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Lecture Outline Atrahasis and the Flood I Flood myth a originated in Mesopotamia b Tigris and Euphrates The earliest flood myths we have come from Mesopotamia Known to flood flood myths began by someone extrapolating the natural floods of the rivers into something much bigger c myth spread abroad II Flood Myth Basic Scheme 1 god angry at humans 2 sends flood to destroy life on earth 3 another god warns one man a build boat b put animals on it 4 man and wife survive flood 5 man sacrifices to gods 6 gods regret sending flood III Several flood myths a Sumerian versions 3000 2000 BCE fragmentary b Babylonian version Atrahasis c 1700 BCE c Babylonian version Epic of Gilgamesh c 1200 BCE d Hebrew version Genesis c 950 550 BCE e Greco Roman version Ovid s Metamorphoses 8 CE IV Atrahasis a poem 1 fragments Old Babylonian version c 2000 1600 BCE Enki 2 fragments Standard Babylonian version c 1000 539 BCE Ea c Ipiq Aya c 1700 author or compiler His name is attached to it but we are unsure if he is actually the author c 3 tablet poem cuneiform V Atrahasis Gods at Work a 3600 years gods dig canals b gods workers strike c complain to Ellil 1 Ellil gods boss 2 Ellil storms and winds Were major irrigation in Mesopotamia It was the kings job to make sure that there was good irrigation from the Tigris and Euphrates rivers Tablet 1 They took the d author of Atrahasis says 1 gods drew lots 2 Ellil earth 3 Anu sky 4 Enki Ea apsu Gods complain to Ellil because he is in charge of it d Ellil Anu and Enki advice f Enki s advice Asks Anu and Enki for advice Enki is the god of wisdom he often gives advice a creator goddess Mami Nintu humans Have Mami create humans to do the work of the gods b humans work of gods c blood of slain god g mortality of Mesopotamian gods vs immortality of Greek gods a Greek athanatoi deathless gods God s don t die b Greek thnetoi dead humans Humans live for such a short amount of time that we are already dead h creation of humans a god Ilawela slain blood clay To create humans b 14 pieces clay blood 7 women 7 men His body is mixed with clay to create humans By Mami Enki is directly connected to the creation of humans He is a trickster culture hero and tricksters are often associated with human creation VI Atrahasis The Anger of Ellil a 600 years pass Since human creation b overpopulated humans 1 no mortality 2 long lives c noise of humans annoys Ellil cf Enuma Elish Apsu d Ellil plague 1 Attempt number one to kill off humans just humans no animals ect e Atrahasis extra wise king of Shuruppak 1 Enki Ea 2 Mesopotamian concept of personal god 3 cf patron god Marduk and Babylon Patron god protecting god Sometimes you could have a god that protected one person Atrahasis and Ea both have to do with wisdom Ea watches over him e Enki s advice worshippers strike Atrahasis says that his people are dying so Enki suggests that he goes on worship strike He should now only worship the god Namtara 1 god Namtara temple 2 Namtara lifts plague f Ellil famine 2 Attempt number two to kill off humans 1 Enki s advice to Atrahasis Go on worshiper s strick again only worship Adad 2 god Adad temple 3 Adad lifts famine g Ellil drought 3 Third attempt to kill off humans 1 fragmentary text 2 third god lifts drought VII Atrahasis The Flood a Ellil sends flood b Enki Last attempt to kill off everything 1 swears oath Not to warn human beings that a flood is coming 2 BUT Enki gets around this by telling a wall that a flood is coming Behind that was wall reed hut is Atrahasis c Enki s advice to Atrahasis 1 build boat 2 put animals on it d New Atrahasis Fragment see Course Library Wall wall Reed wall reed wall Atram Hasis pay heed to my advice that you may live forever Destroy your house build a bot despise possession And save life Draw out the boat that you will build with a circular design let its length and breadth be the same 1 boatbuilding instructions from Enki 2 boat palm fibers Palm fibers woven together 3 circular e fragmentary text 1 boat animals family 2 flood begins 7 days 7 nights 3 Mami Nintu weeps humans She created humans they are like her children f text resumes gap 1 flood over 2 boat landed 3 sacrifice Atrahasis sacrifice the sacrifice is like a reconcile to the gods g ancient practice of animal sacrifice 1 sacrifice make fic sacred sacr 2 why sacrifice animals to gods We don t know how it got started but we know that many cultures did it 3 gods consume smoke savor of burning flesh The smoke of the burning animal would go up to the gods and the gods would somehow consume it and enjoy it h gods gather like flies Around the sacrifice uses the words like flies i Nintu Ellil and Anu flood Nintu Look at what Atrahasis is doing to honor us Ellil and Anu why would you send the floods The gods begin to regret it j Ellil angry boat He sees the boat of Atrahasis k Enki 1 admits advice 2 solution to human overpopulation Admits that he went around his oath but suggests a solution to human overpopulation He suggests l Nintu institutes 1 infant mortality 2 shorter human lifespan mortality To shorten their lifespan or to make them mortal we are unsure m Enki s Nintu s solution no future flood

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FSU CLT 3378 - Atrahasis and the Flood

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