a b c d a b Creation in Hesiod s Theogony I Hesiod s Theogony Hesiod s father was from Kyme Hesiod has Anatolian connections His myths could have come from Anatolia Hesiod Greek poet c 700 BCE 1 2 theogony birth of gods 1 Gon gen means birth II Theogony Invocation to Muses lines 1 115 Hesiod calls on hymns Muses invocation a b Muses 1 2 goddesses of arts 9 daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne Memory a b arts Mnemosyne is binatural Connection between memory and the arts you need memory for the muses often accompany Apollo god of music healing disease prophecy Muses are closely connected to nymphs 3 4 epic poets e g Homer Hesiod 1 2 Muses on poetry say there is a connection between art and truth and fiction 1 2 Art and truth aren t necessarily the same thing It is inherently deceptive no matter how real it looks it isn t really the thing it is begin works with invocation to Muses Say muses inspire poets also musicians dancers etc 1 They tell him what to sing about go through the gods in condensed form trying to portray e Muses sing of creation cf Hesiod III Theogony The Creation Myth Prior he was inspired by the muses Now he is giving his theogony creation myth begins at line 116 1 2 four primal first gods 1 Chaos a b c d a b c a b a 2 3 4 chaos chasm empty space original meaning not what chaos means to us cf primordial waters sea chaos binatural god both god and physical space empty space Not told how he comes to be pops into existence earth binatural goddess physical earth and goddess Not told how she comes to be or how she appears in chaos Gaia Tartaros underworld pit prison binatural god pit under Gaia gods use him as prison throw defeated people into Tartaros Eros sexual desire binatural god Sex Important that he is one of the first gods because new gods need to be Eros Roman Cupid son of Aphrodite Roman Venus Aphrodite Venus goddess in charge of sexual desire sphere Isn t considered one of the first gods like in Hesiod s Theogony created for theogony later tradition of influence c creation of the universe four primal gods 1 2 Chaos Erebos and Night parthenogenesis virgin birth asexual Erebos later Hades specific region of Greek underworld as well as god Erebos Night Air and Day First sexual reproduction Night is the parent of day parthenogenesis Ouranos Sky binatural 3 4 5 Gaia Ouranos Mountains Sea through asexual reproduction Gaia Ouranos produce 3 sets of children Titans Okeanos Kronos Rhea et al 12 different ones in total Okeanos Ocean a b river encircling the earth Binatural Cyclopes 3 thunderbolts Master craftsman Create the thunderbolts for Zeus Hundred handers 3 Monstrous gods Important for zeus 50 heads 100 arms 6 still to be born in Theogony many more gods some binatural e g Sun Moon abstract concepts Sleep Death Victory monsters Cerberos Chimaera et al IV Theogony The Succession Myth a Hesiod s Theogony 1 2 3 4 hymn to Zeus king of Greek gods Praises power and wisdom of Zeus how Zeus becomes king cf Enuma Elish Marduk Poem in praise of Marduk Tells how Marduk becomes king of gods 5 cf Kumarbi Cycle Tessub Group of poems in praise of Hurrian storm god Tessub Also tells how Tessub becomes king 1 2 3 1 1 2 1 2 3 b c d e a b a b a b a b c a b c a b a b 6 cf Baal Cycle Baal a b Group of poems in praise of Baal Tells how baal becomes king b Zeus Marduk Tessub Baal all storm gods 7 four generations of gods in Theogony 1 1st generation four primal gods and immediate offspring incl Ouranos born out of Gaia al 2nd generation children of 1 incl Titans Kronos Rhea et al 3rd generation children of 2 incl older Olympians Zeus Hera Hades et 4th generation children of 3 incl younger Olympians Athena Apollo Heracles et al c succession myth tells how god becomes king of gods usually by overthrowing someone else king of gods father overthrown by son Ouranos to Kronos to Zeus Zeus ends cycle a b Theogony is not just the story of how Zeus becomes king But also how he stays king succession myth 1 Ouranos and Kronos 1 Ouranos sky king of gods d Becomes king as soon as he is born from Gaia asexual Doesn t depose anyone Gaia Ouranos Titans Ouranos doesn t want Titans to be born so he stuffs Titans in back inside earth Gaia Gaia s revenge She talks to the children inside of her and asks who wants to take revenge on Ouranos Kronos says he will Kronos lies in wait sickle of adamant produced from Gaia Ouranos is the sky has to come down when he wants to sleep with Gaia Kronos jumps out of Gaia and castrates Ouranos with sickle separation of earth and sky Explanation for why earth and sky are split Kronos throws genitals behind his back drops of blood from Ouranos genitals fall on earth Gaia born from Ouranos blood and Gaia Erinyes Giants Furies spirits of blood vengeance 1 2 a b a b c said to be earth born Often enemies of the gods Born from an act of violence giants are vilent 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 a b a b c d a b a b 3 Meliae Ash tree Nymphs nymphs females spirits goddesses of nature landscape ash trees used for spears a b c i ii Spears are associated with bloodshed Meliae were born from an act of bloodshed 9 10 Genitals sail through the air and finally land in sea birth of Aphrodite from sea foam surrounding Ouranos genitals sea foam Aphrodite from foam aphros 1 2 False etymology Maybe comes from Hesiod wanting to say Aphrodite was born from riding in the sea a seashell other sources Zeus Dione Aphrodite e succession myth 2 Kronos and Zeus 1 2 Kronos king of gods as soon as he castrates his father Ouranos Kronos sister earth goddess Rhea older Olympians Children Zeus Poseidon Hades Hera Demeter Hestia 5 not Zeus are swallowed by Kronos 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Kronos hears prophecy from Gaia Ouranos Kronos will be overthrown by his son Kronos swallows children whole as Rhea gives birth to them Rhea is mad Gaia to Rhea Hide Zeus on Crete Give stone to Kronos so he thinks it s Zeus and swallows it Rhea can hide Zeus Rhea gives Kronos stone Zeus grows up big and strong on Crete Zeus makes Kronos regurgitate the stone and his children now Zeus is first born not last siblings have to be reborn from Kronos 1 2 3 stone placed at Delphi becomes sacred stone omphalos navel Delphi center of world Delphi sacred to Apollo Zeus throws Kronos into Tartaros Zeus frees Cyclopes from Tartaros Because in …
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