a acc to Roman poet Ovid s Metamorphoses c 8 CE b earth water Prometheus I Greek trickster god II exhibits several trickster qualities tricky deceitful amoral fire a b c malleable body 1 An eagle eats his liver every day 2 3 Liver regrows over night repeat close relationship with humans d e as a creator assoc with Pandora 1 2 human beings 1 2 Like in Genesis Like with pandora f transforms self world around him see III III culture hero combines e and f above gift of fire IV cf Enki Ea a trickster god b creation of humans Enuma Elish Atrahasis Prometheus in Hesiod s I acc to Hesiod Prometheus son of Titan Iapetos II Titans children of Gaia and Ouranos Theogony III Prometheus brothers a Epimetheus Atlas Menoitios b all four punished by Zeus in some way IV punishments a Epimetheus is given Pandora b Menoitios 1 Thrown in to Tartaros 2 Because of arrogance c Atlas sky supporter not earth a Prometheus and Zeus are first cousins peers roughly the same age 1 Has to hold the sky so it doesn t come crashing down to earth 2 Like Hurrian Ubelurri who supports the sky and earth underneath the bed of the sea V punishment of Prometheus a Bound tied up b eagle eats liver daily c Hero Heracles son of Zeus 1 will later kill eagle with bow and arrow 2 archer 3 Zeus wants Heracles to have as much glory as possible so has him kill the eagle VI acc to Greek tradition Prometheus bound to either a a pillar maybe Hesiod b c a cliff face impaled on a pillar column maybe Hesiod 1 Actually what the text says 2 Scholars disagree because it makes no sense 3 Say chains that bound prometheus must go through pillar d Scholars disagree on the text of how exactly prometheus is bound VII Hesiod s version either VI a or c Greek text c VIII acc to Hesiod reasons Prometheus is punished a b tricks Zeus with sacrifice steals fire IX Prometheus sacrifice trick in Theogony a Men and gods used to hang out women did not exist yet b They were having a feast at Mecone Sicyon Greek city men and gods divide up ox for sacrifice looks bad c decide on portions due human beings and gods decide to let Prometheus decide d Prometheus wraps bones bad in fat looks good and meat good in ox stomach e Zeus chooses bones in fat gods portion at a sacrifice aetiology 1 Why you burn bones and fat as a sacrifice for gods and humans keep the good part f Seems like Zeus was tricked but acc to Hesiod Zeus not fooled Hesiod s Theogony praises Zeus power wisdom 1 2 Although it defies the logic of the story Hesiod says Zeus knowingly chose the bad 1 Wants to punish Prometheus 2 Strikes at humans because of Prometheus trickster close relationship with human part of the sacrifice X because of trick Zeus does not give fire to men a Either men had fire and Zeus took it away b Or he was going to give men fire and then chose not to c But essentially zeus withholds fire from men beings XI Prometheus theft of fire a b steals fire in fennel stalk pith kind of like a match subject of satyr play depicted on vase 1 3 tragedies and then a satyr that makes fun 2 Satyrs are humanoid but have horse features 3 Hung out with dionesis sexual drunk gives fire to men but hesiod does not explain why c d Zeus has Pandora created to punish men Prometheus in Aeschylus Prometheus Bound a Prometheus as culture hero 1 Steals fire 2 unfairly persecuted by Zeus b Zeus as tyrant king insecure in power so rules with heavy hand 1 Much different that Hesiod s portrayal of Hesiod and Zeus 2 Zeus is veiwed negatively c Prometheus Zeus elder not peer as in Hesiod 1 acc to Aeschylus Prometheus son of Gaia aka Themis earth goddess 2 3 so Promethethus a Titan if Themis is his mother makes Prometheus Zeus uncle d no mention of sacrifice trick or of Pandora tricky nature 1 Aeschylus leaves this out to make Prometheus look better 2 Sacrifice trick and Pandora would draw attention to his tricky nature 3 Pandora is a result of Prometheus actions and is the source of all evil so that s a bad thing that came from Prometheus and is left out e reasons for Prometheus punishment 1 2 theft of fire refuses to tell Zeus a fate moira he knows a Zeus punishes him because he refuses to tell b Fake involves sea nymph Thetis f fate in question 1 Thetis sea nymph greek nature goddess of sea 2 son of Thetis will be stronger than father If zeus has a son with Thetis it will be stronger than him a b He might get overthrown 3 cf Metis cf Typhoios a Zeus got Metis pregnant b He swallows her c Athena pops out of Zeus head which nulls the prophecy because Athena was a daughter and not a son d Typhoios another threat to Zeus kingship 4 After Zeus hears fate he marries Thetis to mortal mortal man named Peleus son named Achilles greatest greek warrior during trojan war a b c Achilles is stronger than Peleus but is still half mortal so is no threat to Zeus g Prometheus gift of fire lines 436ff civilization to humans chariots ships 1 metallurgy tools 2 3 medicine 4 5 Aeschylus says the reason Prometheus stole fire is to give it to the humans unusual sacrifice prophecy makes humans closer to gods to know that because usually trickster motivations are unknown h Aeschylus Prometheus Unbound fragmentary part of trilogy 1 Prometheus released 2 reconciliation with Zeus i Prometheus 1 2 acc to Hesiod amoral deceiver a Zeus is wise and powerful acc to Aeschylus magnanimous culture hero a Zeus is tyrant king j plot of play 1 Kratos Power and Bia Force Violence a Both binatural b Tyrant king Zeus henchmen c order Hephaistos to chain Prometheus to a cliff base 1 Hephaistos blacksmith god 2 Hephaistos does this reluctantly because Prometheus is his uncles 3 But they make him Okeanids arrive Okeanos chorus of play 2 3 Okeanos arrives is a Zeus sympathizer a Okeanos fresh water river encircling earth b Greek river gods horns 1 Horns are a pun 2 keras horn or branch of a river c Wife Thetys 1 Name based on Akkadian Tiamat 4 Prometheus likens himself lines 342ff to a brother Atlas sky supporter b Typhon Apollodorus version 1 Typon is put under volcanic Mt Etna by Zeus c both persecuted by Zeus 5 Io arrives a b in cow form because of Zeus transformed by Zeus wants to sleep with as many goddesses woman as he can to hide her from wife Hera c Hera sends Argos down 1 2 3 guards Io to make sure Zeus doesn t sleep with her 100 eyes Zeus sends down Hermes to kill her d Hera sends …
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