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CLT 3378 Ancient Mythology East and West Spring 2015 Lecture Outline Ragnarok Culture Norse Work read Prose Edda Author Snorri Sturluson Type of work prose Date of work c 1200 CE Language of work Old Norse I Binding of Fenrir the wolf father is loki hel is sister miguard serpent is brother a raised by sir heard prophecy that siblings with be dangerous for Aesir b take Fenrir until he is grown gods bind him on leash c fenrir breaks first two fetters chains holding him down d third fetter Gleipnir unlike other two b c very thin magical made by dwarves e Fenrir show of good faith put hand in my mouth f only Tyr dares who raised Fenrir to put hand in mouth g Fenrir held by Gleipnir and bites off Tyr s hand h bound until Ragnarok the big battle i event near end of mythic past II Testing of Thor a event in mythic present b Loki and thor travels to hall of Utgard Loki giant c Utgard Loki you prove you are good at something d Loki I will do an eating contest against a giant loses to Logi fire e Thor s tests 1 empty drinking horn drinks about half 2 lift cat cant lift feet off ground 3 wrestle old woman old woman beats him f Thor fails in each test g Utgard Loki reveals all illusions Loki was eating against fire 1 drinking horn sea made a dent in the sea 2 cat Midgard Serpent impressed that he could even budge it 3 old woman death thor is destined to die h Utgard Loki and hall vanish cf end of Gylfaginning III Death of Baldr that could hurt baldr a event that will happen late in mythic present before Ragnarok b Baldr good beautiful god son of Odin gods love him c baldr dreams of own death d goes to Odin s wife Frigg she goes around world and extracts oaths from all things e for fun gods throw things at Baldr bc he is impervious to all weapons f Loki disguises himself as woman asks Frigg what can hurt Baldr g Frigg only mistletoe can hurt him it was too young h Loki comes up to blind god Hod baldrs brother gets hod sharpened mistletoe to throw at baldr kills Baldr i god Hermod rides Sleipnir the horse to Hel to retrieve baldr j Hel if all weep Baldr can return k giantess Th kk refuses bc he is nothing to her So baldr has to stay in hel l Th kk Loki in disguise m loki flees Loki transforms to salmon n Thor catches salmon loki o Loki 1 bound to 3 stones 2 venoumous snake hangs over his head snake venom 3 wife Sigyn collects snake venom in bowl but when it hits him he squirms around this causes earthquakes 4 earthquakes aetiology p bound until Ragnarok Ragnarok I Ragnarok end of gods events leading to two things a death of gods b world s destruction by fire c in future has not yet happened II signs of Ragnarok a 3 winters no summers b humans turn wicked war murder incest c sun moon swallowed by wolves two wolves d wolves originally just Fenrir Possibly III Bifrost rainbow bridge Asgard to Midgard IV Heimdall guards Bifrost blows horn for final battle V Surt fire giant from Muspell leads evil forces over Bifrost bifrost breaks VI Final Battle sir vs J tnar good vs evil a meet near asguard at Vigrid plain b Fenrir breaks free Jormungand leaves sea Loki breaks free loki brings w souls from Hel c Odin swallowed by Fenrir fenrirs jaws reach earth sky d Surt fire giant kills Frey e Tyr kills killed by Garm who is a big dog Fenrir f Jormungand mudguard serpent is killed by thor 1 killed by Thor they are arch enemies 2 Thor dies poison because hit by jormungands venom g Odin s son Vidar avenges father and kills Fenrir with shoe made out of leather scraps h Loki kills killed by Heimdall VIII Surt sets fire to world with spark form muspell which ends Ragnarok IX survivors a 2 sons of Odin Vidar Vali b 2 sons of Thor Modi Magni with Mjollnir with hammer c Baldr and Hod return from Hel d create new home Idavoll X in Hoddmimir s Wood forest a two humans hid from fire b Lif Life and Lifthrasir Life Yearner all humans will be born from them kind of like flood myth different because ragnorok happens in future flood myths in past XI sun and moon reborn XII sir can tell Gylfi no more about future a end of Gylfaginning b triumph of Christian view of future over that of Norse myth

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