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Gilgamesh An actual historical figure King of Uruk He is shaped by the creator goddess Belit ili who makes his form perfect Arrogant and out of control and people pray for relief to Anu Hero s second self 2 3 human 1 3 divine o Enkidu equal of Gligamesh o he represents nature lives in the wildnerness is a hairy uncivilized wild man that hangs out with the animals Buluqiya makes him burn to dust tomb robbing it Beowulf Affan the hero s second self is a sage and guide that goes with him to look for the ring Affan says he will get the ring off the corpse of Sulaiman and Buluqiya says a spell backwards that What they are trying to do is sacrilegious b c they want to be godlike beings and they are inside of a In the battle of the dragon the dragon attacks the Geats and Beowulf gathers men When the dragon attacks Beowulf the sword bounces harmlessly and everyone flees except Wiglaf the hero s second self Wiglaf has a sword and stabs it into the dragon s belly Beowulf dies from the dragon s venom Beowulf has a desire for lof or praise glory for deeds Creation Primordial waters Gods not yet born Golden Embryo unknown creator god referred to as Hiranyagarbha God named Prajapti creator god is addressed The golden embryo arises from primordial waters the waters earth and sky are created the earth and sky are separated Purusha cosmic giant primeval male killed and dismembered by a creator god and body parts are used to create the universe Purusha is the object and recipient of the first sacrifice Aditi female creative force infinity gives birthday to earth which gives birth to the sky Daksha opposite male creative force Aditi gives birth to him and he gives birth to her Sun is found in the water Aditi bears gods and the sun is rejected b c he dies everyday Yama king of the dead and the first mortal that reached the death realm in heaven Yama set the path for humans all strive to be like him and reach the afterlife when they die Two unusual four eyed dogs guard the path to the death realm When one dies a fire burns for 3 days and soma is offered in honor of the gods b c they believed it took 3 days for the soul to travel the path to get where Yama is After Life Chinese Creation First element in creation of cosmos o Empty space dark wet o Images no forms dark misty o Shapeless chaos o Hun Tun empty space chaos Yin and Yang rise out of Hun Tun and are opposites Yin heay feminine becomes earth and Yang light masculine becomes sky Yin earth and Yang sky are in the cosmic egg with P an Ku who is a primeval giant or god that keeps growing until the earth and sky are fully formed When he dies his body parts become different parts of the universe Nu Kua is the creator goddess that creates humans from mites on P an Ku s body o Aristocrats created out of yellow earth o Commoners created out of mud Gods sent a flood and Kun trickster god steals hsi hang or breathing earth from the gods The gods Yu a culture hero uses the his hang to stop the flood He travels the world and repairs it and works so kill Kun and from his belly Yu is born hard that he becomes ill and shriveled up Yu Walk shriveled up state Flood Norse Creation In the beginning there was void named Ginnungagap Niflheim cold realm in the north Muspell fiery realm in the south Niflheim and Muspell interact and create Ymir a frost giant Ymir s sweat creates frost giants After the ice melted Audhumla the cow appears and her milk feeds Ymir Buri the first of the AEsir appeared when the cow licked the ice blocks Buri had a son named Bor who bore a son with Bestla daughter of a giant and gave birth to Odin and brothers who kill Ymir The children becomes rulers of heaven and earth Parts of Ymir s body become parts of the universe Odin and brothers create humans from trees and other things in the universe Create Asgard home of the AEsir After Life Valhalla and Hel two death realms Valhalla upper world o For souls of warriors slain in battle o Odin in charge o Valkyries female spirits of battle go from Asgard to Misgard to choose out the slain warriors and escort their souls to Asgard o Warriors in Valhalla train until Ragnarok feast on a boar named Saehrimnir that regenerates and drink mid Hel o Underworld realm for souls who did not die in battle o Hel goddess in charge o Place of gloom cold dreary realm o All the souls here will fight on the side of the jotnar as evil Norns goddess of fate Flood 1 Flood of Ymir s blood gushes out All frost giants created from Ymir drown except Bergelmir and wife who take shelter in a wooden box lur All frost giants will be born from them Flood 2 but with fire In Hoddmimir s Wood forest two humans hide from the fire of Surt that ends Ragnarok named Lif Life and Lifthrasir life yearner All future humans will be born from them Difference when this occurs it is in the future rather than in the past Egypt Creation Heliopolitan Creation Myth o earliest Egyptian creation myth Old Kingdom o in the beginning Nu Nun god waters of chaos mound rises from water after order has been established these waters exist on edges of universe cf Nile flood people of Helipolis say theirs is the most important mound located in Heliopolis Atum assoc with the setting sun the all creative force people of Hetipolis say that Atum already existed but decides to appear on mound but preexists it coeval with Nun assoc with sun esp evening Atum patron god of Heliopolis sun city Atum produces o Shu god of air o Tefnut goddess of moisture o masturbation or sneezing Shu spitting Tefnut Shu and Tefnut mate produce o Geb earth god o Nut sky goddess Geb binatural god and Nut mate produce o brothers Osiris and Seth o sisters Isis and Nephthys o Ennead nine gods Atum Shu Tefnut Geb Nut Osiris Isis Seth Memphite Creation Myth creation myth New Kingdom Nephthys o Ptah craftsman god o patron god of Memphis Memphis center of royal craftshops o Ptah creates world incl Ennead through heart mind and tongue speech cf creation by Atum cf Genesis 1 3 cf John 1 1 logos doctrine said mound located in Memphis the word was with God etc After Life Duat Egyptian underworld Egyptian view of afterlife was like life on earth paradisal What is necessary for a good afterlife o Ka sustaining the spirit of a person what keeps on alive It is represented as a spiritual ghostly double of a person and it needs sustenance in the afterlife One s family must bring offerings to tomb …

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FSU CLT 3378 - Gilgamesh

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