waste created by dead neurons control amount of blood flow to each brain region During heightened activity in some brain area they dilate the blood vessels to bring more nutrients in to that area Release chemicals that modify the activity of neighboring neurons IMPORTANT CONTRIBUTOR TO INFORMATION PROCESSING Microglia very small cells remove waste viruses fungi and other microorganisms function like part of the immune system Oligodendrocytes in the brain and spinal cord Schwann cells in the periphery Build the myelin sheaths that surround and insulate certain vertebrate axons Radial cells guide the migration of neurons and their axons and dendrites during embryonic development Know the parts of a synapse presynaptic cell terminal postsynaptic cell dendrite or dendritic spine synaptic cleft Understand the terms afferent and efferent Afferent brings information into a structure Every sensory neuron is afferent to the rest of the nervous system Efferent carries information away from a nervous system Every motor neuron is efferent to the rest of the nervous system What where is the blood brain barrier mechanism that keeps most chemicals out of the vertebrate brain It is located along the sides of the brains blood vessels What does it keep out let in keeps out viruses bacteria harmful chemicals and most Lets in small uncharged molecules oxygen and carbon dioxide water nutrients molecules that dissolve in the fat of membranes vitamin A and D Glucose amino acids purines choline a few vitamins iron and certain hormones What are the implications of this for drug use and medicine it poses some difficulty for diseases or infections dealing with the brain because the barrier keeps practically everything out Difference b t grey matter and white matter Grey matter H shaped in the center of the spinal cord densely packed with cell bodies and dendrites Many neurons of the spinal cord send axons to the brain from the grey matter White matter send axons to other part of the body through the white matter in the spinal cord Contains mostly myelinated axons Differences b t brains of different critters Size of cerebral cortex and the degree of folding What are some similarities and differences between human brains and the brains of other mammals Same brain areas chemicals neurotransmitters proteins channels receptors Different overall brain size size of individual parts neocortex primates olfactory bulb rodents auditory cortex bats muscles and sense organs of forelimbs monkeys What are the 3 primary divisions of the brain and what major structures are in those division Forebrain thalamus hypothalamus cerebral cortex hippocampus basal ganglia Midbrain rectum tegmentum superior colliculus inferior colliculus substania nigra Hindbrain meddulam pons cerebellum What comprises the brainstem Medulla pons the midbrain and certain central structures of the forebrain For the following brain structures be able to identify them on a midline section of the brain and know generally what they do medulla pons cerebellum midbrain remember the structures that we named within the midbrain thalamus hypothalamus pituitary gland hippocampus corpus callosum Cranial nerves what is their general function I ll give you this one sensory and motor for face and head know what that means How many are there Control sensations from the head muscle movements in the head and much of the parasympathetic output to the organs Some have autonomic component pupil constriction tearing salivating cardiovascular functions We discussed 2 systems the limbic system and the basal ganglia Know the general function s of each Limbic system Important for motivations and emotions ex eating drinking sexual activity anxiety and aggression And memory Basal ganglia subdivisions that exchange information with different parts of the cerebral cortex facilitate or inhibit cortical activity Motor control damage leads primarily to movement disorders but also memory and emotional expression Be able to locate the lobes of the cortex and give functions associated with each Included in this be sure that you can locate motor cortex somatosensory cortex auditory cortex visual cortex prefrontal cortex The question of how various brain areas produce a perception of a single object What is The Binding Problem What are ventricles What is in them Four fluid filled cavities within the brain that are filled with cells called chroid plexus which produces cerebrospinal fluid CSF What are the meninges and what is the general function of the meninges Membranes that surround the brain and spinal cord

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