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Atrahasis Babylonian flood hero King of Shuruppak city Means extra wise Babylonian Name of man who wrote the Atrahasis myth Babylonian God of all gods Controls the storms and the winds and seeks to destroy all humans with a flood Nintu Mami Babylonian Goddess that created humans Babylonian He was killed to create humans along with with blood and clay Babylonian city that Atrahasis ruled during the flood myth Ipiq Aya Ellil Ilawela Shuruppak Namtara Adad Babylonian A god Ea makes everyone worship He lifts the plague Babylonian A god Ea makes everyone worship Saves humans from drought Reed hut important New Atrahasis Fragment Atrahasis and Flood Babylonian flood myth Epic of Gilgamesh Utnapishtim A Mesopotamian epic poem One of the earliest surviving works of literature Written on 12 cuneiform tablets Mesopotamian Gilgamesh comes to him because he wants to know how to become immortal Lives in the mouth of the rivers underworld type place King of Shruppak Mesopotamian Waterproof supply for creating the boat Mesopotamian The mountain that the boat hit and stayed on after the flood Bitumen Mt Nimush Noah Mesopotamian Favored by Yahweh when he decides to destroy humanity Survives the flood with his wife sons and animals Convinces Yahweh that not all humans are wicked Cypress wood Mesopotamian Used to make the boat for the flood Mt Ararat Mesopotamian The mountain that the boat hit and stayed on during the flood Comparable to Mt Nimush in Utnapishtim Berit Mesopotamian A formal agreement Native American Raven Tlingit People that were in America before the Europeans came Trickster god of the Tlingit people Associated with creation and distributor of things in the world Indigenous people of the pacific northwest coast of America in early 20th century Nass River Kit ka ositiyi qa River in Northern Canada Mentioned many times throughout the myths God of the Tlingit people Father of Raven Allows Raven to create the world Aetiology West Africa Anansi Nyame Petrel Coyote Klamath Thunder Has an everlasting spring of water Raven steals the water from Petrel to create all the rivers of the world Trickster god from the western U S Culture hero because he gives fire to the world The myth of Coyote belongs to them Coyote is their trickster god Has control of fire and keeps it inside a rock Plays a dice game with Coyote in which he loses because Coyote cheats Set of causes or manner of causation of disease of condition West African trickster Means spider or man many variations of name Sky god of West Africa Owns all the stories of the world according to the myth of Anansi Kweku Kwaku Anansi Portrays Anansi as a man Means born on a Wednesday Mmoboro Means hornets Anansi the spider captures him to give to Nyame in exchange for his stories Associates Anansi with language Means python Anasi the spider captures him to give to Nyame in exchange for his stories Common name for leopard character of Ashanti folk tales Anansi the spider captures him to give to Nyame in exchange for his stories Onini Osebo Okyeami Baduasemanpensa Owoh Secret name of Nyame s daughter in the story The Competition for Nyame s Daughter Anansi finds out the name by hiding in a tree A snake that Anansi borrows money from and is unable to pay him back so Anansi gives yams to the snake and snake accuses him of stealing yams so Anansi kills snake with knife Tsin Rig Veda The son of Anansi He is a farmer Rig means praise Veda means knowledge Oldest literary work of India Was only shared orally for centuries until it was written down Sanskrit Vedic people Indo European Language Spread throughout most of Europe Composed the Rig Veda Comparable to how israelites composed scripture Agni Soma Indra Vritra Tiamat Binatural god god and thing fire Being fire he is necessary for sacrifice to burn animals Binatural god and thing sacred drink Hallucinogenic drink that supposedly makes gods immortal King of the gods God of thunder war rain and fertility Serpent who hoards all of the water Gets slayed by Indra with the thunderbolt Wants to avenge Apsu her lover Gives birth to monsters Killed by Marduk Sarama Panis Indra s dog Demons River Rasa Golden Embryo Encircles heaven and earth Unknown creator god Arises from primordial waters but also creates waters Separates earth and sky but also creates earth and sky Hiranyagarbha Also means Golden Embryo Prajapati Purusha Aditi Daksha Martanda Yama Gives birth to earth and sky Gives birth to Daksha and bears 7 perfect sons and one imperfect son Male Gives birth to Aditi after Aditi gives birth to him AKA the sun Aditi s imperfect son who is cast aside Will die young First immortal man God of the dead Asked to guide dead to pleasant afterlife Three Days of Soma When the fire continued to burn after cremation for three days as the spirit made its way to the afterlife Norse sir Vanir Norse Vikings People who lived in medieval Scandanavia Once a race of gods in norse mythology Lived in Asgard Fertility gods Vanirs were once the enemies of the Aesir After making peace with Aesir the Vanir resided in Asgard with them Norse mythology Sea god Belongs to the Vanir race of gods Father of the twins Frey and Freyja Norse Mythology God of fertility of the earth Belongs to the Vanir race of gods Son of Njord Norse Mythology The goddess of sexual desire Belongs to the Vanir race of gods Daughter of Njord Norse Mythology Giants They were the enemies of the Aesir and Vanir Not always gigantic Called giants because they are a family of related beings Njord Frey Freyja J tnar Odin Norse Mythology The king of Aesir God of death and cleverness prophecy Norse Mythology A place in Asgard for a select group of souls that have been slain IN BATTLE Odin is in charge of it Warriors here await Ragnarok Norse Mythology Home to the Norse gods of Aesir Valhalla Asgard Valkyries Norse mythology Means Chooser of the slain Female spirits of battles Saehrimnir Norse mythology The creature killed and eaten every night by those in Valhalla as a reward for those who get to stay there Norse mythology Goat in Valhalla Those who are granted stay in Valhalla and drink mead from Heidrun Heidrun Sleipnir Norse mythology Odin s horse Has eight legs Norse Mythology Raven Norse Mythology Raven Hugin Munin Yggdrasil Thor Mjollnir Loki Fenrir Norse mythology A huge tree that is in the center of the Norse world Odin is said to have hung himself from this tree for 9 days and was given the gift of prophecy Norse mythology The son of Odin Storm god who

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