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CLT3378 02 Ancient Mythology East and West Fall 2015 List of Terms cuneiform script Atrahasis and Flood Babylonian myth in Mesopotamian Dating around 1700 BCE in Akkadian using the An apocalyptic myth some short of destruction that the gods send to the humans a flood myth is an apocalyptic specific myth We have two fragmented versions o Old Babylonian version c 2000 1600 BCE o Standard Babylonian version c 1000 539 BCE Atrahasi Ipiq Aya Ellil o Hero o He was an extra wise human o He was worried about his people getting killed when Ellil sent the plague to destroy the humans He then began to worship another god Namtara who lifted up the plague that Ellil sent When Elli sent a famine he worshipped another god Adad who lifted the famine When Ellil tries to then destroy the humans with a drought Atrahasi then turns and worships another god whose name is unknown When Ellil decides to send a flood Atrahasi was the human behind the wall that over heard Ea Enki speak of the flood o Because it is dated earlier we assume that he is author o Similar to the Greek author Homer who we assume is the author or compiler although it is unclear if he really existed o When the working gods went on strike from digging the irrigation canals that separate the Tigris and Euphrates river go to him and complain about the hard labor He is the boss of the gods on Earth He doesn t know what to do with the gods on strike so he calls for the advice of the other two gods that rule the universe Anu and Enki Ea They say that they need Mami Nintu to create humans to work for them o After human beings are created 600 years pass the human population became overpopulated The noise that they were making was annoying Ellil He calls a divine council He wants to destroy the humans by sending a plague When this fails he sends a famine and that fails He then sends a drought when that fails he calls for another divine council and wants to send a flood on the humans o The birth goddess o Ea spoke to Nintu You birth goddess creatures of destinies establish death for all peoples o She wept over the humans who were going to die in the flood Mami Nintu o After the flood was over and they saw the boat and Atrahasis sacrificing she regrets sending the flood and the pivotal point of the myth comes where the gods realize they shouldn t have sent the flood o At the end of the poem she solved the human overpopulation problem by giving humans a human lifespan or making them mortal o Is the slain god whose blood is mixed with clay so the creator goddess can make 14 pieces 7 women and 7 men o Atrahasis was king of the Shuruppak o Enki advises Atrahasis to go on a worshipper strike so he stops worshipping Ellil and starts worshipping only Namtara o Namtara then lift up the plague o After Namtara lifts Ellil s plague Ellil makes a second attempt to kill the humans and sends a famine Atrahasis then gets advice from Enki to go on another worshipper strike Atrahasis then only worships Adad Adad then lifts the famine o When Enki indirectly told Atrahasis of the flood that was coming he was talking to a wall reed hut o Savior he promised Ellil to not tell a human about the flood But because he is a trickster god he indirectly tells a human Atrahasis by talking to a wall o Enki tells Atrahasis to build a boat that is circular made of palm fibers Ilawela Shuruppak Namtara Adad reed hut Ea Enki coracles basket boat New Atrahasis Fragment o Finkel s translation of the Atrahasis Flood the god Ea has decided to spare on just man speaks to Atram Hasis Sumerian king who lived before the flood and was the Noah figure in earlier versions of the ark story Atram Hasis commands the unfortunate boat builder whom he leaves behind to meet his fate about sealing up the door once everyone else is safely inside Utnapishtim Noah and Flood have two different accounts Like a mashup taking two different accounts and making a new version o One version where it rains 40 days and 40 nights o Second version where the heavens open up and the seas rise along with it raining for 150 days Epic of Gilgamesh o First standard version was made in 1200 but may be revised until 650 o It took 12 cuneiform tablets to write on o Briefer than the Atrahasis flood because it only talks about the flood o Utnapishtim doesn t state why the gods sent the flood in the beginning o Story with in a story Gilgamesh s story and then Utnapishtim tells him his flood story Utnapishtim o Means he found life he survives the flood and is given immortality eternal life he and his wife is granted this by the gods after the flood o Hero o He was the king of Shuruppak o Tells his own flood myth He is talking to Gilgamesh o Is warned indirectly by Ea a flood is coming build a boat and put o Means waterproof o Utnapishtim s boat must be made bitumen animals on it Bitumen Mt Nimush on Mt Ninmush Noah o The flood ends after 6 days and 7 nights with Utnapishtim s boat landing o Both sent a raven and dove out to test and see if the water was dried up and land was poling out o For this class it is said that the Gilgamesh myth has a direct influence on the authors story about Noah and the flood o The god Yaweh tells Noah in this order that he is going to destroy life he wants Noah to build a boat says he is going to send a flood first mention of a flood is to Noah and he says the he will make a form covenant and he wants Noah to put his family and animals on the boat o When Noah is told about the flood this stands in place of the missing gods to have a divine council myth like a formal announcement o Along with other directions Yaweh tells Noah to build his boat of materials of cypress wood gofer wood o Flood ends with Noah s boat on Mt Ararat o A formal agreement o A covenant o Yaweh formed a beirt where he says he will make a agreement with the human race to never send a flood anymore and rainbows symbolize this cypress wood Mt Ararat Berit Creation and Flood in Ovid s Culture is Roman Metamorphoses Ovid o Poet who wrote several works o The first emperor of Rhome exiled Ovid from Rhome carmen et error due to a mistake maybe because of his poem Ars Amatoria The Art of Love a sexual poem about how to pick up chicks o One of Ovid s works meaning the transformations o The first …

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