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CLT3378 01 Ancient Mythology East and West Fall 2015 Study Guide for Final Exam I Review Questions The following questions are meant to aid you in thinking about the material for the exam 1 Distinguish between the events of the Tale of Buluqiya which we did read and the events of the frame narrative of the Thousand and One Nights which we did NOT read the frame narrative features Shahriar and Scheherazade 2 How are the three folktales that represent AT Tale Type 720 The Juniper Tree The Crow s Nest and The Rose Tree both similar to and different from one another 3 How are the three folktales that represent AT Folktale Type 425 Cupid and Psyche The Singing Soaring Lark and the Tale of Tulisa both similar to and different from one another 4 Compare and contrast the tricksters Raven Coyote and Anansi How do these tricksters trick people gods Are these tricksters also culture heroes Are these tricksters connected with creation If so how do they create things and what do they create Do they establish the way things are in this world Do they re distribute things Are they shape shifters Are their bodies malleable Do they straddle the line between gods humans and animals Are they amoral Are they ever punished for their actions 5 Compare the beginning of creation in Norse and Egyptian accounts What is the first element of the cosmos water or something else in these accounts What is its significance What are the different processes that are used to bring about the creation of the world Is there a god or gods in charge of initiating creation How are these accounts similar in terms of their descriptions of the processes of creation How are they different 6 Compare and contrast myths about and ideas about the afterlife in Norse and Egyptian accounts What happens to a person in these cultures once that person dies To where does the soul of the deceased go Is there more than one possible place to which a soul may go What does the soul need to do if anything to reach its destination in the afterlife Where are the afterlife realms in these cultures Are they true underworlds or not What are the afterlife realms like pleasant unpleasant cold hot etc What is life like for the soul in these afterlife realms What sort of gods or other beings are located in these afterlife realms Is there a king and or queen of the afterlife realm 7 What are the similarities and differences between the following pairs of figures Yamlika and Siduri Yamlika and Utnapisthim Humbaba and the giant on the Isle of the Seven Seas Odin and Hel Midgard Serpent and Okeanos Odin and Osiris Hel and Isis As a study aid for the exam make sure you can identify each of the following terms Who is each god or other figure To what culture does the god figure term belong In what literary work does the god figure term appear What does the god figure do in that literary work For a term concept what does the term concept mean How does the term concept relate to the myths cultures and literary works that we have studied II List of Terms Buluqiya Buluqiya Bilgames Sumerian Quest for immotality Fails to achieve goal cf Gilgamesh King father dies and advised Buluqiya to take inventory o Finds parchment written in Greek in gold box w in ebony box on a marble pillar Parchment tells Ring prophet Sulaiman o To become master of men Jinn birds and beasts o Originally belonged to Adam then taken by Gabriel in Garden of Eden Has to cross seas to reach island o Buluqiya embarks on journey dressed as pilgrim o Affan s magic reveals entrance o Flowers and voices reveal special plant o Affan plucks it and mixes up a concoction Ring power living beings o Access to land of darkness o Access to Fountain of Life youth wisdom beauty immortality Ring Isle of Seven Seas Plant Sap walk across water o Must anoint feet w sap from plant o Plant found in subterranean kingdom of Queen Yamlika o 1st Sea anoint feet w plant sap walk on water for 3 days nights reach Island of Paradise sleep in tree monsters appear talk to eachother o 2nd Island mountains valleys rocks are magnetic tiger springs at them but they escape o 3rd Sea very black and windy decide to sleep on next island fruit trees w crystalized fruit stay for 10 days gets bellyache o 4th Sea cross to white sand beach w reptile all over o 5th Sea crossed to little island w crystal mountains and gold flowers island is a piece of sun that fell down o 6th Sea cross to island w thick woods human heads on trees instead of fruit 12 sea girls appear to them on beach o 7th Sea 2 months go by nearly die of hunger Reach the Isle of Seven Seas covered w fruit trees and streams threatened by giant when they try to pick fruit reach burial place of Sulaiman in cave o Last Island Affan goes to take ring Buluqiya says magic words but get them backwards liquid diamond falls on Affan reducing him to dust Buluqiya tries to help but magic juice is gone Buluqiya wanders the island and journeys elsewhere Queen Yamlika underground o Asks of their quest says its impossible to get Sulaiman s ring o Offers them the plant of eternal youth turned down Drink Fountain of Life beauty youth wisdom immortality Buluqiya becomes king and examines wealth Tale of Buluqiya One of the stories in The Thousand and One Nights Draws upon Epic of Gilgamesh The Thousand and One Nights Arabic Collection of Stories c 1200 1300 CE Another name for The Thousand and One Nights Culture and language of the work Arabian Nights Arabic Islam Allah Sassanid Sassanian People of Islam frame narrative Set in time of Sassanians Begins and ends TaOn and generates all stories in TaOn Exp gylfaginning Shahriar Aka Hasib GOOD sultan until his wife commits adultery Marries a virgin sleeps w her kills her Religion of Muslims Monotheistsic faith regarded as revealed through Muhammad as the Prophet of Vizier High official Father of Scheherazade Scheherazade murdering virgins Vizier s daughter who volunteers to marry evil sultan Aims to stop him from Begins telling him story but doesn t finish Finishes it the next day then tells another half story continues for 1001 nights embedded narrative Cf Utnapishtim flood myth Eventually Shariar sultan becomes humanized and stops killing Scheherazade Sharazad succeeded in her goal o End of frame narrative Another name for Scheherazade Shahrazad Sulaiman Tomb of Sulaiman o Affan ring o Buluqiya spell o Affan dust o sacreligious Isle of First Sea Gemstones Isle of Seventh Sea Find a fruit tree Giant guarding tree Tree Adam Allah Isle of Seven

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