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November 16 2015 MAYAN AFTERLIFE 1 POP0L VUH A Mayan Civilization Indigenous to Central America Mexico Guatemala El Salvador Belize Settled 2000 BCE Mayan Civilization known for 1 Hieroglyphic script 2 Art and architecture 3 Science math and technology Spanish Conquest 1511 1697 CE 1 Fall of the last Mayan city 1697 B Popol Vuh Quiche Maya Guatemala Book of the Community Sacred History of the Maya 1 Myth history 18th century Spanish friar 1 Fransisco Ximenez 2 1701 copy of Popol Vuh 3 Oldest surviving copy 4 Parallel Quiche and Spanish manuscript C Background i ii iii iv v i ii iii iv i ii iii iv Twin brothers One Hunahpu and Seven Hunahpu One Hunahpu has two sons 1 One monkey and one artisan 2 Father and uncle teach them all sorts of skills 3 Children become specialists in writing painting music craftsmanship Foursome loves to throw dice and play ball 1 Large rubber ball special stone ball court Ball court located on road to underworld 1 Underworld Xibalba place of fear v vi Lords of underworld annoyed by the noise Twins challenged to play ball by gods and they accept D Lords of the Underworld Scab Stripper blood Gatherer draw blood Demon of Pus Demon of Jaundice swell body Bone Scepter Skull Scepter staff bearers reduce people to bone Demon of Filth Demon of Woe filthy doorways death i ii iii iv v Wing Packstrap sudden death vi vii E Journey to Xibalba Bloody teeth bloody jaws biting pain Major people of underworld One death and Seven Death Twins journey to Xibalba along road guided by messenger Landscapes passes 1 Rustling canyon and gurgling canyon 2 Scorpion rapids 3 Blood river 4 River filled with pus And then they came to the Crossroads but here they were defeated 1 Black road Road to Xibalba twins defeated again Lords of underworld tell twins to sit on the hot bench 1 Was really their stove 2 Butts burn lords laugh Xibalbans tell twins to go to the Dark House for sleeping quarters Xibalbans plot to kill the twins Lets just sacrifice them tomorrow it ll be quick F Houses of the Underworld Dark house complete darkness Rattling House also called cold house cold windy Jaguar House infested with Jaguars Bat house filled with bats Razor House filled with razor blades House of fire G Death and defeat of twins One and Seven Hunahpu were given cigars and a torch in the dark house 1 One and seven death ask for these things the next day 2 Cigars already consumed by twins and then they were sacrificed and buried They were buried at the Place of Ball Game Sacrifice as it is called i ii iii iv v vi i ii iii iv v vi i ii 2 iii i ii iii iv v vi i ii iii iv v vi i Head of one Hunahpu placed in front of the tree 1 Xibalban s forbidden to consume fruit from the tree H Birth of Hero twins I Hunahpu and Xbalanque Daughter of Blood Gatherer Blood Moon made pregnant from the fruit of the tree 1 Saliva of tree on hand pregnancy Father notices she is pregnant and orders that she be sacrificed 1 Messengers trick father into thinking she is dead 2 She goes off to the grandmother Blood moon goes to Grandmother and gives birth to the twins Twins defeat replace One Monkey and One Artisan Twins very clever love to play ball 1 Lords of Xibalba are annoyed again and challenge them to a game Before departure maize planted at Grandmother s house 1 Ritual practiced by Quiche 2 Dead crop dead twins 3 New harvest rebirth of twins Twins take same journey as older generation 1 Use a mosquito to discover Xibalbans among mannequins 2 Mosquito bites yelping identification of lords among mannequins Twins told to sit on the bench 1 Say no bench hot stone for cooking Twins sent to Dark House but not defeated 1 Given cigars and torch but don t use them 2 Trick lords into thinking that they used them by using animals in nature that give off light fireflies a Stick them on the top of their cigars to trick them Twins play ball game and Xibalbans 1 Xibalbans unsuccessfully try to trick the twins 2 Twins win the first match Xibalbans win the second match Because of the tie twins sent through houses of underworld J Houses of Underworld Razor House meant to cut through the twins 1 They told the knives and they no longer moved rather each and every knife put down its point ii Jaguar house meant to eat twins 3 1 Twins distract them with animal bones House of fire 1 Twins a little toasted but not burnt Bat house 1 Hunahpu and Xbalanque hide in their blowgun to avoid bats a Hunahpu checks for dawn snatch bat takes off his head Xbalanque has animals bring their food stuff 1 Uses a squash for Hunahpu s head K Victory for Hero twins Xibalbans use the head of Hunahpu as ball for game Ball goes out of bounds rabbit appear Xibalbans chase after rabbit Xbalanque replaces his brothers head replace game ball with substitute head Twins win third match L Final defeat of death Twins return to Xibalba as performers 1 Ultimate trick Xbalanque sacrifices Hunahpu and revives him One and Seven Death want trick performed on them 1 They are sacrificed but don t bring them back to life 2 Twins reveal themselves order no more human sacrifices Grandmother weeps at the dead corn dead twins 1 Buries dried corn and a new harvest appears 2 Symbol of rebirth and triumph over death iii iv v i ii iii iv v i ii iii 4

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