CLT 3378 Ancient Mythology East and West Lecture Outline Enuma Elish I Mesopotamia a land between rivers b Tigris and Euphrates II Mesopotamian civilizations a Sumerians 1 earliest Mesopotamian civilization 2 earliest human civilization period 3 5million years ago Had their own language b Akkadians 1 later Mesopotamian people Semitic language 2 influenced by Sumerians 3 later subdialects of Akkadian desended from Sumerian language a Assyrian b Babylonian III Enuma Elish a Babylonian creation epic b Enuma Elish When on high c poem recited performed at New Year Festival Akitu d tells of rise to power of Marduk 1 Marduk patron god of Babylon 2 storm god 3 NOT binatural e c 1000 BCE f 7 cuneiform tablets g cuneiform came from the Sumerians 1 wedge cuneus shape forma 2 wedge shaped writing h Enuma Elish written in Akkadian cuneiform i poetry vs prose Poetry came first because it was easier to remember IV Enuma Elish types of myth a creation myth creation of universe beginning with Apsu Tiamat b succession myth Apsu Tiamat to Marduk c combat myth 1 Apsu vs Ea 2 Tiamat vs Marduk V Enuma Elish Apsu and Tiamat a in the beginning water primordial waters b Apsu Male fresh water Tiamat Female salt water and later sea c binatural space and god bodies of water and gods d Apsu and Tiamat they produce gods e Lahmu Lahamu Anshar Kishar all male f Anshar father of Anu male g Anu BinaturalGod upper sky h tripartite sky Belif of the Mesopotamians 1 upper sky Anu 2 middle sky 3 lower sky with stars constellations i Anu father of Ea Ea father of Marduk Anshar Anu Ea Marduk j noise of gods Makes Apsu want to kill all of the other gods k Apsu 1 can t sleep 2 plots destruction l Tiamat protests m vizier Mummu incites Apsu VI Enki Ea a Enki Sumerian Ea Akkadian aka Nudimmud 1 spheres of influence cleverness wisdom and fresh water 2 trickster god 3 assoc with human creation b finds out Apsu s plot c lulls Apsu Mummu to sleep d kills Apsu takes Mummu captive e home temple in apsu made from the dead body of Apsu and living places of Enki Ea reservoir of fresh water f Ea Damkina Marduk males 4 eyes 4 ears breathes fire g Anu Great Grandfarther gives 4 winds to Marduk Storm God VII Tiamat s plot a winds from Marduk disturb Tiamat sea b gods can t sleep c Tiamat creates army 11 monsters d god Qingu made by Tiamat a leader of army b given Tablet of Destinies c Tablet of Destinies controls gods powers spheres of influence e Ea finds out plot goes to Anshar Grandfather f Anshar sends 1 Ea Is sent first to killl Tiamat but returns and says can t do it 2 Anu Is sent second to kill Tiamat but returns and says can t do it but my son can 3 Marduk Is sent thrid and if he kils Tiamat he will be declared King of the Gods VIII Marduk becomes king a gods swear allegiance to Marduk b declare him king of gods c Marduk with bow and winds IX Tiamat s monsters passage a repeated by 1 Tiamat 2 Ea 3 Anshar 4 Kakka or Gaga vizier of Anshar b repetition effects 1 song chorus 2 emphasizes Tiamat monsters 3 emphasizes Marduk s deed X Battle between Storm God and Monster a recurring mythic idea in ANE b storm god often king of gods c monster often assoc with primordial waters or sea d monster often dragon like or serpentine XI Marduk battles Tiamat a Marduk uses the winds blows up Tiamat into a balloon and then shoots Tiamat with an arrow b splits Tiamat in two e is Tiamat dragon like serpentine 1 not explicit in Enuma Elish 2 assoc with primordial waters sea 3 Babylonian cylinder seal 1 lower sky stars and sky 2 earth c tripartite earth 1 earth 2 apsu abode of Ea 3 underworld d from Tiamat 1 eyes Tigris and Euphrates flow 2 breasts become mountains e Qingu taken captive XII aftermath of battle a Marduk gives Tablet of Destinies to Anu b Marduk creation of humans work of gods c Ea Use blood of Qingu d Marduk or Ea kills Qingu creates humans e gods build Babylon 1 also build Temple of Marduk 2 a ziggurat f Enuma Elish celebrates founding of Babylon Temple of Marduk g poem ends with ceremonial names for Marduk
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