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1 Raymond Dart s discovery of the Taung Child Australopithecus africanus in South Africa in 1924 uprooted the idea of a Eurocentric human evolution Raymond Dart reconstructed the Taung Child as a biped due to its A Position of the foramen magnum underneath the skull B The sagittally oriented glenoid fossa C The valgus angle of its femur D The robust cranial morphology E Large intraorbital fossa 2 True or False Bipedality evolved after the evolution of large brains A True B False particular area environment 3 The difference between a niche and a habitat is A Habitat is reflective of the global climate niche is reflective of local climate B Habitat describes the effects of tectonic activity niche is defined by ecology of a C Niche is where you live on the landscape habitat is how you re getting energy out of the D Habitats are where you live on the landscape niche is how you re getting energy out of the environment E An individual has a niche whereas a species has a habitat x 4 The image above is a partial maxilla upper palate of a human What tooth is the arrow pointing to A incisor B canine C premolar D molar E carnassial 1 5 Excavating in East Africa Risa uncovered an australopith specimen which had an orthognathic face sagittal crest and a tall ascending ramus Based on these features what genus classification would you give to this hominin A Australopithecus B Sahelanthropus C Paranthropus D Homo E Orrorin 6 True or False Natural selection is the only force of evolution that produces novel or new 7 Which three hominin genera listed below are the earliest probable but still debated alleles A True B False hominins A Australopithecus Pongo and Propliopithecus B Pan Sahelanthropus and Paranthropus C Australopithecus Paranthropus and Pan D Ardipithecus Australopithecus and Orrorin E Sahelanthropus Orrorin and Ardipithecus A The relative size of the brain to the body B The distribution and abundance of resources C The physical ability to defend females D The requirements of parental investment E The predictability of female cycling 8 The primate mating system is influenced by all of the following factors EXCEPT 9 You have decided to do a behavioral study of the Japanese macaques at the Minnesota Zoo For the observational method you choose to record multiple individuals at a time but only record observations at 1 minute intervals What observational method have you chosen to use A Ad libitum sampling B Focal animal sampling C Scan sampling D Continuous sampling E Point sampling 10 At an archaeological site there is a hominin occupation that was preserved in a volcanic tuff that contains burnt stone tools What is are the way s that this occupation can be dated A Radiocarbon dating B Potassium Argon dating C Thermoluminescence dating D Uranium series dating E Both B and C 2 11 Inclusive fitness is defined as A An individual s reproductive success B Reproductive success gained from close relatives C The sum of an individual s direct reproductive success plus its influence on the reproductive success of its relatives devalued by their degrees of relatedness D The amount of fitness gained from distant relatives E The sum of the reproductive success of close relatives plus the reproductive success of distant relatives devalued by their degrees of relatedness 12 Which of these statements is true about the differences between Australopithecus and Paranthropus A Australopithecus is more robust than Paranthropus B Australopithecus and Paranthropus only differ significantly in cranial morphology C Paranthropus is more arboreal than Australopithecus D Paranthropus is more prognathic than Australopithecus E Australopithecus has short round cusps and Paranthropus has tall pointy cusps 13 According to the polygyny threshold model discussed in lab polygyny is predicted for redwing black birds when A There are more males than females B Predation threats are extremely high C Resources are evenly distributed throughout the environment D There is little risk from predation E Territory quality and resource availability are highly variable 14 Which of the following is the correct chronological order of the late Cenozoic epochs from oldest to most recent A Miocene Pliocene Pleistocene Holocene B Pleistocene Pliocene Miocene Holocene C Pliocene Holocene Miocene Pleistocene D Holocene Pleistocene Miocene Pliocene E Holocene Miocene Pliocene Pleistocene 15 While excavating in Kenya Abbey discovered a mandible of an organism that had a dental formula of 2 1 2 3 and had bilophodont molars Based on these characteristics how should Abbey classify this primate A New World monkey B Ape C Tarsier D Old World monkey E Strepsirrhine 16 The study of different rock layers and the sequence of events they reflect is called A Paleontology B Taphonomy C Archaeology D Climatology E Stratigraphy 3 Use the picture below to answer questions 17 18 17 What bone is this A Scapula B Femur C Humerus D Innominate E Sacrum A Innominate B Ulna C Femur D Humerus E Scapula 18 Which bone articulates with the bone illustrated here at the area indicated by the arrow 19 Why do female chimpanzees spend more time fishing for termites than hunting for red colobus monkey meat A Females do not roam in the forest where red colobus monkeys live B Eating termites yields more in terms of caloric intake compared to consuming meat C Termite fishing can be done safely with an accompanying infant also affording it a D Female chimpanzees do not have the ability to hunt successfully E Their meat consumption relies on the success of their male partners and the level of food 20 Which of the following is NOT an example of an absolute dating technique learning opportunity sharing A Radiocarbon dating B Argon Argon dating C Uranium series dating D Thermoluminescence E Biostratigraphy 4 Body Size Dimorphism Relative Canine Size Relative Testes Size M S MM M S MM M S MM M monogamous S Single male MM Multi male 21 ALL of the following conclusions can be drawn from the above figure EXCEPT A Males in single male groups invest more in fighting ability large body size long canine teeth B Monogamous primates have the lowest level of body size dimorphism C Sperm competition is most important in multi male primate groups D Because gorillas have small testes relative to their body size there is likely little direct aggression between gorilla males E Because chimpanzees have large testes relative to their body size they likely have a multi male breeding system 22 True or

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