Tale of Buluqiya I Tale of Buluqiya one of c 300 stories in The Thousand and One Nights II The Thousand and One Nights Arabian Nights Arabic collection of stories a b c 1200 1300 CE III Sassanid Empire 224 651 CE IV 632 CE death of Mohammed The Thousand and One Nights TaON I frame narrative is NOT Tale of Buluqiya set in time of Sassanians a b begins ends TaON c d generates all stories in TaON cf Gylfaginning II in frame narrative Shahriar the Sultan a Shahriar starts off as a good king b Sultaness wife committs adultery c d He marries virgin sleeps with her kills her the next day e Goes on for awhile he has Sultaness killed but is still angry at all women III vizier s daughter Scheherazade or Shahrazad a volunteers to marry the Sultan b aims to stop murders by marrying him c Starts to tell a story but tells only part of the story a The sultan wants to hear the end of the story so he doesn t kill her b Scherherazade does this over and over never finishing a story at night c Goes on for 1001 nights d imbedded narrative story within story a characters within her stories are telling stories to other characters b cf Utnapishtim is the narrator of his own flood myth IV after 1001 nights Sultan humanized has been transformed by Scherherazade s stories pardons Scheherazade a b c end of frame narrative and of TaON Tale of Buluqiya and Epic of Gilgamesh I Tale of Buluqiya draws upon Epic of Gilgamesh a b oral transmission sailors traders II Buluqiya Bilgames Sumerian Gilgamesh s original name III compresses events characters from Epic of Gilgamesh Tale of Buluqiya I dying king says to son prince Buluqiya Bulukiya check possessions II Buluqiya opens a gold box a parchment written in Greek b Parchment is pre Islamic really old III parchment tells of magic ring on the finger of the corpse of prophet Sulaiman Hebrew Solomon a b Ring was originally worn by Adam in garden of Eden Gabriel took the ring after Adam was expelled and gave it to ring will give the bearer power over all living beings essentially makes them a god c d Ring is on the Isle of Seven Seas you have to cross 7 seas to get to the island e you can t sail to the Isle you have to walk across water after rubbing sap from a magic plant on your feet f Queen Yamlika underground has the magic plant g drink Fountain of Life beauty youth wisdom immortality IV sage Affan as guide V Yamlika is narrating this story to Hasib imbedded narrative VI Yamlika a gives Buluqiya plant b Tell him Don t try to get ring c offers second plant instead eternal youth VII Buluqiya and Affan travel over Seven Seas fantastic landscapes a b Candy fruit on one island c VIII come to Isle of Seventh Sea IX fruit tree Isle of First Sea is covered with brilliant gemstones giant guarding tree they want to pick the fruit from a b Giant tells them not to eat from the tree c Says the tree is the one Adam ate from Tree of Knowledge d Allah brought the tree to the island after Adam ate form it X tomb of Sulaiman a Affan says he will go get the ring b Buluqiya has to utter a magic spell to protect him c Buluqiya is nervous and says spell backward d Affan is turned to dust e Trying to get the ring is sacrilegious they re robbing a tomb and humans are not supposed to have god like power XI Buluqiya wanders around the island at a loss
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