Ancient Myth Final Exam Study Guide Gilgamesh Babylonian Myth Unug city in which Bilgames rules over Akkadian the culture of Giilgamesh Uruk city Gilgamesh is king of Bilgames king of Unug Ninsun wild cow associated with wisdom Gilgamesh s mother Lugalbanda Gilgamesh s father Sumerian king Epic of Gilgamesh standard version 12 tablets long flood myth Utnapishtim part of tablet 11 Belit ili forms Gilgamesh s body Enkidu wild man hairy uncivilized thwarts hunters second self Enkidu Gilgamesh s second self the reverse image counterpart of Gilgamesh Shamhat prostitute who has sex with Enkidu for 6 days and 7 nights to tame him tells Enkidu to go to Uruk and challenge Gilgamesh Ishtar goddess of love fertility and war Shamhat worships her culture Humbaba giant who guards the pine forest Ellil Mesopotamian storm sky god Gilgamesh and Enkidu don t want him to see them kill Humbaba Shamash Akadian sun god divine council myth Ninsun and Shamash Ninsun worried Gilgamesh will not be able to defeat Humbaba Ishtar and Anu Ishtar mad Gilgamesh rejected her wants to use the bull of heaven to get back at him Bull of Heaven unleashed in Uruk earthquakes landslides killed by Gilgamesh and Enkidu horns dedicated to Lugalbanda Utnapishtim the only man to become immortal Gilgamesh journey s to find him Scorpion man guards Mashu with his wife give Gilgamesh advice for becoming immortal Mashu entrance to the underworld where Shamash rises Ur Sumerian city where Scorpion man on Great Lyre lies a cemetery Great Lyre where Scorpion man s cemetery rests Siduri the alewife gives Gilgamesh directions to find Utnapishtim Urshanabi the ferryman to the underworld apsu the underworld river ring composition Gilgamesh beings and ends at the walls of Uruk Background Reading 8 Gilgamesh Sumerian Old Babylonian Standard Version Folktale Heroines Arne Thompson system used for classifying mythology according to their elements and structures a tale type of index the way the folktales were written mixture between Anti Arne and Stith Thompson and was revised by Thompson folktale motifs single element idea in story Motif Index of Folk Literature Stith Thompson folktale types type of stories AT Tale Type 720 My Mother She Killed Me My Father He Ate Me The Juniper Tree German to keep it short A rich man and rich woman want children have a son and the woman dies Remarries an evil stepmother who already has a daughter who wants to kill the son and succeeds in doing so Son is dead Daughter loves her half brother Mother tells the daughter to go upstairs to get her brother and if he doesn t answer hit him in the head She does and the head falls off and the daughter feels guilty Mother grinds his body into black pudding and the daughter takes his bones out to a Juniper Tree in a silver handkerchief Bird sees the daughter sings a song and the bird sings the song to three people in return of 3 gifts 1 goldsmith gold chain given to the father 2 red shoes given to the daughter 3 millstone dropped on the evil stepmother s head Marlinchen The Crow s Nest Hungarian Same story as Juniper Tree pretty much except no evil stepmother mother kills son for no reason Stews his body into stewed cabbage mother won t eat it father eats it Daughter takes bones out to a tree and a crow comes the crow s name is boy A man asks him to sing and he gets 3 gifts The Rose Tree English Same story as The Crow s Nest except there is an evil stepmother who kills and cooks her DAUGHTER not son this time and stewed her heart and liver Mother eats it father won t Son gets daughter s bones a bird comes sings a song around town and gets 1 cloak given to father 2 stick given to daughter 3 millstone dropped on mother s head 1 red shoes son 2 gold watch chain father 3 millstone dropped on mother AT Folktale Type 425 The Search for The Lost Husband The monster is the husband there s a disenchantment of the monster loses the husband searches for the husband and recovers the husband The end Cupid and Psyche Greek honestly just google Cupid and Psyche summary and look at the Schmoop website It s a really clear summary Cupid Eros infamous for causing trouble with his love arrows but his own arrow stings him in this story he falls in love with the most beautiful mortal in the world Psyche and goes against his mother s wishes Venus and in the end Cupid and Psyche become husband and wife for all eternity Psyche cannot see Cupid because he only visits her at night Psyche most beautiful mortal woman in the world Venus Aphrodite Cupid s mother Lucius Apuleius author of the story Cupid and Psyche embedded narrative story The Singing Soaring Lark I can t really provide a short summary for this one because it ll be too long It s better just to read the actual story like 3 big paragraphs long google it and read the summary on the classlit about com website Tale of Tulisa Indian You have to read this one as well lol I m sorry Tulisa wife of Basnak Dau and does not know his real name Basnak Dau king of snakes name of Tulisa s husband he could not tell Tulisa his powers and his mother Queen of Snakes gains power instead and takes over Sarkasukis Basnak Dau the name that Tulisa knows of India Nur Singh Buluqiya Tale of Buluqiya one of the 300 stories in The Thousand and One Nights The Thousand and One Nights Shariar marries virgins and kills them for 1001 nights Arabian Nights 1001 nights written in Arabic Arabic language the Tale of Buluqiya was written in Islam Sassanid Sassanian Sultan vizier Sultan s advisor Shahrazad frame narrative Scheherazade tells story of Buluqiya to keep Shariar from killing her Shahriar Sassanid Sultan marries virgins and kills them after his wife committed adultery Scheherazade volunteers to marry Shariar to stop his killings tells stories of interest and leaves him without the ending so that he can t kill her Tale of Buluqiya Sulaiman prophet who has a ring taken frm adam by gabriel which will make the wearer immortal Isle of First Sea full of gemstones flowers and fruit and surrounded by predators and sea monsters Isle of Seven Seas Isle of Seventh Sea each island contains something different on the 7th island is where sulaiman s ring is Yamlika has an underground kingdom with a plant that will allow you to walk on water Affan sage who guides Buluqiya Hasib Yamlika tells the 1001 nights to Hasib imbedded narrative story within a story Allah islamic god made a giant to guard the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil Background Reading 9 Buluqiya Mohammed
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