CLT 3378 Ancient Mythology East and West Lecture Outline The Baal Cycle I Ugaritic Canaanite deities a El kinda like Anshar 1 el god 2 creator god 3 father of gods 4 wise and eternal old 5 Lives on a mountain 2 rivers fresh water b Baal 1 ba al lord 2 storm god like Marduk not binatural a aka Hadad thunderer b aka Rider on the Clouds c wind god d fertility god rain for crops e farmers worshiped him f fishermen sailors worshiped him 3 son of Dagon god of grain 4 lives on a mountain Zaphon c Asherah d Anat 1 wife of El 2 mother of gods 1 sister of Baal 2 cf Apollo and Artemis like Anat and Baal 3 nubile virgin goddess 4 goddess of war and hunting bloodthirsty e Kothar wa Hasis 1 craftsman god 2 cf Hephaestus like Kothar wa Hasis f Shapash 1 sun goddess 2 linked to both life and death summer drought II Baal Cycle Cycle means grouping a group of poems about Baal b tablets found at Ugarit alphabetic script found in this region c found in library of chief priest of Baal temple Attanu Purlianni chief priest at the time of the Baal Cycles writing d scribe Ilimilku writter of the Baal Cycle e in reign of Niqmaddu II king of Ugarit c 1375 1345 BCE King during the writing of the Baal Cycle f composition of Attanu Purlianni and Ilimilku or just of Ilimilku No one knows who first came up with the Baal Cycle g poems in Baal Cyle recited in autumn rainy season III Baal Cycle The Poems a Baal vs Yam Sea combat myth succession myth b Palace of Baal aftermath of succession myth Baal as king c Baal vs Mot Death combat myth IV Baal vs Yam a Yam Sea 1 aka Nahar 2 aka river dragon serpent b messengers from Yam sent to El c gods afraid cf Tiamat d Give up the one you are hiding i e Baal e El agrees f Kothar makes 2 clubs for Baal g Baal smashes and defeats Yam 1 combat myth 2 order over chaos Yam is the chaos and Baal beats him and restores the order 3 cf Marduk vs Tiamat h Anat goes to battle 1 slaughters warriors 2 helps Baal defeat Yam
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