CLT3378 02 Ancient Mythology East and West Fall 2015 Study Guide for Exam 1 III List of Terms As a study aid for the exam make sure you can identify each of the following terms Who is each god or other figure To what culture does the god figure term belong In what literary work does the god figure term appear What does the god figure do in that literary work For a term concept what does the term concept mean How does the term concept relate to the myths cultures and literary works that we have studied Introduction to Myth god Heroes Trickster creation myth existence succession myth combat myth o are powerful somehow important in the universe supernatural being o are figures in whom the gods take a special interest mainly Greek heroes o are amoral meaning not having morals or to possess your own moral code shape shifting deceivers wear disguises instigators sometimes culture heroes o are myths that discuss how the universe gods humans earth sky etc came into o a myth that tells how a god becomes or succeeds to the kingship of the gods o a myth that tells how a god often the storm god or a hero battles defeats a monstrous enemy divine council myth apocalyptic myth o a myth that tells how two or more gods meet to discuss the fate of one or more humans whether they will help or harm the humans o a myth that speaks about how gods level destruction on humans because one or more humans have offended the gods flood myth o is a myth that discusses how one god that may be angry at humans sends a flood to destroy all life on earth heroic quest myth especially through battle katabasis o is a myth where a hero makes a journey to gain experiences and achieve fame o is a myth where a hero makes a descent a katabasis to the underworld and o is a myth where tricksters transform either themselves or the world around them returns to earth alive trickster myth often through trickery polytheism o the belief in and worship of many gods anthropomorphism human beings binaturalism o The conception of gods in the shape morph of or with character emotions of o the conception of gods with two natures o There are three types of binatural gods 1 Physical space god examples include Earth sky sea 2 Abstract concept god examples include Love Victory Envy 3 Tangible thing god examples include Vedic gods fire and Soma who is a sacred drink syncretism sphere of influence o is the adaptation of one culture s mythic beliefs by another culture o For example the Sumerians were the first civilization that has a goddess her name was Inanna The Akkadians decided that the Sumerians myth about Inanna applied to their god Ishtar Another example The Greek has myths of the god Zeus the Romans took the myths and applied them to their god Jupiter o area with which gods are associated with and or have power o For example Eros is the goddess of sexual desire war morning evening star that was actually the planet Venus o Another example Zeus is a storm god but isn t binatural because he isn t the storm itself he just controls them He is also associated with rain lightning kingship and hospitality o Are waters that existed at the beginning of or even before the creation o Usually precedes the sea and other bodies of water primordial waters Ancient Near East o Consists of Mesopotamia modern day Iraq and Syria Canaan modern day Syria Lebanon Jordan and Israel Anatolia Asia Minor modern day Turkey Israel Neither Egypt nor Ancient Greece are properly part of the Ancient Near East Enuma Elish Mesopotamia o The culture discussed Babylonian in the Enuma Elish o Can be translated to the Land between the rivers Is the name of the area between the Tigris and Euphrates river system Sumerians Akkadians o Earliest Mesopotamian civilization Also the earliest human civilization period o Is an inhabitant of Akkad and the Semitic language of Akkad They are later Mesopotamian people o They were influenced by the Sumerians o The later sub dialects of the Akkadian language were Assyrian and Babylonian Babylonians Enuma Elish o Marduk is of Babylonian origin o Sub dialect of the Akkadian language o The Enuma Elish is a Babylonian creation epic o Translating meaning is when on high o It is a Babylonian creation myth o The poem is typically recited performed at New Year Festival Akitu o It is a creation myth because it speaks of the creation of the universe by the binatural gods Apsu and Tiamat o It is a succession myth with the fact that Marduk succeeds Tiamat and becomes o It is also a combat myth in two ways The battle between Apsu vs Ea and Tiamat king vs Marduk Akitu o Is the New Year Festival o At the Babylonian New Year Festival the Babylonian king is swearing in allegiance to the kingship The king gets his right to rule renewed o In the Enuma Elish Marduk is sworn in when all the younger gods swear their allegiance to him Marduk o Son of Ea and Damkina o Storm god cuneiform Apsu shape water o The champion Marduk says he will defeat Tiamat he wound up defeating Quingu then he kills Tiamat by shooting her with an arrow that splits her in two Her eyes flow the Tigris and Euphrates River and her breast become mountains Out of her corpse Marduk makes the heavens Place and the earth Dannina o After his victory Marduk gives the Tablet of Destinies to Anu Marduk decides that he wants to create human so he consults with Ea Ea uses the blood of Quingu to create the first human after he or Marduk kill Quingu o The gods also build Babylon and the Temple of Marduk In the Enuma Elish the gods celebrates founding of Babylon Temple of Marduk ziggurat The poem ends with ceremonial names for Marduk o Comes from the root words of cuneus meaning wedge and forma meaning o The Enuma Elish was written by Babylonians in Akkadian cuneiform o It took 7 cuneiform script tablets to hold the Enuma Elish o Considered a binatural god god space Was primordial water He was fresh o In the beginning he and Tiamat produced gods Lahmu Lahamu Anshar and Kishar all males o Once his offspring gods began to produce there began to be a lot of younger gods who kept up a great amount of noise He could not sleep was advised by Mummu to kill the gods therefore he plots their destruction o Binatural god god space Was primordial water She was salt water and later the o When Apsu comes to her with his plot of destroying their offspring she protests o After Ea gets word of Apsu s plan and winds up killing him Tiamat plots against the younger gods and creates an army of 11 monsters o She is
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