CLT3378 01 Ancient Mythology East and West Fall 2015 Study Guide for Exam 2 II List of Terms Atrahasis and Flood As a study aid for the exam make sure you can identify each of the following terms Who is each god or other figure To what culture does the god figure term belong In what literary work does the god figure term appear What does the god figure do in that literary work For a term concept what does the term concept mean How does the term concept relate to the myths cultures and literary works that we have studied Atrahasis poem in two fragments Old Babylonian version and Standard Babylonian version poem on 3 cuneiform tablets about Ellil sending flood after plague famine and drought to lower the overpopulation of mankind because of the noise they re making Ipiq Aya author or compiler of Athrahasis poem Ellil associated with storms and winds the gods boss in charge of earth sends flood Mami Nintu creator goddess that creates humans uses Ilawela s blood Ilawela god killed to create humans blood mixed with clay 14 pieces 7 male 7 female Shuruppak Mesopotamian city that Atrahasis is king of Namtara god who a temple is built in honor of then lifts plague Adad god who a temple is built in honor of then lifts famine reed hut where Ea hides behind so he can tell Atrahasis that there is a flood coming New Atrahasis Fragment boat building instructions from Enki Ea begin to build boat put family and animals on it flood lasts 7 days and 7 nights Nintu weeps because her creation humans are dying flood ends Atrahasis makes a sacrifice to the gods gods Nintu and Anu enjoy sacrifice and regret sending flood except Ellil Nintu institutes infant mortality advised by Enki which solves overpopulation issue Utnapishtim Noah and Flood Epic of Gilgamesh most popular well known work in A N E 12 cuneiform tablets about a flood possibly sent by Ellil Utnapishtim means he found life which means me found eternal life achieved immortality Bitumen waterproof coating to coat boat and protect it Mt Nimush mountain where Utnapishtu s boat lands and where he sends birds from Noah righteous and moralistic individual that Yahweh decides to warn about the upcoming flood and tells to build arc cypress wood gopher wood or gopherwood is a term used once in the Bible for the substance from which Noah s ark was built from Mt Ararat mountain where Noah s boat lands from where he sends birds Berit Hebrew work for covenant formal agreement with humans Creation and Flood in Ovid s Metamorphoses Ovid roman poet who wrote Metamorphoses Metamorphoses means transformations mythological handbook and creation story Augustus first roman emperor who exiled Ovid Stoic a member of the ancient philosophical school of Stoicism Prometheus trickster god that made humans out of earth and water Golden Age first humans created peace and abundance a lot of food no war paradise ruled by Saturn Saturn ruler of the Golden Age Silver Age caves because humans needed shelter from each other agriculture no more abundance decrease in quality of life ruled by Jupiter roman king of the gods Bronze Age warlike war between people kill each other but aren t evil Iron Age the age were in now sailing mining gods think humans are unhappy with what they have more advanced and civilized depravity murder greed treachery Lycaon king of Arcadia tests Jupiter by serving him flesh which he doesn t eat then turns into a wolf Xenia hospitality Xenos means both guest and host Arcadia southern Greece Ekpyrosis conflagulation world periodically destroyed by fire Kataklysmos flood world periodically destroyed by flood Neptune Jupiter s brother raises sea and river level that causes flood Adynaton impossible situations occurs in love poetry topsy turvy Deucalion son of Promethius cousin husband to Pyrrha forward thinking smart get on boat when flood comes Pyrrha daughter of Epimetheus cousin wife to Deucalion slow thinking stupid get on boat when flood comes Epimetheus means hindsight or afterthinker was the brother of Prometheus traditionally interpreted as foresight literally fore thinker Mt Parnassus mountain where Deucalion and Pyrrha land after floodwaters recede and where they pray after flood recedes Themis oracle from temple where you can communicate directly to gods tells Deucalion and Pyrrha to throw bones of great mother behind their back bones stones and mother mother earth Background Reading 6 Creation in Ovid Tomis backwater town where Ovid was exiled from Rome by Augustus in 8 C E located on the Black Sea carmen et error Ovid s exile was due to this a poem and a mistake Chinese Creation and Flood Chinese culture and language where the Chinese Creation and Flood myth are from Shang or Yin Dynasty 1766c 1123 BCE Chou Dynasty 1123c 221 BCE Han Dynasty 206 BCE 220 BCE Questions of Heaven part of a larger work called Ch u Tz u 186 poetic verses written in the Chou Dynasty era author named Ch u Yuan earliest comprehensive collection of Chinese myths poses questions about creation Ch u Tz u larger work meaning Songs of Ch u where Questions of Heaven is derived from Ch u Yuan first named Chinese poet author of Ch u Tz u Ch u state in Chou dynasty Hun Tun primordial soup empty space dark wet no forms shapeless chaos Yin heavy feminine dark becomes earth exist in beginning made of water Yang light masculine bright becomes sky exist in beginning made of water P an Ku inside cosmic egg Hun Tun along with Yin and Yang primeval giant god and man coiled antiquity so big he s coiled in the egg for 18 000 years until sky and earth are fully formed body parts become universe when killed left eye sun right eye moon blood semen water flesh land hair beard stars mites on body humans Nu Kua creator goddess creates humans aristocrats out of yellow earth and commoners out of mud Fu His god culture hero married to Nu Kua invents writing hunting fishing music fire cooking Kun trickster god steals his jang from gods killed by gods from his belly comes Yu his son hsi jang breathing earth magical self renewing soil Yu son of Kun culture hero uses his jang to stop flood travels are repairs the world shrivels and dries up beloved Yu walk Because of his journey and all the work Yu does his body shrivels up and when he walked he could not lift one leg past the other which is called a Yu walk Gilgamesh Gilgamesh actual historical figure Sumerian king King of Akkadian Uruk legendary mythical figure hero 2 3 divine 1 3 human perfect body beautiful and arrogant out of control named
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