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Oedipus 1 Oedipus Greek hero Has two mortal parents Merope and Polybos Oedipus means oed swollen and pous foot swollen foot because he had the pins in his ankles Oedipus is told he will kill his father and marry his mother 2 Laios King of Thebes Him and his wife Jacasta go to Apollo to see how they can have children 3 Jocasta Queen of Thebes Herself and her husband Laios go to Apollo to see how they can have children 4 Thebes Laios and Jacasta are the king and queen of Thebes 5 Delphic oracle oracle of Apollo at Delphi Thought of as a place where you could communicate directly with a god at this place Often a priest priestess there to act as an intermediary Tells Oedipus he will kill his father and marry his mother 6 Apollo God of prophecy Laios and Jocasta go to Apollo to see how they can have children 7 Delphi the place where the Oracle of Apollo was It was thought of as a place where you could communicate directly with a god Often a priest priestess there to act as an intermediary 8 Merope Queen of Cornith Receive Oedipus from a shepherd and 9 Polybos King of Cornith Receive Oedipus from a shepherd and raises him as their own raises him as their own 10 Corinth Merope and Polybos are the king and queen of Cornith Oedipus leaves Corinth to save his parents so they wont be in danger of him killing his father Polybos or marrying his mother Merope 11 Creon Jocasta s brother Oedipus uncle Becomes King of Thebes when Oedipus kills Laios 12 Sphinx Sphinx is a monster that terrorizes Thebes He asks a riddle and kills whoever can t answer it Oedipus solves the riddle and Sphinx jumps to her death Creon rewards him kingship and the queen Jocasta The oracle has been fulfilled he has killed his father and now married his mother 13 Sophocles Athenian tragedian Lived to be around 90 years old Wrote over 120 plays however we only have 7 14 Oedipus the King written by Aristotle 15 Aristotle philosopher Uses Oedipus the king as a model for all tragedies 16 Poetics Literary criticism Philosopher Aristotle uses this 17 Hamartia Harmata is not a tragic flaw which was the oldview but it was a mistake made by hero of tragedy Repeated mistakes lead to their doom 18 Anagnorisis Means recognition At first the hero can t really see whats going on and then they have a moment of realization and finally realizes what was going on as seen with Oedipus 19 dramatic irony audience knows more than characters This is seen as Oedipus doesn t realize when he kills the old man he is really killing his father 20 Teiresias bilnd prohphet Finally tells Oedipus he is the murderer 21 Chiton pins on Jocasta s dress After realizing the oracle was true and seeing Jocasta hung her self he uses the pins on her dress to gauge his eyes out 22 Sigmund Freud Austrian psychiatrist Came up with the Oedipus Complex According to Freud all sons want to sleep with their mothers and they re jealous of the fathers 23 Oedipus Complex Created by Freud It is the sexual desire of son for mother and the jealousy of son for father 24 Herodotus Greek historian He has a different metaphorical meaning for Greeks Tells the story of Hippias the exiled Athenian tyrant 25 Hippias exiled Athenian tyrant Greek historian Herodotus tells his story Another Oedipus The Tragedies of Sophocles and Seneca 26 Seneca 4 BCE 65 CE Roman statesman philosopher and author He was the advisor to Roman Emperor Nero and the prominent Roman Stoic 27 Stoic Seneca was the prominent Roman Stoic Stoics believe that the world would end in either fire or water 28 Seneca s Oedipus examined themes he thought was important Had many similarities as well as differences from Sophocles Oedipus Rig Veda 29 Rig Veda oldest literary work of India Earliest form of Sanskrit language Rig praise veda knowledge knowledge in the praise of the gods 30 Sanskrit Indo European language Related to English ancient Greece Latin and German The Rig Veda was the earliest form of Sanskrit language 31 Vedic people composed Rig Veda We think they called themselves the Aryans 32 Agni Vedic god of fire Binatural god Controls all possible senses of 33 Soma Defied sacred drink We don t know exactly what Soma was made of but it was a drink that somehow produced a narcotic high effect 34 Indra King of the Vedic gods God of thunder and war Avid drinker fire of soma 35 Vritra Dragon serpant Holding back all the waters of the world Indrud uses her thunderbolts to attack and kill Vritra and then rivers are created 36 Tiamat Sea god who battles a storm god and her waters are released to create rivers similar to Vritra The Tigris and Euphrates rivers are created out of her eyes 37 Sarama Indra s dog Loyal dog that can talk 38 Panis demons who live beyond the River Rasa that encircles the heaven and earth They stole cattle and Indra s dog Sarama is tracking down the cattle 39 river Rasa encircles the heavens and the earth The Panis or demons live beyond it 40 Golden Embryo unknown creator god Given the title not the name as the Golden Embryo Referred to as Hiranyagarbha There are a lot of internal contradictions with the golden embryo 41 Hiranyagarbha is the Golden Embryo Gold hirany and womb seed embryo egg garbha 42 Prajapati creator god seen in a later addition 43 Purusha comsic giant and primeval male He is not a human being he is a god and a giant Sacrificed to create the universe 44 Aditi female creative force infinity we think she is the mother of Indra Give birth to earth which holds up the sky 45 Daksha male creative force Aditi vies birth to him and he gives birth to her Another internal contradiction 46 Martanda Sun god one of Aditit s sons Rejected by Aditi because the sun dies sets every day she thinks it s defected 47 Yama King of the dead First moral to reach death realm succefully 48 Three Days of Soma Ceremony After cremation the fire burns for 3 making it to the afterlife days Chinese Creation and Flood 49 Chinese Originally the indigenous languages spoken by the Han Chinese in China Distinguished by its high level of internal diversity 50 Shang or Yin Dynasty first period of Chinese history From 1766c 51 Chou Dynasty Second period of Chinese history From 1123c 221 1123 BCE BCE 52 Han Dynasty 206 BCE 220 CE Golden age of ancient Chinese 53 Questions of Heaven larger work of poetry Part of Ch u Tz u the culture Hits a high point songs of Ch u 54 Ch u Tz u Songs of Ch u Larger work of poetry 55 Ch u Yuan Author of Ch u Tz u we don t know if he existed or not First named Chinese poet 56 Ch u Sate in

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FSU CLT 3378 - Oedipus

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Rig Veda

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Rig Veda

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Rig Veda

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Rig Veda

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Rig Veda

Rig Veda

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