Ancient Myth Study Guide Creation in Hesiod s Theogony Greek Myths Hesiod Greek poet Theogony birth of gods proem Muses Zeus s and Mnemosyne s Memory 9 daughters and goddesses of arts and their hearts set upon singing they accompany Apollo god of Music healing disease and prophecy Helikon The First Four gods 1 Chaos chasm or empty space cf primordial waters sea chaos binatural asexually gives birth to Erebos and Night they later have sex to create Air and Day incest 2 Gaia Ge earth goddess binatural asexually gives birth to Ouranos Mountains and Sea later has sex with Ouranos and they have 3 sets of children Titans Cyclopes and Hundred Handers Gaia gets upset at Ouranos for sending the Titans down to Earth as soon as they re born and wants revenge Kronos one of the Titans wants revenge also and he receives a sickle made of adamant from his mother Gaia and cuts off Ouranos s genitals which the separation of the Earth and the Sky 3 Tartaros underworld pit prison binatural 4 Eros sexual desire binatural god Erebos later Hades where the souls of the dead go when you die mates with Night to create Air and Day Ouranos sky binatural created asexually by Gaia sent the Titans to earth Gaia as soon as they re born Gaia gets upset and wants revenge Ouranos s balls were cut off by Kronos and his adamant sickle that Gaia gave to him and his blood drips all over Earth and 3 children are born Erinyes Giants and Meliae Titans Okeanos Kronos Rhea and et al children of Gaia and Ouranos Cyclopes 3 of them born children of Gaia and Ouranos master craftsman and they make the thunderbolts for Zeus Hundred handers 3 of them born children of Gaia and Ouranos 50 hands on each arm and are extremely strong creatures Zeus king of the gods in the second succession myth he is sent to Crete to be hidden from his father Kronos because he is swallowing all this children Zeus grows up Zeus overthrows Kronos and becomes king of the gods after winning the battle vs the Titans Zeus throws them into Tartaros Kronos one of the Titans that also wants revenge on Ouranos his father for sending him down to Earth and abandoning him he receives an adamant sickle from Gaia his mother and cuts off the genitals of his father Ouranos in the second succession myth Kronos king of the gods Kronos hears a prophecy that he will be overthrown by his son and he swallows his children cf this upsets Rhea and Gaia tells Rhea to hide Zeus on Crete an island Rhea gives Kronos a stone to eat instead of Zeus Kronos regurgitates the stone now a sacred stone in Delphi and children Hades Poseidon Hera Hestia and Demeter sickle a sharp tool used for cutting that Kronos used to cut off Ouranos s genitals adamant the material that the sickle was made out of Erinyes Furies spirits of blood vengeance formed from the blood that dropped onto Gaia Earth from the castration of Ouranos Furies Erinyes Giants formed from the blood that dropped onto Gaia Earth from the castration of Ouranos Meliae Ash tree Nymphs Ash Tree is a hard wood used to make spears Nymphs females spirits goddesses of nature formed from the blood that dropped onto Gaia Earth from the castration of Ouranos Ash tree Nymphs Meliae Ash Tree was used to make spears and Nymphs are female spirits goddesses of nature nymphs goddesses of nature female spirits aphros foam how Aphrodite was born Aphrodite formed from the blood from the castration of Ouranos landing in the Sea and foaming up Dione mated with Zeus to create Aphrodite Rhea mates with Kronos to form the Olympians Rhea is mad at Kronos because he is swallowing his children and she hides Zeus on Crete and replaces him with a stone for Kronos to swallow Kronos swallows the stone and Zeus grows up Olympians children of Kronos and Rhea Zeus Hades Poseiden Hera Hestia and Demeter the Olympians fought the Titans and this was a 10 year battle omphalos navel Delphi where the sacred stone that Kronos regurgitated is center of the world sacred to Apollo Apollo god of music healing disease and prophecy Threats to Zeus s Rule in Theogony 1 Titanomachy battle with Titans 10 year battle with the Olympians Gaia gives Zeus the Hundred Handers children of Gaia Ouranos so the Olympians Hundred Handers thunderbolts winds the Titans losing Zeus throws them into Tartaros 2 Metis cleverness early mate of Zeus and gets her pregnant the prophecy is that the son would overthrow the father and Zeus swallows Metis Zeus now filled with cleverness and Athena is born from Zeus s head 3 Typhoios Typhoeus Typhon fire child of Gaia Tartaros 100 headed fire breathing dragon read the sounds he makes order vs chaos since serpents are associated with Earth in Greek mythology this make Typhoios the product of Gaia Earth in Greece serpents are associated with Earth NOT water like the ANE serpents are cf Tessub storm vs Ullikummi stone that grows out of the sea Zeus lightning vs Typhoios fire storm god vs dragon like monster cf Tiamat vs Marduk Yam vs Baal Leviathan Rahab vs Yahweh elohim adonay Athena goddess of mental craftiness military strategy for war Zeus swallows Metis and Athena pops out of Zeus s head Apollodorus Pseudo Apollodorus falsely ascribed to the Library version of Zeus vs Typhon Typhoios Ge Gaia Tartaros Typhon 100 headed fire breathing dragon Typhon flees from Zeus and Zeus wounds him with his thunderbolt and sickle Typhon receives the sickle and attacks Zeus strips him of his senews in his hands and feet and deposits him in a cave the cave is guarded by dragoness Delphyne Hermes gets Zeus s son gets his senews back and Zeus attacks Typhon with his thunderbolts Zeus then takes Mt Aitna and puts it on top of Typhon cf Illuyanka Myth Version II takes heart and eyes storm god is defeated son gets the heart and eyes back storm god comes back and defeats the serpent Library mythological handbook Greek probably written in the 1st or 2nd Century CE and was falsely ascribed to Apollodorus Delphyne dragoness she was put in charge of guarding the cave that Zeus was held in Mt Aitna volcano that Zeus put on top of Typhon the volcano is active because of Zeus s lightning bolts Background Reading 5 Phoenicians people living on the coase of modern day Lebanon the Greeks adopted the alphabetic script of the Phoenicians related to the earlier Ugaritic alphabet Ascra region in central Greece where Hesiod was born area known as Boeotia Cyme a city in Asia Minor another name for Anatolia or modern day Turkey Hesiod s father moved from to Ascra from a city named Cyme
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